Releases: orange-cloudfoundry/orange-cf-bosh-cli
Releases · orange-cloudfoundry/orange-cf-bosh-cli
- Delete screen/byobu (tmux only)
- Add new k9s, velero, cf7 clis
- Add zsh
- Bump bosh-cli image to Ubuntu Bionic
- Bump ruby to 2.6.3
- Bump helm cli to 3.0.0
- Bump git to 2.17.1 (allow use of --recurse-submodules option)
- Bump Shield cli to 8.6.2
- Add log-shield to use shield cli
- Add use of uaa admin account for log-bosh and log-credhub (--uaa/-u option)
- Update init-mc (manage minio, prometheus, shield_local, shield_remote aliases)
- Set locales to en_US.UTF-8
- Dockerfile optimizations (maintenability)
- Add PATH and ruby environment variables in dockerfile for COA
- Delete peripli cli
- Update and readme with updates and new clis
- Fix long command in PS1 when uses proxy alias
- Centralyse colors management in .bash_profile
- Add cf-cli-cmdb-functions.bash from github repository (bash functions for OSB-CMDB) when building image and source file in .bash_profile
- Add minio cf blobstore alias in