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+ GrainLearning: A Bayesian uncertainty quantification
+toolbox for discrete and continuum numerical models of granular
+ Hongyang
+ Cheng
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+ Luisa
+ Orozco
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9153-650X
+ Retief
+ Lubbe
+ Aron
+ Jansen
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4764-9347
+ Philipp
+ Hartmann
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2524-8024
+ Klaus
+ Thoeni
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+ An iterative bayesian filtering framework for
+fast and automated calibration of DEM models
+ Cheng
+ Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
+ 350
+ 10.1016/j.cma.2019.01.027
+ 0045-7825
+ 2019
+ Cheng, H., Shuku, T., Thoeni, K.,
+Tempone, P., Luding, S., & Magnanimo, V. (2019). An iterative
+bayesian filtering framework for fast and automated calibration of DEM
+models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 350,
+ Probabilistic calibration of discrete element
+simulations using the sequential quasi-monte carlo
+ Cheng
+ Granular Matter
+ 20
+ 10.1007/s10035-017-0781-y
+ 2018
+ Cheng, H., Shuku, T., Thoeni, K.,
+& Yamamoto, H. (2018). Probabilistic calibration of discrete element
+simulations using the sequential quasi-monte carlo filter. Granular
+Matter, 20.
+ Performance study of iterative bayesian
+filtering to develop an efficient calibration framework for
+ Hartmann
+ Computers and Geotechnics
+ 141
+ 10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104491
+ 2022
+ Hartmann, P., Cheng, H., &
+Thoeni, K. (2022). Performance study of iterative bayesian filtering to
+develop an efficient calibration framework for DEM. Computers and
+Geotechnics, 141.
+ Visco-elastic sintering kinetics in virgin
+and aged polymer powders
+ Alvarez
+ Powder Technology
+ 397
+ 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.11.044
+ 0032-5910
+ 2022
+ Alvarez, J. E., Snijder, H., Vaneker,
+T., Cheng, H., Thornton, A. R., Luding, S., & Weinhart, T. (2022).
+Visco-elastic sintering kinetics in virgin and aged polymer powders.
+Powder Technology, 397, 117000.
+ Machine learning in the calibration process
+of discrete particle model
+ Nguyen
+ 2022
+ Nguyen, Q. H. (2022). Machine
+learning in the calibration process of discrete particle model.
+ Discrete element modelling of uplift of rigid
+pipes deeply buried in dense sand
+ Li
+ Computers and Geotechnics
+ 166
+ 10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105957
+ 0266-352X
+ 2024
+ Li, X., Kouretzis, G., & Thoeni,
+K. (2024). Discrete element modelling of uplift of rigid pipes deeply
+buried in dense sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 166, 105957.
+ Simulating industrial scenarios: With the
+open-source software MercuryDPM
+ Thornton
+ 10.23967/c.particles.2023.015
+ 2023
+ Thornton, A., Nguyen, Q., Polman, H.,
+Bisschop, J., Weinhart-Mejia, R., Vesal, M., Weinhart, T., Post, M.,
+& Ostanin, I. (2023, January). Simulating industrial scenarios: With
+the open-source software MercuryDPM.
+ GrainLearning
+ Cheng
+ 10.5281/zenodo.8352544
+ 2023
+ Cheng, H., Orozco, L., Lubbe, R.,
+Jansen, A., Hartmann, P., & Thoeni, K. (2023). GrainLearning
+(Version v2.0.2). Zenodo.
+ A calibration framework for discrete element
+model parameters using genetic algorithms
+ Do
+ Advanced Powder Technology
+ 29
+ 10.1016/J.APT.2018.03.001
+ 0921-8831
+ 2018
+ Do, H. Q., Aragón, A. M., &
+Schott, D. L. (2018). A calibration framework for discrete element model
+parameters using genetic algorithms. Advanced Powder Technology, 29,
+ Application of taguchi methods to DEM
+calibration of bonded agglomerates
+ Hanley
+ Powder Technology
+ 210
+ 10.1016/j.powtec.2011.03.023
+ 2011
+ Hanley, K. J., O’Sullivan, C.,
+Oliveira, J. C., Cronin, K., & Byrne, E. P. (2011). Application of
+taguchi methods to DEM calibration of bonded agglomerates. Powder
+Technology, 210, 230–240.
+ Application of DEM-based metamodels in bulk
+handling equipment design: Methodology and DEM case
+ Fransen
+ Powder Technology
+ 393
+ 10.1016/J.POWTEC.2021.07.048
+ 0032-5910
+ 2021
+ Fransen, M. P., Langelaar, M., &
+Schott, D. L. (2021). Application of DEM-based metamodels in bulk
+handling equipment design: Methodology and DEM case study. Powder
+Technology, 393, 205–218.
+ Identification of DEM simulation parameters
+by artificial neural networks and bulk experiments
+ Benvenuti
+ Powder Technology
+ 291
+ 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.01.003
+ 2016
+ Benvenuti, L., Kloss, C., &
+Pirker, S. (2016). Identification of DEM simulation parameters by
+artificial neural networks and bulk experiments. Powder Technology, 291,
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+GrainLearning: A Bayesian uncertainty quantification
+toolbox for discrete and continuum numerical models of granular
+Netherlands eScience center, Amsterdam, The
+Soil Micro Mechanics (SMM), Faculty of Engineering
+Technology, MESA+, University of Twente, Enschede, The
+University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW,
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Bayesian inference
+Discrete element method
+Granular materials
+Uncertainty Quantification
+Multi-particle simulation
+ Summary
How to keep dikes safe with rising sea levels? Why are ripples
+ formed in sand? What can we prepare for landing on Mars? At the center
+ of these questions is the understanding of how the grains, as a
+ self-organizing material, collide, flow, or get jammed and compressed.
+ State-of-the-art algorithms allow for simulating millions of grains
+ individually in a computer. However, such computations can take very
+ long and produce complex data difficult to interpret and be upscaled
+ to large-scale applications such as sediment transport and debris
+ flows. GrainLearning is an open-source toolbox with machine learning
+ and statistical inference modules allowing for emulating granular
+ material behavior and learning material uncertainties from real-life
+ observations.
To understand what GrainLearning does, let us consider a mechanical
+ test performed on a granular material. The macroscopic response of
+ such material, in terms of stress-strain evolution curves, is obtained
+ from the test. It would be interesting to have a digital equivalent
+ material to further investigate, using numerical simulations such as
+ the discrete element method (DEM), how such material would behave
+ under other mechanical constraints. To do so, the first step is
+ defining a contact model governing interactions between grains in DEM.
+ This involves multiple a-priori unknown constants, such as friction
+ coefficients or Young’s modulus, whose chosen values will determine
+ the macroscopic behavior of the simulation. By repeatedly comparing
+ the simulation results with provided experimental data, GrainLearning
+ allows one to calibrate or infer these values such that the mechanical
+ response in the DEM simulation is the closest to that observed in the
+ real-world experiment.
While it was initially developed for DEM simulations of granular
+ materials, GrainLearning can be extended to other simulation
+ frameworks such as FEM, CFD, LBM, and even other techniques such as
+ agent-based modeling. In the same vein, the framework is not exclusive
+ for granular materials.
+ Statement of need
Understanding the link from particle motions to the macroscopic
+ material response is essential to develop accurate models for
+ processes such as 3D printing with metal powders, pharmaceutical
+ powder compaction, flow and handling of cereals in the alimentary
+ industry, grinding and transport of construction materials. Discrete
+ Element Method (DEM) has been used widely as the fundamental tool to
+ produce the data to understand such link. However, DEM simulations are
+ highly computationally intensive and some of the parameters used in
+ the contact laws cannot be directly measured experimentally.
+ (Cheng
+ et al., 2023) arises as a tool for Bayesian calibration of such
+ computational models, which means the model parameters are estimated
+ with a certain level of uncertainty, constrained on (noisy) real-world
+ observations. Effectively, this makes the simulations digital twins of
+ real-world processes with uncertainties propagated on model outputs,
+ which then can be used for optimization or decision-making.
Conventionally, the calibration of contact parameters at the grain
+ scale is accomplished by trial and error, by comparing the macroscopic
+ responses between simulation and experiments. This is due to the
+ difficulty of obtaining precise measurements at the contact level and
+ the randomness of grain properties (e.g., shape, stiffness, and
+ asphericity). In the last decade, optimization
+ (Do et
+ al., 2018) and design-of-experiment
+ (Hanley
+ et al., 2011) approaches such as Latin Hypercube sampling and
+ genetic algorithms have been used. However, the amount of model runs
+ is still too large. For this reason, Gaussian process regression
+ (Fransen
+ et al., 2021) or artificial neural networks
+ (Benvenuti
+ et al., 2016) were tested as surrogate- or meta-models for the
+ DEM. GrainLearning combines probabilistic learning of parameter space
+ and sampling to achieve Bayesian optimization efficiently.
+ Functionality
GrainLearning’s core functionality is illustrated in
+ [fig:calibration_diagram].
+ GrainLearning started in the geotechnical engineering community and
+ was primarily used for granular materials in quasi-static, laboratory
+ conditions
+ (Cheng
+ et al., 2018,
+ 2019).
+ These include triaxial
+ (Hartmann
+ et al., 2022;
+ Li
+ et al., 2024) and oedometric
+ (Cheng
+ et al., 2019) compressions of soil samples. In the particle
+ technology community, attempts with GrainLearning have been made to
+ identify contact parameters for polymer and pharmaceutical powders
+ against angle-of-repose
+ (Nguyen,
+ 2022), shear cell
+ (Thornton
+ et al., 2023), and sintering experiments
+ (Alvarez
+ et al., 2022). Satisfactory results have been obtained in
+ simulation cases where the grains were in dynamic regimes or treated
+ under multi-physical processes.
Calibration or parameter inference: By means of
+ Sequential Monte Carlo filtering GrainLearning can infer and
+ update model parameters. By learning the underlying distribution
+ using a variational Gaussian model, highly probable zones are
+ identified and sampled iteratively until a tolerance for the
+ overall uncertainty is reached. This process requires the input
+ of: a time series reference data, the ranges of the parameters to
+ infer and a tolerance. The software iteratively minimizes the
+ discrepancy between the model solution and the reference data.
Elements of the trade in the calibration process. 1.
+ Draw initial values of the parameters to calibrate. 2. Run the
+ dynamic system with the parameters. 3. With the reference data or
+ observation, estimate the posterior distribution via the Bayesian
+ filtering. 4. Check convergence of the parameter inference, if the
+ process has not converged: 5. Define a Gaussian mixture from the
+ examples of this iteration and sample the parameters for the next
+ iteration. 6. Next iteration step. For more details check
+ the
+ iterative Bayesian filter section of GrainLearning’s
+ documentation.
Surrogate modeling: Besides using direct
+ simulation results (e.g. DEM) GrainLearning offers the capability
+ of building surrogates (e.g. recurrent neural networks) as an
+ alternative to computationally expensive DEM simulations,
+ effectively reducing the cost by several orders of magnitude.
+ Acknowledgements
The last author would like to thank the Netherlands eScience Center
+ for the funding provided under grant number NLESC.OEC.2021.032.
+ Author contributions
All authors have contributed substantially to the development of
+ GrainLearning. H. Cheng was responsible for the main idea and is the
+ main contributor. R. Lubbe and H. Cheng designed the code structure,
+ including the inference and sampling modules and tutorials and
+ examples to facilitate understanding. A. Jansen and L. Orozco
+ contributed to the conceptualization, implementation, testing and
+ documentation of the machine learning module, as well as the
+ improvement of best software practices.
+ ChengH.
+ ShukuTakayuki
+ ThoeniKlaus
+ TemponePamela
+ LudingStefan
+ MagnanimoVanessa
+ An iterative bayesian filtering framework for fast and automated calibration of DEM models
+ 2019
+ 350
+ 0045-7825
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045782519300520
+ 10.1016/j.cma.2019.01.027
+ 268
+ 294
+ ChengH.
+ ShukuT.
+ ThoeniK.
+ YamamotoH.
+ Probabilistic calibration of discrete element simulations using the sequential quasi-monte carlo filter
+ 2018
+ 20
+ 10.1007/s10035-017-0781-y
+ HartmannP.
+ ChengH.
+ ThoeniK.
+ Performance study of iterative bayesian filtering to develop an efficient calibration framework for DEM
+ Elsevier Ltd
+ 2022
+ 141
+ 10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104491
+ AlvarezJ. E.
+ SnijderH.
+ VanekerT.
+ ChengH.
+ ThorntonA. R.
+ LudingS.
+ WeinhartT.
+ Visco-elastic sintering kinetics in virgin and aged polymer powders
+ 2022
+ 397
+ 0032-5910
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032591021009980
+ 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.11.044
+ 117000
+ NguyenQ. H.
+ Machine learning in the calibration process of discrete particle model
+ 2022
+ http://essay.utwente.nl/91991/
+ LiXin
+ KouretzisGeorge
+ ThoeniKlaus
+ Discrete element modelling of uplift of rigid pipes deeply buried in dense sand
+ 2024
+ 166
+ 0266-352X
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266352X23007140
+ 10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105957
+ 105957
+ ThorntonAnthony
+ NguyenQ.
+ PolmanH.
+ BisschopJ.
+ Weinhart-MejiaR.
+ VesalM.
+ WeinhartThomas
+ PostM.
+ OstaninIgor
+ Simulating industrial scenarios: With the open-source software MercuryDPM
+ 202301
+ 10.23967/c.particles.2023.015
+ ChengH.
+ OrozcoL.
+ LubbeR.
+ JansenA.
+ HartmannP.
+ ThoeniK.
+ GrainLearning
+ Zenodo
+ 202309
+ https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8352544
+ 10.5281/zenodo.8352544
+ DoHuy Q.
+ AragónAlejandro M.
+ SchottDingena L.
+ A calibration framework for discrete element model parameters using genetic algorithms
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+ 201806
+ 29
+ 0921-8831
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+ 10.1016/J.APT.2018.03.001
+ 1393
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+ HanleyKevin J.
+ O’SullivanCatherine
+ OliveiraJorge C.
+ CroninKevin
+ ByrneEdmond P.
+ Application of taguchi methods to DEM calibration of bonded agglomerates
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+ 10.1016/j.powtec.2011.03.023
+ 230
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+ FransenMarc P.
+ LangelaarMatthijs
+ SchottDingena L.
+ Application of DEM-based metamodels in bulk handling equipment design: Methodology and DEM case study
+ Elsevier
+ 202111
+ 393
+ 0032-5910
+ 10.1016/J.POWTEC.2021.07.048
+ 205
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+ BenvenutiL.
+ KlossC.
+ PirkerS.
+ Identification of DEM simulation parameters by artificial neural networks and bulk experiments
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