This encodes zipkin spans into Stackdriver proto3 format. Later, they are bundled into a PatchTracesRequest and sent via gRPC transport.
This sender only works with an async reporter configured for StackDriver encoding.
A minimal configuration of this sender would be:
credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()
// Setup the sender to authenticate the Google Stackdriver service
sender = StackdriverSender.newBuilder()
// connect the sender to the correct encoding
reporter = AsyncReporter.newBuilder(sender).build(StackdriverEncoder.V1);
Note: Use 128-bit trace IDs and do not re-use span IDs across client and server.
- Ex. in Brave
Note: There are a few library dependencies implied
- io.grpc:grpc-auth < for authentication in general
- < for GCP oauth
- io.grpc:grpc-netty < the remote connection to GCP