The Dockerfile
in this directory builds a Docker image for JHOVE. The image is based on the Debian Linux distribution and contains the JHOVE application and a custom Java runtime built using the Eclipse Temurin Docker image. The JHOVE image is available from Docker Hub and can be pulled with the command:
docker pull openpreserve/jhove
Please use GitHub issues to report any problems with the Docker image.
docker run --rm openpreserve/jhove
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) openpreserve/jhove -m XML-hul -h XML ./docker-install.xml
docker run --rm openpreserve/jhove -m JPEG-hul -h XML ""
docker run --rm openpreserve/jhove -m JPEG-hul -h XML "" - > jhove-output.xml
You'll need Maven installed locally to wrangle the project version, otherwise pass your own. From the project root run:
docker build --build-arg JHOVE_VERSION="$(mvn -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -DforceStdout=true)" -t openpreserve/jhove-test .