- DimActors
- DimCategories
- DimCustomers
- DimDate
- DimLocations
- DimMovieActors
- DimMovies
- DimRatings
- DimTime
- FactRentals
- FactSales
- FactStreaming
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
ActorSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
ActorID | GUID | No | Unique Identifier from soruce system |
ActorName | String | No | Name of actor (81 character max) |
ActorGender | String | No | Single-character representation of actor's gender |
- Data should be the combination of actor lists from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
MovieCategorySK | 8-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
MovieCategoryDescription | String | No | Description of Movie Category |
- Data should be the combination of movie categories from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
CustomerSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential integer key |
CustomerID | GUID | No | Unique identifier from source system |
LastName | String | No | Customer last name (50 characters max) |
FirstName | String | No | Customer first name (50 characters max) |
AddressLine1 | String | No | Customer Address - Line 1 (50 characters max) |
AddressLine2 | String | Yes | Customer Address - Line 2 (50 characters max) |
City | String | No | Customer city (30 characters max) |
State | String | No | Customer state code (exactly 2 characters) |
ZipCode | String | No | Customer zip code (exactly 5 digits) |
PhoneNumber | String | No | Customer phone number (exactly 10 digits) |
RecordStartDate | Date | No | Date that this version of the customer recrod became active |
RecordEndDate | Date | Yes | Date that this version of the customer record became inactive |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | No | Flag set to true for the active record for a given customer |
- This is a type-2 dimension - changes to records should cause previous record to become inactive
- Data should be the combination of customer records from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
- If your database platform supports referential integrity and keys, you may use the following rules:
- Primary Key -
- Unique Index -
- Primary Key -
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
DateSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
DateValue | Date | No | Date Value (No Time) |
DateYear | 16-bit Integer | No | Year part of DateValue |
DateMonth | 8-bit integer | No | Month part of DateValue |
DateDay | 8-bit integer | No | Day part of DateValue |
DateDayOfWeek | 8-bit integer | No | Day of week for DateValue (Sunday = 1) |
DateDayOfYear | 16-bit integer | No | Day of year for DateValue |
DateWeekOfYear | 8-bit integer | No | Week of year for DateValue |
- First date record should be for
- For initial (bulk) data load, include one
record for each date being loaded - For daily (incremental) data load, add a
record for the day being loaded
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
LocationSK | 16-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
LocationName | String | No | Name of location (50 character max) |
Streaming | Boolean | No | True if Location supports streaming |
Rentals | Boolean | No | True if Location supports rentals |
Sales | Boolean | No | True if location supports sales |
- Create one record per location that provides source data
- This table should be initially loaded with one record for each data source location
- As locations are added, add a record to this table for the new location
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
MovieID | GUID | No | ID of movie |
ActorID | GUID | No | ID of actor |
- This is a many-to-many mapping table of moives to actors
- Data should be the combination of movie ratings from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
MovieSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
MovieID | GUID | No | Unique Identifier from soruce system |
MovieTitle | String | No | Title of movie (255 character max) |
MovieCategorySK | 8-bit Integer | No | Key pointing movie's category (from DimCategories table) |
MovieRatingSK | 8-bit Integer | No | Key pointing to movie's rating (from DimRatings table) |
MovieRunTimeMin | 16-bit Integer | No | Run time of movie in minutes |
- Data should be the combination of movie lists from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
MovieRatingSK | 8-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
MovieRatingDescription | String | No | Description of Movie Rating (maximum 5 characters) |
- Data should be the combination of movie ratings from all source systems
- Duplicates should be removed and accounted for before they are loaded into the warehouse
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
TimeSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential Integer Key |
TImeValue | Time | No | Time Value (No Date; 1 Second Granularity) |
TimeHour | 8-bit Integer | No | Hour part of TimeValue |
TimeMinute | 8-bit Integer | No | Minute part of TimeValue |
TimeSecond | 8-bit Integer | No | Second part of TimeValue |
TimeMinuteOfDay | 16-bit Integer | No | Minute of day (Midnight = 0) |
TimeSecondOfDay | 32-bit Integer | No | Second of day (Midnight = 0) |
- Create one record per second of day (86,400 total records)
- This is a one-time load table - data should not be added or changed
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
RentalSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential integer key |
TransactionID | GUID | No | Transaction ID from source system |
CustomerSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Customers dimension for the customer |
LocationSK | 16-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Locations dimension for the location of the source data |
MovieSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Movies dimension for the movie |
RentalDateSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the movie was rented |
ReturnDateSK | 32-bit Integer | Yes | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the movie was returned |
RentalDuration | 8-bit Integer | Yes | Number of days from when a movie was rented until it was returned |
RentalCost | Currency | No | Cost for the base rental |
LateFee | Currency | Yes | Late charges for the rental |
TotalCost | Currency | Yes | RentalCost + LateFee |
RewindFlag | Boolean | Yes | Was the movie rewound? |
- This is a fact table representing physical movie rentals
- Data should be the combination of customer records from all source systems that deal with movie rentals
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
SalesSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential integer key |
OrderID | GUID | No | Order ID from source system |
LineNumber | 8-bit Integer | No | Order Line Number from source system |
OrderDateSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the order was placed |
ShipDateSK | 32-bit Integer | Yes | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the order was shipped |
CustomerSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Customers dimension for the customer |
LocationSK | 16-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Locations dimension for the location of the source data |
MovieSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Movies dimension for the movie |
DaysToShip | 8-bit Integer | Yes | Number of days from when an order was placed to when the order shipped |
Quantity | 8-bit Integer | No | Quantity of items purchased for this line item |
UnitCost | Currency | No | Price of a single quantity of the item purchased for this line item |
ExtendedCost | Currency | No | Quantity * UnitCost |
- This is a fact table representing physical movie sales
- Data should be the combination of customer records from all source systems that deal with movie sales
Column Name | Data Type | Nulls | Rules |
StreamingSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Sequential integer key |
TransactionID | GUID | No | Transaction ID from source system |
CustomerSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Customers dimension for the customer |
MovieSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Movies dimension for the movie |
StreamStartDateSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the stream was started |
StreamStartTimeSK | 32-bit Integer | No | Surrogate key from the Time dimension for the time the stream was started |
StreamEndDateSK | 32-bit Integer | Yes | Surrogate key from the Date dimension for the date the stream was ended |
StreamEndTimeSK | 32-bit Integer | Yes | Surrogate key from the Time dimension for the time the stream was ended |
StreamDurationSec | 32-bit Integer | Yes | Duration (in seconds) of the streaming session |
StreamDurationMin | Decimal | Yes | Duration (in minutes + fraction of minutes) of the streaming session (4 decimal place precision) |
- This is a fact table representing movie streaming sessions
- Data should be the combination of customer records from all source systems that deal with movie streaming