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Conformance tests

Irina Efode edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 8 revisions

Conformance test runner


Conformance suites certify plugin functionality using a set of tests with plugin specificity independent parameters. There are two types of conformance validation.

API Conformance

The suite checks the following OpenVINO API entities in a plugin implementation:

  • plugin
  • compiled model (executable network)
  • infer request Also, there are test instantiations to validate hardware plugin functionality via software plugins (for example, MULTI, HETERO, etc.) for the entities.

The other part of the API conformance suite is QueryModel validation:

  • ReadIR_queryModel tests validate the query_model API using a simple single operation graph (Conformance IR) based on model parameters.
  • OpImplCheck tests are simple synthetic checks to query_model and set implementation status for each operation.

A result of the apiConformanceTests run is two xml files: report_api.xml and report_opset.xml. The first one shows OpenVINO API entities' test statistics for each OpenVINO API entity, such as passed/failed/crashed/skipped/hanging, tests number, pass rates, and implementation status. The second one demonstrates the query_model results for each operation.

Opset Conformance

The suite validates an OpenVINO operation plugin implementation, using simple single operation graphs (Conformance IR) taken from models. The plugin inference output is compared with the reference.

The suite contains:

  • ReadIR_compareWithRefs set allows reading IRs from folders recursively, inferring them, and comparing plugin results with the reference.
  • OpImplCheckTest set checks an operation plugin implementation status, using a simple synthetic single operation graph (Implemented/Not implemented). The suite checks only compile_model without comparison with the reference.

A result of the conformanceTests run is the report_opset.xml file. It shows tests statistic, like pass rate, passed, crashed, skipped, failed tests, and plugin implementation per operation for devices.

How to build

Run the following command in build directory:

  1. Generate CMake project:
  2. Build the targets:
    make --jobs=$(nproc --all) subgraphsDumper
    make --jobs=$(nproc --all) conformanceTests
    make --jobs=$(nproc --all) apiConformanceTests
  3. Build plugins to validate:
    make --jobs=$(nproc --all) lib_plugin_name

How to run using simple conformance runner

There is a simple python runner to complete the whole conformance pipeline locally. Some steps could be excluded from the pipeline by command-line parameter configuration.

The conformance pipeline steps:

  1. (Optional) Download models/conformance IR via URL / copy archieve to working directory / verify dirs / check list-files.
  2. (Optional) Run SubgraphDumper to generate a simple single op graph based on models or download the conformance_ir folder. (if -s=1)
  3. Run conformance test executable files.
  4. Generate conformance reports.

Command-line arguments

The script has the following arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -m MODELS_PATH, --models_path MODELS_PATH Path to the directory/ies containing models to dump subgraph (the default way is to download conformance IR). It may be directory, archieve file, .lst file or http link to download something . If --s=0, specify the Conformance IRs directoryy
  • -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE Specify the target device. The default value is CPU
  • -ov OV_PATH, --ov_path OV_PATH OV repo path. The default way is try to find the absolute path of OV repo (by using script path)
  • -w WORKING_DIR, --working_dir WORKING_DIR Specify a working directory to save all artifacts, such as reports, models, conformance_irs, etc.
  • -t TYPE, --type TYPE Specify conformance type: OP or API. The default value is OP
  • -s DUMP_CONFORMANCE, --dump_conformance DUMP_CONFORMANCE Set '1' if you want to create Conformance IRs from custom/downloaded models. In other cases, set 0. The default value is '1'
  • -j WORKERS, --workers WORKERS Specify number of workers to run in parallel. The default value is CPU count - 1
  • --gtest_filter GTEST_FILTER Specify gtest filter to apply when running test. E.g. Add:BinaryConv. The default value is None
  • -c OV_CONFIG_PATH, --ov_config_path OV_CONFIG_PATH Specify path to file contains plugin config

NOTE: All arguments are optional and have default values to reproduce OMZ conformance results in a default way.

NOTE: The approach can be used as custom model scope validator!

Examples of usage:

  1. Use the default way to reproduce opset conformance results for OMZ on GPU:
python3 -d GPU
  1. Use the conformance pipeline to check new models support (as IRs) on the CPU plugin and save results to a custom directory:
python3 -m /path/to/new/model_irs -s=1 -w /path/to/working/dir -d CPU
  1. Use custom OV build to check GNA conformance using pre-generated conformance_irs:
python3 -m /path/to/conformance_irs -s=0 -ov /path/to/ov_repo_on_custom_branch -d GNA

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to debug some conformance tests, use the binary run as the default method. If you want to get conformance results or reproduce CI behavior, use the simple python runner.

How to generate Conformance IRs set

Run the following commands:

  1. Clone Open Model Zoo repo or prepare custom model scope
  2. Download all models using Downloader tool from the repo.
  3. Convert downloaded models to IR files using Converter tool from the repo.
  4. Run Subgraph dumper to collect unique operation set from the models.

How to run operation conformance suite

The target is able to take the following command-line arguments:

  • -h prints target command-line options with description.
  • --device specifies target device.
  • --input_folders specifies the input folders with IRs or '.lst' file contains IRs path. Delimiter is , symbol.
  • --plugin_lib_name is name of plugin library. The example is openvino_intel_cpu_plugin. Use only with unregistered in IE Core devices.
  • --disable_test_config allows to ignore all skipped tests with the exception of DISABLED_ prefix using.
  • --skip_config_path allows to specify paths to files contain regular expressions list to skip tests. Examples
  • --config_path allows to specify path to file contains plugin config. Example
  • --extend_report allows not to re-write device results to the report (add results of this run to the existing). Mutually exclusive with --report_unique_name.
  • --report_unique_name allows to save report with unique name (report_pid_timestamp.xml). Mutually exclusive with --extend_report.
  • --save_report_timeout allows to try to save report in cycle using timeout (in seconds).
  • --output_folder Paths to the output folder to save report.
  • --extract_body allows to count extracted operation bodies to report.
  • --shape_mode Optional. Allows to run static, dynamic or both scenarios. Default value is empty string allows to run both scenarios. Possible values are static, dynamic, ``
  • --test_timeout Setup timeout for each test in seconds, default timeout 900seconds (15 minutes).
  • All gtest command-line parameters


Using of parallel_runner tool to run a conformance suite helps to report crashed tests and collect correct statistic after unexpected crashes. The tool is able to work in 2 modes:

  • one test is run in separate thread (first run, as the output the cache will be saved as a custom file)
  • similar load time per one worker based on test execution time. May contain different test count per worker

The example of usage is:

python3 -e=/path/to/openvino/bin/intel64/Debug/conformanceTests -d . 
--gtest_filter=*Add*:*BinaryConv* -- --input_folders=/path/to/ir_1,/path/to/ir_2 --device=CPU 
--report_unique_name --output_folder=/path/to/temp_output_report_folder

All arguments after -- symbol is forwarding to conformanceTests target.

If you use the --report_unique_name argument, run the merge xml script to aggregate the results to one xml file. Check command-line arguments with --help before running the command. The example of usage is:

python3 --input_folders=/path/to/temp_output_report_folder --output_folder=/path/to/output_report_folder --output_filename=report_aggregated

How to create operation conformance report

Run the summarize script to generate html and csv report. Check command-line arguments with --help before running the command. The example of using the script is:

python3 --xml /opt/repo/infrastructure-master/thirdparty/gtest-parallel/report.xml --out /opt/repo/infrastructure-master/thirdparty/gtest-parallel/


Please, do not forget to copy styles folder to the output directory. It helps to provide report with the filters and other usable features.

The report contains statistics based on conformance results and filter fields at the top of the page.

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