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+ ETHOS.PeNALPS: A Tool for the Load Profile Simulation
+of Industrial Processes Based on a Material Flow Simulation
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+ETHOS.PeNALPS: A Tool for the Load Profile Simulation of
+Industrial Processes Based on a Material Flow Simulation
+Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Jülich,
+Aachen, Germany
+Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and
+Climate Research – Techno-economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3), 52425
+Jülich, Germany
+RWTH Aachen University, Chair for Fuel Cells, Faculty of
+Mechanical Engineering, 52062 Aachen, Germany
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Load Profile
+Energy Simulation
+Industrial Production
+Materials Processing
+ Summary
ETHOS.PeNALPS (Petri Net Agent-based Load Profile Simulator) is a
+ Python library designed to simulate the load profiles of industrial
+ manufacturing processes for arbitrary energy carriers. It is part of
+ the
+ (Energy Transformation Pathway Optimization Suite). Load
+ profiles are time series of energy demand. The library models the
+ material flow of industrial processes and the activity of individual
+ machines during production. ETHOS.PeNALPS is capable of simulating
+ processes such as steel, paper, and industrial food production.
+ ETHOS.PeNALPS can model non-cyclic industrial production networks.
+ [fig:Main Component Overview]
+ shows the main conceptual objects of ETHOS.PeNALPS, which are:
Generic model objects
Material flow simulations
Production plans
Result load profiles
The user creates the process model based on generic simulation
+ objects. Once the user completes the process model, the model receives
+ a set of production orders to initiate the simulation. The simulation
+ generates a production plan that tracks the activity of each node to
+ fulfill the requested set of orders. Load profiles are then created
+ based on the activity in the production plan. The process steps’ load
+ profiles are modeled using a Petri net with an extensible number of
+ states that determine their activity and energy demand during
+ production.
The main components of ETHOS.PeNALPS are the generic
+ model objects, material flow simulation, production plan and load
+ profiles.
+ Statement of Need
Energy system models are tools that provide guidance on future
+ energy systems, which are currently undergoing significant changes to
+ due global efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels
+ (Prina
+ et al., 2020, p. 1). However, building long-term models with
+ high spatial and temporal resolution and transparent input data
+ remains a challenge
+ (Prina
+ et al., 2020, p. 12). For instance, historical load profiles
+ for the German industrial sector in 2015 are available
+ (Priesmann
+ et al., 2021, pp. 5–6), while load profiles for other regions
+ are not currently available. Furthermore, decarbonization efforts will
+ cause changes in the industrial sector, creating a need for load
+ profiles of future scenarios. To address the lack of sectoral load
+ profiles for the industry, Boßmann and Stafell
+ (2015,
+ p. 1321) demonstrated the use of a bottom-up approach.
+ Therefore, it is necessary to obtain load profiles of the industrial
+ processes that are part of the industrial sector. However, these
+ profiles are often unavailable for open research due to:
Companies’ efforts to protect commercial secrets;
Missing measurements;
Unstructured collection of energy data in companies;
Novelty of the industrial processes and their current lack of
+ implementation.
ETHOS.PeNALPS can support the creation of an energy system model by
+ providing load profiles for industrial processes. While many
+ industrial processes and their load profiles have been previously
+ simulated, most have not published load profiles and simulation
+ implementations under an open-source license. This creates a research
+ gap, despite similar work having already been done.
ETHOS.PeNALPS provides modeling capabilities to simulate load
+ profiles of individual production equipment and the logistics between
+ them in a network. Fluctuations of individual production equipment are
+ modeled using a deterministic Petri net of states. The level of detail
+ and temporal resolution of the load profile model depends on the
+ production process features, the level of detail in the process
+ description, and the available input data. To ensure the suitability
+ of a simulated load profile for each energy system model, it is
+ necessary to evaluate its temporal resolution. At lower temporal
+ resolutions, effects may occur that cannot be modeled using a
+ deterministic Petri net of machine states and average energy
+ consumption per state. Furthermore, the temporal resolution of energy
+ system models is constantly evolving. According to Prina et al.
+ (2020, p.
+ 10), a temporal resolution of one hour is considered high for
+ long-term energy system models. Currently, studies may require load
+ profiles with a resolution as low as one minute
+ (Omoyele
+ et al., 2024, pp. 12–13).
+ Method
There are four simulation modeling paradigms as shown in Figure
+ [fig:Simulation paradigms].
+ ETHOS.PeNALPS utilizes an agent-based approach for the nodes of a
+ material flow system. Currently, the most important nodes of the
+ material flow system, the process steps, contain a Petri net to model
+ their activity. The part of the ETHOS.PeNALPS simulation based on the
+ Petri net can be classified as a discrete event simulation. Borshchev
+ & Filippov
+ (2004)
+ and Thiede
+ (2012,
+ pp. 45–49) provide an introduction and comparison to these
+ paradigms.
Simulation paradigms for material flow simulations
+ (Thiede,
+ 2012, p. 47) adapted from
+ (Borshchev
+ & Filippov, 2004, p. 3).
The implementation as agents was chosen to improve the adaptability
+ and extensibility of the software. Thus, more specifics of a node or
+ even another simulation paradigm can be implemented. The
+ documentation
+ of ETHOS.PeNALPS contains a roadmap for the software. The
+ process model is generated from generic objects as shown in Figure
+ [fig:Main Component Overview].
+ The main components are the generic nodes that create and manage
+ material requests as agents. These nodes include
Process step
Streams connect these nodes and determine the direction of material
+ flow in the simulation. Process chains combine sequentially dependent
+ nodes and streams. These process chains, whether multiple or single,
+ are integrated into a network level. A single network level model can
+ include multiple chains to represent parallel operation of similar
+ equipment. Multiple network levels can be used to model successive
+ production stages of the industrial process.
A network level consists of a source and a sink that define the
+ start and end points of the material within that level. To connect two
+ network levels, a shared storage is used to replace the source of one
+ network level and the sink of another. Each node functions as an agent
+ that manages material requests.
Sources only provide materials, while sinks only request
+ them.
Process steps and storages provide and request materials.
The simulation is initiated by creating the first request in the
+ sink from the production order. Requests are then passed upstream
+ until they reach the source of the network level. If a request cannot
+ be fulfilled in time, it can be modified within a chain to shift the
+ request to an earlier time and ensure that the deadline is always
+ met.
The behavior of a process step during request fulfillment is
+ determined by a sequence of states that are stored in a Petri net,
+ which is a state transition system consisting of places, transitions,
+ and arcs
+ (Peterson,
+ 1977). The states can be as simple as on or off switches or
+ constitute a complex network of states during production. The main
+ novelty of this method is the combination of these sub simulations for
+ each process step to model a complete industrial manufacturing
+ process. An example of toffee production is provided in the
+ documentation to illustrate the method.
+ Other Tools
There are numerous publications on the simulation of energy
+ features of industrial processes. A collection is given by Stoldt
+ (2019,
+ pp. 69–73). However, many of these publications are limited to
+ the presentation of concepts and selected simulation results, without
+ implementation details. This lack of information creates a significant
+ overhead for new research.
Stoldt et al.
+ (2021)
+ present a comprehensive literature review on energy-oriented
+ simulations in production and logistics, covering 207 publications.
+ The article identifies the most relevant tools and simulation
+ architectures. The most relevant simulation architectures are the
+ discrete event simulation with integrated energy assessment, discrete
+ event simulation with separate energy simulation, continuous
+ simulation, agent-based simulation, one tool, different models and
+ coupling of models.
Stoldt et al.
+ (2021)
+ reported the most commonly used simulation tools include
+ PlantSimulation
+ (15.03.2024),
+ Anylogic
+ (19.03.2024),
+ Arena
+ (17.02.2024),
+ Matlab
+ (21.03.2024),
+ Automod
+ (21.03.2024),
+ Simio
+ (19.03.2024)
+ and Witness
+ (19.03.2024),
+ all of which are commercial tools. No open-source tools were found,
+ although self-developed tools were utilized. Many publications have
+ created extensions for commercial software. For instance, Kohl et al.
+ (2014)
+ developed an extension for the software PlantSimulation
+ (15.03.2024)
+ that maps measured load profiles to process states of manufacturing
+ equipment. However, the implementation of the extension has not been
+ published.
Additionally, Stoldt et al.
+ (2021)
+ identified some self-developed standalone tools, but no open-source
+ software was found. Well-documented open-source software and
+ simulation models enhance research reproducibility, leveraging new
+ findings without the need to re-implement state of the art concepts.
+ The licensing of the following software projects has been
+ investigated.
Wohlgemuth et al.
+ (2006)
+ developed the software “Milan” which is based on a discrete event
+ simulation. According to Wohlgemuth
+ (20.03.2024),
+ it was discontinued in 2015. Anderson et al.
+ (2012)
+ intended to develop the “EcoProIt tool” for conducting lifecycle
+ assessments based on discrete event simulation. No further information
+ could be found regarding the publication or licensing status of the
+ tool. The “SIMTER tool” was developed in the SIMTER research project
+ (Lind
+ et al., 2009) for combined environmental impact calculations
+ and discrete event simulation. However, information about licensing
+ and distribution is not available. Rippel et al.
+ (2017)
+ developed the “μ-ProPlAn framework”. Rippel
+ (25.03.2024)
+ stated via e-mail that the software has not been published and is no
+ longer executable due to a lack of maintenance. Binderbauer et al.
+ (2022)
+ published a software called “Ganymede” that simulates load profiles.
+ However, information about its licensing and distribution is not
+ available.