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Melpen Yogi melpenyogi
Web Developer and then CMS Web Design jayapura papua

Thiago Morais thiagomorais87

@saldaterrago Goiânia - GO

Timothy Sullivan firstsparticle

Tri County Process Service Mount Vernon, Washington U.S.A.

DutchRaider DutchRaider
OpenSource and Linux Advocate Worked with HewlettPackard and IBM for 35+ years.
Jean Joas NIYITEGEKA jonilaki
Instructor in ICT at RP-IPRC Musanze


Diogo DiogoFilhoDeMorais
Technology on Analysis and System Development Student of Federal Institute of Goias.


Nadir Hamid nadirhamid
open source all projects 👍

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Mai mylnrys
Error 404: Bio not found.
Nam Pham nampdn

Somewhere on Earth

Brian Follas Senex-IT

EXCOMEDIA, Inc. Belews Creek, NC

Ivy Bowman ivybowman
My favorite color is pink, I have a passion for IT, and I'm working towards a cybersecurity career.

@INTERalliance United States

Marcos Cardoso de Oliveira omarcoscardoso
Entusiasta Linux, PostgreSQL, PHP, Shell-Script, Docker e Python. Atualmente atuando na Zamp/BurgerKing como analista de infraestrutura cloud.

@omarcoscardoso brazil