md2thmlpdf can convert markdown files to HTML and PDF with predefined styles.
The purpose is to replace Latex to produce standard documents like lessons, articles, etc. Latex is a good tool but styling with CSS is easier and more flexible than old Latex syntax.
With md2htmlpdf, you edit your style in CSS file, edit contents with markdown and you can generate beautiful documents in HTML and PDF.
HTML and PDF files look pretty the same, so you can put the HTML file on the web or print the PDF file for your students.
md2htmlpdf uses 2 external tools :
- pandoc
- wkhtmltopdf
⚠️ if you want footers in PDF you need the QT-patched version in Arch Linux !
You can install theese tools with your favorite distribution.
If you want to use equations, you need internet access to reach the transform application codecogs
md2htmlpdf requires 1 or 3 arguments.
Usage with 1 argument : md2htmlpdf
Example : md2htmlpdf examples/
Usage with 3 arguments : md2htmlpdf templateFile.template cssFile.css
- Template file to apply
- Css file to apply
- Markdown file to convert
Example : md2htmlpdf templates/lesson.template css/lesson.css examples/
All pandoc extensions for markdown are usable (equation, emoji, tables, ...)
At the beginning of markdown file put a Pandoc Title Block to describe your document like this :
% The Wonderful title
% My Name
% 20/04/2018
This block supports multilines :
% The Wonderful title
You can have a multilines title like this
% My Name
And my friend
And another one
% 20/04/2018
After a blank line you can write your document using markdown syntax. Look example files in examples directory.
You can edit your text using the standard Markdown syntax. But Pandoc includes a lot of extensions that are very useful like GFM - GitHub Flavored Markdown. So you can easily write : code blocks, task lists, tables, emojis 😃, strikethrough...
The example file shows you how to use them.
::: warning
You can add a warning block by using this syntax.
Use the standard Latex syntax :
Insert blank lines in Markdown is not always easy. Here you can add a
\ with two spaces at the beginning of the line.
One Pandoc Markdown extension is very powerful. You can assign a class name to a piece of text and decorate it as you want in the CSS file.
If you write in your Markdown file : bla bla bla [your important text here]{.inlinewarning} bla bla bla.
your important text here becomes a span with the class name inlinewarning, so you can style this piece of text in the CSS file.
In CSS file :
.inlinewarning {
background-color: yellow;
text-decoration: underline;
You can use the previous tip to force page breaks. At the end of the default CSS file you can find the @media print section.
In this section you can set values for widows and orphans and choose if you want to avoid a page break after the titles.
But you can also use the classes .pagebreakbefore and .pagebreakafter in your Markdown file to force a page break everywhere you want. Just add {.pagebreakbefore} after a title, like this :
# Wonderful title{.pagebreakbefore}
You can also assign these 2 classes to any piece of text using the previous tip.
You can find fonts used in the examples in the Fonts directory.