Mostly a CloudFormation template to generate the Techscore application, including:
- Scores bucket (easy one)
- S3 bucket for backups (this already exists)
- CloudFront distribution (US only) for that bucket
- VPC with public and private subnet
- RDS cluster and instance in VPC
- ELB in VPC
- ACM for private site (ts.$HOSTNAME)
- ACM for public site (scores.$HOSTNAME)
- Basion host in public subnet
- AutoScaling group in private subnet for techscore application
- IAM Instance Profile for EC2 instance to write to S3 and send e-mail via SES
- CodeDeploy application and bucket
Also desired are database backups
- Lambda function for daily backups?
In addition to the templates above, a number of scripts around the AWS CLI are included:
- to create/update any of the above templates
- to SSH into a webserver instance (SSH deserves its own chapter)
- to stop the bastion host so as to save money
- to package and deploy the application