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Enumeration EnumVal

Jakob Vogelsang edited this page Sep 17, 2021 · 2 revisions

Add EnumVal

You can use OpenSCD to add new EnumVals to an existing EnumType.

alt text
  1. Navigate to the EnumType you want to add a EnumVal to open the Edit EnumType wizard.
  2. Click on ENUM VALUE button in the middle of the wizard.


  1. ord*: Must be unique within the EnumType.
  2. desc: user-defined description field
  3. value*: The enumeration value as string.


Edit EnumVal

You can edit existing EnumVal element to for example fix issues.

  1. Navigate to the EnumType that contains the EnumVal you want to edit
  2. Open the Edit EnumType page and click on the EnumVal you want to edit the Edit Enum wizard.


  1. ord*: Must be unique within the EnumType.
  2. desc: user-defined description field
  3. value*: The enumeration value as string.



<EnumVal ord="1">on</EnumVal>

Remove EnumVal

Removing EnumVal from EnumType might be necessary from time to time to adapt to the definition to vendor specific data model. Es an exampled you can often see that BehaviorModeKind to consist of on, test and off only. (test/blocked and on-blocked are removed)

  1. Open the EnumVal you want to remove in Edit EnumVal wizard
  2. Click on Remove

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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