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+ SAMBA: A Trainable Segmentation Web-App with Smart
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+SAMBA: A Trainable Segmentation Web-App with Smart
+Samuel J.
+Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London
+SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
+Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College
+London, London SW7 2DB, United Kingdom
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+machine learning
+ Summary
Segmentation is the assigning of a semantic class to every pixel in
+ an image and is a prerequisite for various statistical analysis tasks
+ in materials science, like phase quantification, physics simulations
+ or morphological characterisation. The wide range of length scales,
+ imaging techniques and materials studied in materials science means
+ any segmentation algorithm must generalise to unseen data and support
+ abstract, user-defined semantic classes. Trainable segmentation is a
+ popular interactive segmentation paradigm where a classifier is
+ trained to map from image features to user drawn labels.
+ SAMBA is a trainable segmentation tool that
+ uses Meta’s Segment Anything Model (SAM) for fast, high-quality label
+ suggestions and a random forest classifier for robust, generalisable
+ segmentations. It is accessible in the browser
+ (https://www.sambasegment.com/),
+ without the need to download any external dependencies. The
+ segmentation backend is run in the cloud, so does not require the user
+ to have powerful hardware.
+ Statement of need
Trainable segmentation tools like ilastik
+ (Berg
+ et al., 2019) and Trainable Weka Segmentation
+ (Arganda-Carreras
+ et al., 2017) are popular options for image segmentation in
+ biology and materials science due to their flexibility. They apply
+ common image processing operations like blurs, edge detection, and
+ texture filters to create a feature stack, then train a classifier
+ (usually a random forest ensemble) to map from the stack to user drawn
+ labels on a pixelwise basis. ilastix offers fast segmentations and a
+ responsive live-view, whereas Trainable Weka Segmentation is part of
+ and interoperates with the FIJI ImageJ library
+ (Schindelin
+ et al., 2012). Other trainable segmenters are based on the
+ napari
+ (Ahlers
+ et al., 2023) image viewer, including napari-feature-classifier
+ (Luethi
+ & Hess, n.d.) and the GPU-accelerated napari-apoc
+ (Haase
+ et al., 2023).
Accurate, representative labels are important for segmentation
+ quality, but tooling is limited to polygons and/or pixel brushes which
+ can make labelling boundaries time-consuming.
+ SAMBA (Segment Anything Model Based App) uses
+ the recent object-detecting foundation model Segment Anything Model
+ (Kirillov
+ et al., 2023) as a ‘Smart Labelling’ tool, which offers
+ suggestions for associated objects as the cursor is moved which can
+ then be added as labels. This ‘Smart Labelling’ can quickly pick out
+ portions of the same phase and is resilient against noise, varying
+ exposure, and certain types of artefacts etc. SAM has
+ been applied to cell microscopy annotation and segmentation
+ (Archit
+ et al., 2023), but not to multi-phase segmentation.
SAMBA is also unique in being fully
+ web-based, meaning it can be used without downloading a large binary,
+ installing libraries or requiring significant local computational
+ power. An associated gallery page allows users to contribute to and
+ view an open dataset of micrographs, labels, segmentations and
+ experimental metadata. It is designed to be usable by researchers
+ regardless of prior programming or image analysis experience.
+ Design and usage
(a) screenshot of the SAMBA website,
+ displaying the different labelling options including SAM powered
+ ‘Smart Labelling’. (b) shows how changing the Smart
+ Label region sizes affects the suggested label at the same mouse
+ position (red), giving the user the flexibility to focus on
+ different length scales. (c) an example output
+ segmentation of the tool, which can be saved as
+ .tiff for later analysis.
SAM is a promptable,
+ open-source macroscopic object segmentation model, trained on 1
+ billion masks over 11 million images. It feeds a prompt (click,
+ bounding box, mask or text) alongside an embedding of an image
+ generated by a pretrained autoencoder
+ (Dehghani
+ et al., 2023) through a lightweight decoder network to produce
+ a segmentation for the prompt (i.e, the object at the
+ mouse cursor). The decoder is lightweight enough that it can be run in
+ the browser in real-time when exported via the
+ ONNX framework
+ (Bai et
+ al., 2019), though the embedding must still be generated by a
+ large autoencoder model running on a computer with
+ PyTorch. Despite its impressive zero-shot
+ performance, SAM is primarily an
+ object-detection model and cannot be used for the semantic phase
+ segmentation desired in materials science. However, its understanding
+ of shape, texture and other lower-level features apply well to
+ instances of certain phases.
This provides the motivation for and structure of
+ SAMBA: a Python web server supplies the image
+ embedding (and later performs random forest segmentation) for the
+ user’s image, then browser-based labelling is performed by client-side
+ object segmentations as label suggestions. Labels are confirmed with a
+ left click, and a right click switches length scales of the smart
+ labelling - this was achieved by exposing SAM’s
+ hidden multi-mask output. Normally, SAM
+ produces three masks per prompt - each representing a different length
+ scale and with an associated internal quality estimate. Giving the
+ user the choice of length scales allows greater flexibility, which is
+ useful given SAM is not designed for
+ micrographs, and therefore its internal estimate of quality may not
+ always match the user’s.
Standard drawing tools like a variable width brush, polygon, and
+ eraser allow the user to create labels when SAM
+ struggles, for example with very high frequency spatial features.
+ Previous labels are not overwritten (unless erased), so new labels can
+ be added on top for boundary fine-tuning or rapid whole-image
+ labelling. These labels can then be downloaded for use in offline
+ workflows, like training task-specific neural networks.
After labelling is complete, the Python web server trains a random
+ forest ensemble to map the feature stack (computed in the background)
+ to the labels. The feature stack creation involves a Python
+ reimplementation of most of the image processing operations outlined
+ in Trainable Weka Segmentation. This is achieved predominantly using
+ the scikit-image library
+ (Walt
+ et al., 2014). Once completed, the resulting segmentation of
+ the full image is returned to the user as a variable opacity overlay,
+ allowing for additional labels to refine the output. An optional
+ overlay highlights pixels the classifier is least certain about, which
+ could be useful starting points for new user labels. Improvements in
+ this ‘Human-In-The-Loop’ (HITL) feedback (i.e,
+ feature-weighted uncertainty highlights) are interesting avenues for
+ future work. The trained classifier is a
+ scikit-learn object
+ (Pedregosa
+ et al., 2011) - it can be downloaded and applied to future data
+ either on SAMBA or in other Python
+ workflows.
SAMBA has a clean, responsive user interface
+ implemented in React and Typescript. It works for a range of common
+ image file types (.png,
+ .jpeg, .tiff), as well
+ as large .tiff images and
+ .tiff stacks. Local hosting is simple and
+ advisable if the user is handling sensitive data or wishes to benefit
+ from GPU acceleration. A desktop version that supports larger files,
+ 3D segmentation and has deeper PyTorch
+ integration is planned. SAMBA has an associated
+ gallery, which users can optionally publish to once a segmentation is
+ complete. It is hoped this will provide the foundation for a varied,
+ open source library of high-quality image data and encourage further
+ development of generalist machine learning models in materials
+ science. A user manual, instructions for contributing and setup
+ instructions for local hosting is available in the
+ public
+ repository.
+ Acknowledgements
This work was supported by funding from the EPSRC Centre for
+ Doctoral Training in Advanced Characterisation of Materials
+ (EP/S023259/1 recieved by RD) and the Royal Society (IF\R2\222059
+ received by AV as a Royal Society Industry Fellow).
The authors would like to thank other members of the TLDR group for
+ their testing and feedback.