The project was build with: rustc 1.64.0
, node v19.3.0
, yarn 1.22.19
wasm-opt 105
Run make test
to test smart contracts
Run make build
to build smart contract. Wasm files will be located in the
The smart contract accepts delegations from users to define their Tier
. Tier
value defines the amount of tokens the buyer can buy in the IDO contract.
Check secretcli version:
secretcli version
# Should return 1.6.0 or higher
WALLET="my wallet name"
WALLET_ADDRESS="my wallet address"
TIER_LABEL="tier contract"
# Choose a validator
secretcli query staking validators
# For example, we choose this one
secretcli config broadcast-mode block
# Find code_id value from the output
secretcli tx compute store ./build/tier.wasm \
--gas 1500000 \
--from "$WALLET" \
# example code id
# testnet
# mainnet
# BAND_CONTRACT=secret1ezamax2vrhjpy92fnujlpwfj2dpredaafss47k
BAND_CONTRACT_HASH=$(secretcli query compute contract-hash "$BAND_CONTRACT" | tail -c +3)
secretcli tx compute instantiate \
"validator": "'"${VALIDATOR}"'",
"deposits": ["25000000000", "7500000000", "1500000000", "250000000"],
"band_oracle": "'"${BAND_CONTRACT}"'",
"band_code_hash": "'"${BAND_CONTRACT_HASH}"'"
}' \
--gas 1500000 \
--from "$WALLET" \
--label "$TIER_LABEL" \
Check the initialization with:
# It will print the smart contract address
secretcli query compute list-contract-by-code "$TIER_CODE_ID"
TIER_ADDRESS=$(secretcli query compute list-contract-by-code "$TIER_CODE_ID" |
jq -r '.[-1].contract_address')
To deposit some SCRT, run:
secretcli tx compute execute "$TIER_ADDRESS" \
'{ "deposit": {} }' \
--from "$WALLET" \
--amount 5000uscrt \
To check your tier:
secretcli q compute query "$TIER_ADDRESS" \
'{ "user_info": {"address":"'"$WALLET_ADDRESS"'"} }'
# {"user_info":{"tier":4,"timestamp":1671696042,"usd_deposit":"250","scrt_deposit":"318"}}
To withdraw your SCRT:
secretcli tx compute execute "$TIER_ADDRESS" \
'{ "withdraw": {} }' \
--from "$WALLET" \
Claim your money after unbound period:
secretcli tx compute execute "$TIER_ADDRESS" \
'{ "claim": {} }' \
--from "$WALLET" \
The smart contract for the IDO platform.
secretcli tx compute store ./build/ido.wasm \
--gas 2500000 \
--from "$WALLET" \
# example code id
Instantiate contract:
NFT_ADDRESS="nft contract address"
NFT_CONTRACT_HASH=$(secretcli query compute contract-hash "${NFT_ADDRESS}" | tail -c +3)
TIER_CONTRACT_HASH=$(secretcli query compute contract-hash "${TIER_ADDRESS}" | tail -c +3)
secretcli tx compute instantiate \
"lock_periods": [864000, 1728000, 1728000, 1728000, 1728000],
"nft_contract": "'"${NFT_ADDRESS}"'",
"nft_contract_hash": "'"${NFT_CONTRACT_HASH}"'",
"tier_contract": "'"${TIER_ADDRESS}"'",
"tier_contract_hash": "'"${TIER_CONTRACT_HASH}"'"
}' \
--gas 2000000 \
--from "$WALLET" \
--label "$IDO_LABEL" \
Check the initialization with:
# It will print the smart contract address
secretcli query compute list-contract-by-code "$IDO_CODE_ID"
IDO_ADDRESS=$(secretcli query compute list-contract-by-code "$IDO_CODE_ID" |
jq -r '.[-1].contract_address')
Create IDO:
TOKENS_PER_TIER='["4000", "3000", "1500", "1000", "500"]'
IDO_TOKEN="snip20 token contract address"
IDO_TOKEN_HASH=$(secretcli query compute contract-hash "${IDO_TOKEN}" | tail -c +3)
PAYMENT_TOKEN="snip20 token contract address"
PAYMENT_TOKEN_HASH=$(secretcli query compute contract-hash "${PAYMENT_TOKEN}" | tail -c +3)
secretcli tx compute execute "$IDO_TOKEN" \
"increase_allowance": {
"spender": "'"$IDO_ADDRESS"'",
"amount": "'"$AMOUNT"'"
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
# pay with native token
# PAYMENT_TOKEN='"native"'
# pay with custom token
"token": {
"contract": "'"${PAYMENT_TOKEN}"'",
"code_hash": "'"${PAYMENT_TOKEN_HASH}"'"
# shared whitelist
WHITELIST_OPTION='{"shared": {}}'
# empty whitelist
# WHITELIST_OPTION='{"empty": {}}'
START_TIME=$(date +%s)
END_TIME=$(date --date='2025-01-01' +%s)
secretcli tx compute execute "$IDO_ADDRESS" \
"start_ido": {
"start_time": '"${START_TIME}"',
"end_time": '"${END_TIME}"',
"total_amount": "'"$AMOUNT"'",
"tokens_per_tier": '"${TOKENS_PER_TIER}"',
"price": "'"${PRICE}"'",
"token_contract": "'"${IDO_TOKEN}"'",
"token_contract_hash": "'"${IDO_TOKEN_HASH}"'",
"payment": '"${PAYMENT_TOKEN_OPTION}"',
"whitelist": '"${WHITELIST_OPTION}"'
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
Add whitelist:
secretcli tx compute execute "$IDO_ADDRESS" \
"whitelist_add": {
"addresses": ["user address"],
"ido_id": '"${IDO_ID}"'
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
Buy some tokens:
# amount * price
secretcli tx compute execute "$PAYMENT_TOKEN" \
"increase_allowance": {
"spender": "'"$IDO_ADDRESS"'",
"amount": "'"$MONEY"'"
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
secretcli tx compute execute "$IDO_ADDRESS" \
"buy_tokens": {
"amount": "'"$AMOUNT"'",
"ido_id": '"$IDO_ID"'
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
--gas 2500000 \
Receive tokens after lock period:
secretcli tx compute execute "$IDO_ADDRESS" \
"recv_tokens": {
"ido_id": '"$IDO_ID"'
}' \
--from "$WALLET" \
--gas 2500000 \