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n1c0 n1c01a5
I'm building FEATURE 🏗️ Web3 Dev Tool to incentive Devs to fix Github Issues 🐙 #buidl maximalist 🦄

@feature-sh Bali 🌴

Nguyen Phi Truong truongnguyenptn
I'm a tech lover, I'm always push my self to the next level. I have skill in web development including frontend, backend, blockchain and cloud. Danang


@boostxyz Rochester, Minnesota

Daniel Lima karacurt
Blockchain Engineer at @G7DAO


Zhe zhe-t
Core @ SolWorks

Solana Beach

beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!


Ahsan Shah realahsanshah
AI, Blockchain and Full Stack Web Developer

Antematter Islamabad

Mike Cao sjaber0g

San Francisco, CA

Yashvardhan Jagnani jagnani73
Building @covalenthq | Ex @0xhashlabs | AWS CCP | Software Engineer | Pre-Fellow Summer'21 @MLH-Fellowship

Covalent New Delhi

Nikhill Vombatkere NVombat
Researching Zero Trust Security @ucalgary | Cyber Security Enthusiast | Back-end Software Developer | Interested in NetSec, Cryptography, Malware & Linux

Calgary, AB, Canada

Karan Pargal karanpargal
Full Stack Web3 Developer

Udhampur Jammu and Kashmir India

Gita Alekhya Paul gitaalekhyapaul
BUIDLing @abridged |Prev @MLH-Fellowship @aws-amplify , GitHub Extern @hoppscotch | Blockchain | Full-Stack | Web | IoT | Cybersecurity

@SRM-IST-KTR @team-envision @MLH-Fellowship @hoppscotch @aws-amplify @abridged Kolkata, India

Jani Anttonen JaniAnttonen
p2p & applied crypto

@STRGL-XYZ Turku, Finland

Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
Urban pseudobun
r&d engineer • @blockchain-lab-um@lutralabs • dog person • hiphop head • filmophile

@blockchain-lab-um @lutralabs @swaylend Maribor, Slovenia

Gabor Dolla agdolla
homo ludens

Budapest, Hungary

Joseph Gross Joseph-Gross

MIT Miami

Aaryan R S Aaryan-R-S
CSE Undergrad @IIITDelhi | SWE Intern @google | Web3 Enthusiast | Web Developer | Competitive Programmer | Love Cycling & Chess | Intermediate Guitarist

IIIT Delhi Delhi, India


Melbourne, AU