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Update subscriber info

Jakob Vogelsang edited this page Sep 14, 2021 · 2 revisions

A GOOSE and Sampled Value is a service defined in IEC 61850-8-1, IED 61850-9-2, respectively. This services can be configured in a SCL file. Both the sending end and the receiving end can be configured - publisher/subscriber.

Send end configuration

Sending end configuration means creating a GOOSE control block GSEControl and connect this to a DataSet with the attribute datSet. The DataSet contains all the data (functional constrained data attributes FCDA) send with the GOOSE.

Receiving end

The receiving end - or subscriber - is defined with the SCL elements ExtRef (external reference) and IEDName.

1) IEDName

The IEDName element is located in the publisher IED and contains a reference to the subscriber IED(s). It is optional and that is why not all tools have implemented it.

2) ExtRef

The element ExtRef is located in the subscriber IED and is containing the reference to the data attribute that is used (subscriber).

NOTE: With Edition 2 attributes have been introduced to ExtRef element to identify the control block that is carrying the information. Before that this information had to be parsed form the publisher IED.

This what the function Update subscriber is designed for. With this feature you can add the missing IEDName elements into an SCL file. To use this feature follow the procedure

  1. Open the project you want to update
  2. Navigate to Menu -> Update subscriber info
  3. Check the log to see how many IEDName element(s) are added to the project.

The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Get ExtRef
  2. Find connected FCDA
  3. Find the control block that is connected to the DataSet of the FCDA
  4. See if the IEDName information is in the control block
  5. If not add them

NOTE: Edition 1 only allowed to add the IED name to the element IEDName. With Edition 2 and higher you can also add the path until logical node level.

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

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