This document outlines the key differences in APIs between OrbbecSDK v2.x and the previous version OrbbecSDK v1.x. The primary areas of change are concentrated within the device and pipeline modules. We have deprecated or modified certain C and C++ interfaces to accommodate internal enhancements, improved functionality, and to reflect the discontinuation of support for certain devices.
The updates to the device module in our APIs primarily involve adjustments to interfaces that were either reserved for internal use or were not commonly utilized by developers.
- ob_device_set_structured_data_ext
- ob_device_get_structured_data_ext
- ob_device_set_raw_data
- ob_device_get_raw_data
- ob_device_get_protocol_version
- ob_device_get_cmd_version
- ob_device_write_ahb
- ob_device_read_ahb
- ob_device_write_i2c
- ob_device_read_i2c
- ob_device_write_flash
- ob_device_read_flash
- ob_device_set_sync_config
- ob_device_info_usb_type
- ob_device_send_file_to_destination
- ob_device_activate_authorization
- ob_device_write_authorization_code
- ob_device_load_depth_filter_config
- ob_device_reset_default_depth_filter_config
- writeAHB
- readAHB
- writeI2C
- readI2C
- writeFlash
- readFlash
- writeCustomerData
- readCustomerData
- setRawData
- getRawData
- setStructuredDataExt
- getStructuredDataExt
- getProtocolVersion
- getCmdVersion
- sendFile
- activateAuthorization
- loadLicense
- loadLicenseFromData
- getSyncConfig
- setSyncConfig
- sendFile
- activateAuthorization
- writeAuthorizationCode
- loadDepthFilterConfig
- resetDefaultDepthFilterConfig
The updates to the pipeline module in our APIs are primarily focused on the recording and playback functionality, which will be redesigned in upcoming releases. Additionally, other updates to the pipeline module are targeted at APIs that were either reserved for internal use or were not commonly utilized by developers.
- ob_create_pipeline_with_playback_file
- ob_pipeline_get_playback
- ob_pipeline_start_record
- ob_pipeline_stop_record
- ob_get_d2c_valid_area
- ob_get_d2c_range_valid_area
- Pipeline(const char *filename)
- getPlayback
- startRecord
- stopRecord
- getD2CValidArea