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Saurabh Thakur Saurabh-Thakur-07
Engineering @Commvault | CS @ Thapar University
Yashwanth S yashwanths814
Inquisitive Android | AI ML |Open-Source Enthusiast | Contributer @ Delevelopers Community

Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Mysuru

Aryansh B aryanshb

Commvault Bangalore

commvaultlabs mericson-cv

commvault Tinton Falls, NJ

Rohan Tiwari RohanTWR
Project Associate @bitspostmanlab at BITS Pilani.
Akash Purandare akashpurandare
Innovator, tester and a full stack developer in one

@Commvault Bangalore, India

Manoranjan Reddy mreddy-cv
Working with @Commvault , looking into protection of Kubernetes, Openshift and other related stuff.

Commvault India

WalterLN walter-ln
Professor and researcher at Federal Institute of Science and Technology Education of Rio Grande do Norte

IFRN Natal


Savecore AB Sweden

mornlee mornlee


Sheza Nasim snasim-cvlt

Commvault Bangalore

Welcome to my playground😎all of my projects are open source, so feel free to gladly contribute and use them :)
AmrapaliK AmrapaliKumari
Enthusiast in Python Developer|| Full Stack Developer

TCS Banglore