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Willem Mazzotti Pallard Willem-Mazzotti-P
Science and technology enthusiast. Concerned about the climate crisis. Working mainly with Energy Technology and Energy Systems (focus GSHPs and UTES)


Gianluigi Lopardo gianluigilopardo
Applied mathematician, PhD

European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main

John Freier gofullthrottle
I like building stuff. @Pangeam @VSTeam (Statricks) @EdgeLake

@Pangeam @VSTeam @EdgeLake Silicon Valley, CA

Harald haraldgroven Tromsø, Norway

Yuichi Yazaki n1n9-jp
Data Visualization Japan / Code For Tokyo

Notation LLC Tokyo Japan

Lars Buntemeyer larsbuntemeyer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Hamburg

John Poppelaars ORatWork

Doing The Math Rotterdam