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OpenToonz Plugin Utility

opentoonz_plugin_utility is a utility library based on OpenCV for OpenToonz. The library is designed for rapidly developing filter and composite effects.


  • doc
  • documentations
  • include
  • C++ header files of the library
  • lib
  • output directory of generated library (.lib or .a)
  • samples
  • three simple effect implementations as plugin examples
  • src
  • C++ source files of the library
  • plugin_sdk
  • low-level interface definitions for developing plugin effects

How to build the library

opentoonz_plugin_utility requires cmake as a build system, and the library uses OpenCV for image processing. Please install them on your platform.

The library build steps:

  1. git clone --recursive to get source files.
  2. cmake in that directory.
  • set a directory path contained OpenCVConfig.cmake to OpenCV_DIR, if needed.
  1. libopentoonz_plugin_utility.{lib,a} is generated into a lib directory.

Plugin Effect Examples

amp, blur and snp are examples using opentoonz_plugin_utility.


This amplifier effect adjusts brightness. It outputs a result image which multiplies a input image and a gain parameter defined in a domain [0, 1].

code reading

Let's see samples/amp/src/main.cpp.

#include <toonz_utility.hpp>

toonz_utility.hpp is a header file of opentoonz_plugin_utility. You have to define TNZU_DEFINE_INTERFACE before including toonz_utility.hpp at once. Plugin interfaces, which is refered from a host program, are generated by this definition.

class MyFx : public tnzu::Fx {

This is a declaration of the effect class as subclass of tnzu::Fx. The class is a one-to-one correspoindence to a effect on OpenToonz.

enum {

int port_count() const override { return PORT_COUNT; }

char const* port_name(int i) const override {
  static std::array<char const*, PORT_COUNT> names = {
  return names[i];

These are definitions of input ports. You should define the fixed number of inputs. port_name(int i) should return a name of the i-th input.

enum {

int param_group_count() const override { return PARAM_GROUP_COUNT; }

char const* param_group_name(int i) const override {
  static std::array<char const*, PARAM_GROUP_COUNT> names = {
  return names[i];

These are definitions of parameter groups. Parameter groups are used to manage views for parameters in OpenToonz. param_group_name(int i) should return a name of the i-th group.

enum {

int param_count() const override { return PARAM_COUNT; }

ParamPrototype const* param_prototype(int i) const override {
  static std::array<ParamPrototype, PARAM_COUNT> const params = {
      ParamPrototype{"gain", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 1, 0, 1},
  return &params[i];

These are definitions of parameters. You can define the fixed number of parameters. param_prototype(int i) should return a prototype of the i-th parameter. ParamPrototype declaration is follows:

struct ParamPrototype {
  char const* name;
  int const group;
  double const defvalue;
  double const minvalue;
  double const maxvalue;

name, group, defvalue, minvalue and maxvalue are a parameter name, a group ID, a default value, a minimum value and a maximum value, respectively.

int compute(Config const& config, Params const& params, Args const& args,
            cv::Mat& retimg) override try {

  if (args.invalid(PORT_INPUT)) {
    return 0;

  double const gain = params.get<double>(PARAM_GAIN);

  retimg = args.get(PORT_INPUT) * gain;

  return 0;
} catch (cv::Exception const& e) {

This is a main part of effect processing. config, params, args and retimg are environment information, parameter values, input images from ports and a result buffer, respectively.

You can check the i-th input port is valid or invalid by args.valid(int i) or args.invalid(int i), and you can get the i-th input image as cv::Mat by args.get(int i). The image format which depends on the OpenToonz configuration is CV_8UC4 or CV_16UC4.

You can get the i-th parameter as type T by params.get<T>(int i), where T is int, float, double or bool. Alternatively, you can get the s times the parameter value as type T by param.get<T>(int i, double s). Similarly, params.radian<T>(int i) returns a M_PI/180 times value for transforming degree parameter to radian. Additionally, params.seed<T>(int i) returns a random seed for cv::theRNG().state, and params.rng<T>(int i) returns a std::mt19937_64, when T is std::uint94_t and a parameter domain is [0, 1].

retimg has the same format as input images, and it is a zero cleared image which covers input images. args.offset(int) returns the i-th offset position related with retimg as cv::Point2d, args.size(i) returns a args.get(i).size(), and args.rect(i) returns a cv::Rect(args.offset(i), args.size(i)). The offset positions should be non-negative and the size of input images should be smaller than a retimg size. This means args.get(i).copyTo(retimg(args.rect(i))) is valid in other than fullscreen effects which is described in below.

Note: enlarge(...) and compute(...) are called with varying params and args from multiple threads

namespace tnzu {
PluginInfo const* plugin_info() {
  static PluginInfo const info(TNZU_PP_STR(PLUGIN_NAME),    // name
                               TNZU_PP_STR(PLUGIN_VENDOR),  // vendor
                               "",                          // note
                               "");     // helpurl
  return &info;

Fx* make_fx() { return new MyFx(); }

Finally, you have to define functions for telling plugin information to the library.

plugin_info() returns a pointer to PluginInfo. PluginInfo is defined as follows:

struct PluginInfo {
  std::string const name;
  std::string const vendor;
  std::string const identifier;
  std::string const note;
  std::string const helpurl;

  inline PluginInfo(std::string _name, std::string _vendor, std::string _note,
                    std::string _helpurl)
      : name(_name),
        identifier(_vendor + "_" + _name),
        helpurl(_helpurl) {}

name, vendor, note and helpurl are a effect name, a vendor name, a short description of the effect, and URL for help, respectively. You can use [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\_]* for name and vendor, and you have to choose them for unique identifier. The example defines PLUGIN_NAME=OpenCV_Blur and PLUGIN_VENDOR=DWANGO.

make_fx() returns a new MyFx instance.


This blur effect blurs a input image. It outputs a blurred image by a cv::GaussianBlur() function with parameters: ksize_width, ksize_height, sigmaX and sigmaY.

code reading

Let's see samples/blur/src/main.cpp.

The defineition of blur is similar to amp.

#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>

opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp is for a cv::GaussianBlur() function.

enum {

int param_count() const override { return PARAM_COUNT; }

ParamPrototype const* param_prototype(int i) const override {
static std::array<ParamPrototype, PARAM_COUNT> const params = {
    ParamPrototype{"ksize_width", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 50, 0, 100},
    ParamPrototype{"ksize_height", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 50, 0, 100},
    ParamPrototype{"sigmaX", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 0, 0, 100},
    ParamPrototype{"sigmaY", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 0, 0, 100},
return &params[i];

These are defintions for parameters.

int enlarge(Config const& config, Params const& params,
            cv::Rect2d& retrc) override {
  cv::Size const ksize(params.get<int>(PARAM_KSIZE_WIDTH) * 2 + 1,
                       params.get<int>(PARAM_KSIZE_HEIGHT) * 2 + 1);
  retrc.x -= ksize.width / 2;
  retrc.y -= ksize.height / 2;
  retrc.width += ksize.width;
  retrc.height += ksize.height;
  return 0;

enlarge function defines a rectangular area to be applied effects to. retrc is initialized by a bounding box which covers bounding boxes of all input images. The example enlarges retrc for margins of blur kernel.

int compute(Config const& config, Params const& params, Args const& args,
            cv::Mat& retimg) override try {

  if (args.invalid(PORT_INPUT)) {
    return 0;

  cv::Size const ksize(params.get<int>(PARAM_KSIZE_WIDTH) * 2 + 1,
                       params.get<int>(PARAM_KSIZE_HEIGHT) * 2 + 1);

  double const sigmaX = params.get<double>(PARAM_SIGMA_X);
  double const sigmaY = params.get<double>(PARAM_SIGMA_Y);

  cv::GaussianBlur(retimg, retimg, ksize, sigmaX, sigmaY);

  return 0;
} catch (cv::Exception const& e) {

This is a definition of filter which applies Gaussan blur.


This snp effect adds SNP (salt-and-pepper) noise to a input image. It outputs a noised image by random inversion with parameters: a probability p and a random seed for a random number generator.

code reading

Let's see samples/snp/src/main.cpp.

The defineition of snp is similar to amp and blur, too.

enum {

int param_count() const override { return PARAM_COUNT; }

ParamPrototype const* param_prototype(int i) const override {
  static std::array<ParamPrototype, PARAM_COUNT> const params = {
      ParamPrototype{"p", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 0.5, 0, 1},
      ParamPrototype{"seed", PARAM_GROUP_DEFAULT, 0.5, 0, 1},
  return &params[i];

This is a definition of parameters.

int enlarge(Config const& config, Params const& params,
            cv::Rect2d& retrc) override {
  retrc = tnzu::make_infinite_rect<double>();
  return 0;

This enlarge function defines a fullscreen effect by tnzu::make_infinite_rect<double>().

int compute(Config const& config, Params const& params, Args const& args,
            cv::Mat& retimg) override try {

  if (args.invalid(PORT_INPUT)) {
    return 0;

  double const p = params.get<double>(PARAM_P);
  std::mt19937_64 rng = params.rng<std::uint64_t>(PARAM_SEED);

  tnzu::draw_image(retimg, args.get(PORT_INPUT), args.offset(PORT_INPUT));

  if (retimg.type() == CV_8UC4) {
    return kernel<cv::Vec4b>(p, retimg, rng);
  else {
    return kernel<cv::Vec4w>(p, retimg, rng);
} catch (cv::Exception const& e) {

This function dispatches a templated function kernel<Vec4T>(...). Template variable Vec4T is used to access pixels values directly, which is determined from the format of retimg.

You have to copy input images by tnzu::draw_image(...); fullscreen effects do not cover all input images, because the size of retimg equals to the screen size.

template <typename Vec4T, typename RNG>
int MyFx::kernel(double const p, cv::Mat& retimg, RNG& rng) {
  using value_type = typename Vec4T::value_type;

  std::bernoulli_distribution rbern(p);

  for (int y = 0; y < retimg.rows; ++y) {
    Vec4T* scanline = retimg.ptr<Vec4T>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < retimg.cols; ++x) {
      if (rbern(rng)) {
        int const alpha = scanline[x][3];
        for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
          // assume premultiplied alpha
          scanline[x][c] =
              cv::saturate_cast<value_type>(alpha - scanline[x][c]);

  return 0;

This is a main part of effect processing. This function adds noise sampled from Bernoulli distribution to an image.