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+ brains-py, A framework to support research on
+energy-efficient unconventional hardware for machine learning
+ Unai
+ Alegre-Ibarra
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+ Hans-Christian Ruiz
+ Euler
+ Humaid
+ A.Mollah
+ Bozhidar P.
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+ Srikumar S.
+ Sastry
+ Marcus N.
+ Boon
+ Michel P.
+ de Jong
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+ Zolfagharinejad
+ Florentina M. J.
+ Uitzetter
+ Bram
+ van de Ven
+ António J. Sousa
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+ Wilfred G.
+ van der Wiel
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+ The rise of intelligent
+ Kaspar
+ Nature
+ 7863
+ 594
+ 2021
+ Kaspar, C., Ravoo, B., Wiel, W. G.
+van der, Wegner, S., & Pernice, W. (2021). The rise of intelligent
+matter. Nature, 594(7863), 345–355.
+ Classification with a disordered dopant-atom
+network in silicon
+ Chen
+ Nature
+ 7790
+ 577
+ 10.1038/s41586-019-1901-0
+ 2020
+ Chen, T., Gelder, J. van, Ven, B. van
+de, Amitonov, S. V., Wilde, B. de, Euler, H.-C. R., Broersma, H.,
+Bobbert, P. A., Zwanenburg, F. A., & Wiel, W. G. van der. (2020).
+Classification with a disordered dopant-atom network in silicon. Nature,
+577(7790), 341–345.
+ Dopant network processing units: Towards
+efficient neural network emulators with high-capacity nanoelectronic
+ Ruiz-Euler
+ Neuromorphic Computing and
+ 2
+ 1
+ 10.1088/2634-4386/ac1a7f
+ 2021
+ Ruiz-Euler, H.-C., Alegre-Ibarra, U.,
+Ven, B. van de, Broersma, H., Bobbert, P. A., & Wiel, W. G. van der.
+(2021). Dopant network processing units: Towards efficient neural
+network emulators with high-capacity nanoelectronic nodes. Neuromorphic
+Computing and Engineering, 1(2), 024002.
+ Genetic algorithms
+ Sivanandam
+ Introduction to genetic
+ 2008
+ Sivanandam, S., & Deepa, S.
+(2008). Genetic algorithms. In Introduction to genetic algorithms (pp.
+15–37). Springer.
+ A deep-learning approach to realizing
+functionality in nanoelectronic devices
+ Ruiz Euler
+ Nature nanotechnology
+ 12
+ 15
+ 10.1038/s41565-020-00779-y
+ 2020
+ Ruiz Euler, H.-C., Boon, M. N.,
+Wildeboer, J. T., Ven, B. van de, Chen, T., Broersma, H., Bobbert, P.
+A., & Wiel, W. G. van der. (2020). A deep-learning approach to
+realizing functionality in nanoelectronic devices. Nature
+Nanotechnology, 15(12), 992–998.
+ A comparative analysis of gradient
+descent-based optimization algorithms on convolutional neural
+ Dogo
+ 2018 international conference on
+computational techniques, electronics and mechanical systems
+ 10.1109/CTEMS.2018.8769211
+ 2018
+ Dogo, E., Afolabi, O., Nwulu, N.,
+Twala, B., & Aigbavboa, C. (2018). A comparative analysis of
+gradient descent-based optimization algorithms on convolutional neural
+networks. 2018 International Conference on Computational Techniques,
+Electronics and Mechanical Systems (CTEMS), 92–99.
+ PyTorch lightning: The lightweight PyTorch
+wrapper for high-performance AI research.
+ Falcon
+ 10.5281/zenodo.3828935
+ 2019
+ Falcon, W., & The Pytorch
+Lightning team, the. (2019). PyTorch lightning: The lightweight PyTorch
+wrapper for high-performance AI research.
+ Pytorch: An imperative style,
+high-performance deep learning library
+ Paszke
+ Advances in neural information processing
+ 32
+ 2019
+ Paszke, A., Gross, S., Massa, F.,
+Lerer, A., Bradbury, J., Chanan, G., Killeen, T., Lin, Z., Gimelshein,
+N., Antiga, L., & others. (2019). Pytorch: An imperative style,
+high-performance deep learning library. Advances in Neural Information
+Processing Systems, 32.
+ Hopping-transport mechanism for
+reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks
+ Tertilt
+ Physical Review Applied
+ 6
+ 17
+ 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.064025
+ 2022
+ Tertilt, H., Bakker, J., Becker, M.,
+Wilde, B. de, Klanberg, I., Geurts, B. J., Wiel, W. G. van der, Heuer,
+A., & Bobbert, P. A. (2022). Hopping-transport mechanism for
+reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks. Physical Review
+Applied, 17(6), 064025.
+ 1/f noise and machine intelligence in a
+nonlinear dopant atom network
+ Chen
+ Small Science
+ 3
+ 1
+ 10.1002/smsc.202000014
+ 2021
+ Chen, T., Bobbert, P. A., & Wiel,
+W. G. van der. (2021). 1/f noise and machine intelligence in a nonlinear
+dopant atom network. Small Science, 1(3), 2000014.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+brains-py, A framework to support research on
+energy-efficient unconventional hardware for machine
+Hans-Christian Ruiz
+Bozhidar P.
+Srikumar S.
+Marcus N.
+de Jong
+Michel P.
+Florentina M. J.
+van de Ven
+de Almeida
+António J. Sousa
+van der Wiel
+Wilfred G.
+MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology & BRAINS Center for
+Brain-Inspired Nano Systems, University of Twente,
+Advanced Tech., Materials Engineering Div., Toyota Motor
+Europe, Belgium
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Dopant network processing units (DNPUs)
+Material Learning
+Machine Learning Hardware design
+Efficient Computing
+Materials Science
+ Summary
Projections about the limitations of digital computers for deep
+ learning models are leading to a shift towards domain-specific
+ hardware, where novel analogue components are sought after, due to
+ their potential advantages in power consumption. This paper introduces
+ brains-py, a generic framework to facilitate research on different
+ sorts of disordered nano-material networks for natural and
+ energy-efficient analogue computing. Mainly, it has been applied to
+ the concept of dopant network processing units (DNPUs), a novel and
+ promising CMOS-compatible nano-scale tunable system based on doped
+ silicon with potentially very low-power consumption at the inference
+ stage. The framework focuses on two material-learning-based
+ approaches, for training DNPUs to compute supervised learning tasks:
+ evolution-in-matter and surrogate models. While evolution-in-matter
+ focuses on providing a quick exploration of newly manufactured single
+ DNPUs, the surrogate model approach is used for the design and
+ simulation of the interconnection between multiple DNPUs, enabling the
+ exploration of their scalability. All simulation results can be
+ seamlessly validated on hardware, saving time and costs associated
+ with their reproduction. The framework is generic and can be reused
+ for research on various materials with different design aspects,
+ providing support for the most common tasks required for doing
+ experiments with these novel materials.
+ Statement of need
The breakthroughs of deep learning come along with high energy
+ costs, related to the high throughput data-movement requirements for
+ computing them. The increasing computational demands of these models,
+ along with the projected traditional hardware limitations, are
+ shifting the paradigm towards innovative hardware solutions, where
+ analogue components for application-specific integrated circuits are
+ keenly
+ sought (Kaspar
+ et al., 2021). Dopant network processing units (DNPUs) are a
+ novel concept consisting of a lightly doped semiconductor, edged with
+ several electrodes, where hopping in dopant networks is the dominant
+ charge transport mechanism Chen et al.
+ (2021)
+ (See Figure 1). The output current of DNPUs is a non-linear function
+ of the input voltages, which can be tuned for representing different
+ complex functions. The process of finding adequate control voltages
+ for a particular task is called training. Once the right voltage
+ values are found, the same device can represent different complex
+ functions on demand. The main advantages of these CMOS-compatible
+ devices are the very low currents, their multi-scale tunability on a
+ high dimensional parameter space, and their potential for extensive
+ parallelism. Devices based on this concept enable the creation of
+ potentially very low energy-consuming hardware for computing deep
+ neural network (DNN) models, where each DNPU has a projected energy
+ consumption of over 100 Tera-operations per second per
+ Watt (Chen
+ et al., 2020). This concept is still in its infancy, and it can
+ be developed in diverse ways. From various types of materials (host
+ and dopants) to distinct dopant concentrations, different device
+ dimensions or the number of electrodes, as well as different
+ combinations of data-input, control and readout electrodes. Also,
+ there are different ways in which DNPU-based circuits could be scaled
+ up, and having to create hardware circuits from scratch is an arduous
+ and time-consuming process. For this reason, this paper introduces
+ brains-py, a generic framework to facilitate research on different
+ sorts of disordered nano-material networks for natural and
+ energy-efficient analogue computing. To the extent of the knowledge of
+ the authors, there is no other similar works on the area.
+ Framework description
The framework is composed of two main packages, brains-py (core)
+ and brainspy-smg (surrogate model generator). The former package
+ contains the whole structure for processors, managing the drivers for
+ National Instruments devices that are connected to the DNPUs, and a
+ set of utils functions that can be used for managing the signals,
+ custom loss/fitness functions, linear transformations and i/o file
+ management. The latter package contains the libraries required to
+ prepare DNPU devices for data gathering (multiple and single IV
+ curves), to gather information from multi-terminal devices in an
+ efficient way
+ (Ruiz
+ Euler et al., 2020), as well as training support for surrogate
+ models, and consistency checks.
+ Finding functionality on a single DNPU circuit design
There are two main flavours in which single DNPUs can be trained:
+ Evolution in Matter or Surrogate model based
+ gradient descent. The evolution in matter
+ approach performs a stochastic search for suitable control voltages
+ for a single DNPU unit, measured in hardware, for a given supervised
+ task (Sivanandam
+ & Deepa, 2008). It provides a quicker exploration (directly
+ on hardware) of the usefulness of newly manufactured single DNPUs.
+ Typically, common classification benchmarks are used, such as solving
+ non-linear boolean
+ gates (Chen
+ et al., 2020) or measuring the Vapnik-Chervonenkis
+ dimension (Ruiz-Euler
+ et al., 2021). On the other hand, the surrogate
+ model
+ approach (Ruiz
+ Euler et al., 2020) is better suited for studying the scaling
+ of DNPU hardware. The process is as follows:
Generate a surrogate model: For this, the multi-dimensional
+ input-output data of the device is densely sampled. The input
+ consists of sinusoidal or triangular modulation functions, chosen
+ in such a way that the ratios of all frequency combinations are
+ irrational, guaranteeing a densely covered input-output space
+ without repetitions. A DNN is trained for representing the
+ function of this input-output data.
Train for DNPU functionality: The weights of the trained DNN
+ are frozen, and the control voltages are declared as learnable
+ parameters of the surrogate model of the DNPU. The training for
+ DNPU functionality is supported by the brains-py framework but is
+ also possible to use customised user-created gradient
+ descent (Dogo
+ et al., 2018) algorithms using PyTorch.
Validate on hardware: Once satisfactory control voltages for a
+ task are found, brains-py supports seamlessly validating them on
+ hardware, without having to modify the code of the model, by
+ simply changing the model to hardware-evaluation mode.
Scanning electron microscope image and its schematic
+ cross section.
Simplified class diagram for processors package in
+ brains-py library.
One of the main aims of the framework is to explore different ways
+ in which DNPU-based circuits can be scaled up. Developers can create
+ experiments using several surrogate models in a custom PyTorch module,
+ in a very similar way to how they would do it to create a custom
+ neural network with PyTorch (It allows to create your own module that
+ is a torch.nn.Module class child or
+ lightning.LightningModule child from the Pytorch
+ Lightning library). In this way, they can explore different ways of
+ interconnecting DNPUs, and analyse their performance. Any experiment
+ based on surrogate model simulations can then be validated on hardware
+ with minor changes required on the code. In this way, early
+ proof-of-concept hardware can be prototyped fast, avoiding having to
+ develop again the experiments for hardware, which would otherwise be
+ cumbersome to reproduce. Common programming tasks such as loading
+ datasets, creating training loops, optimisers and loss functions
+ required to implement the supervised learning task can be programmed
+ in a very similar way to how it would be done with any regular
+ gradient descent implementation in
+ PyTorch (Paszke
+ et al., 2019) and/or PyTorch
+ Lightning (Falcon
+ & The Pytorch Lightning team, 2019). For providing
+ validation on hardware with small code modifications, the brains-py
+ library leverages the concept of ‘Processor’, which
+ allows changing the internal behaviour of the class to measure on
+ simulations or hardware measurements, while maintaining an equivalent
+ behaviour for the public methods. Internally, the
+ Processor class also deals with the differences
+ between input/output signals that are inherent to measuring in
+ hardware or simulations (e.g., noise or length of
+ signal). This greatly facilitates the reuse of the same code for
+ simulations and hardware measurements. Without this feature, the
+ research on these materials becomes difficult and time-consuming to
+ reproduce in hardware. The library also provides programmers with
+ additional modules, which are associated to a
+ Processor by an aggregation relationship, that can
+ already replicate the scaling of DNPUs in ways that are known to work
+ well (see Figure 2):
DNPU: It is a very similar class to that of a
+ Processor, but it contains the control voltages,
+ declared as learnable parameters. Therefore, it only has the same
+ input dimensions as the number of available data input electrodes.
+ It is also a child of torch.nn.Module, and it
+ allows for representing a layer of DNPUs in a time-multiplexing
+ fashion (with the same Processor instance). It also enables
+ applying linear transformations to the inputs before passing them
+ to the processor.
DNPUBatchNorm: It is a child of the
+ DNPU class, and it also facilitates the
+ incorporation of a batch normalisation layer after the output,
+ which has been shown to produce better
+ results (Ruiz-Euler
+ et al., 2021). It also enables logging outputs before and
+ after normalisation.
DNPUConv2d: It is a child of the
+ DNPU class, and it enables the processing of the
+ information in the same way as a convolution layer would do, for
+ different kernel dimensions. In each case, a number of devices in
+ parallel (time-multiplexed) will represent a kernel (e.g., for a
+ 3x3 convolution, a layer of three eight-electrode devices can be
+ used, where each device has 3 data-input electrodes and a single
+ output). This layer can be used to reproduce computation with
+ DNPUs using convolutional neural network (CNN) layers, and
+ replicate existing deep-learning models.
+ Conclusions and future research lines
We introduce a framework for facilitating the characterisation of
+ different materials that can be used for energy-efficient computations
+ in the context of machine learning hardware development research. It
+ supports developers during typical tasks required for the mentioned
+ purpose, including preliminary direct measurements of devices, the
+ gathering of data and training of surrogate models, and the
+ possibility to seamlessly validate simulations of surrogate models in
+ hardware. In this way, researchers can save a significant amount of
+ energy and resources when exploring the abilities of different DNPU
+ materials and designs for creating energy-efficient hardware. The
+ libraries have been designed with reusability in mind.
+ Projects
The tool is primarily used in the Center for Brain-Inspired
+ NanoSystems, which includes the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology,
+ the Digital Society Institute and the Faculty of Behavioural,
+ Management and Social sciences. It has been used for several
+ projects:
HYBRAIN – Hybrid electronic-photonic architectures for
+ brain-inspired computing
Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe
+ research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No
+ 101046878
Collaborative Research Centre on Intelligent Matter (CRC
+ 1459)
Project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG,
+ German Research Foundation) through project 433682494 -
+ 1459 - Intelligent Matter - University of Münster
Evolutionary Computing using Nanomaterial Networks
Project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)
+ Natuurkunde Projectruimte Grant No. 680-91-114
Nanomaterial Networks for Artificial Intelligence in the
+ Automotive Industry: NANO(AI)2
Project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)
+ Natuurkunde Projectruimte Grant No. 16237 DFG, German Research
+ Foundation) through project 433682494 – SFB 1459
Within the scope of the above projects, several PhDs and Master
+ Students have developed and are developing code based on this
+ library.
+ Acknowledgements
This project has received financial support from the University of
+ Twente, the Dutch Research Council ( HTSM grant no. 16237 and
+ Natuurkunde Projectruimte grant no. 680-91-114 ) as well as from
+ Toyota Motor Europe N.V. We acknowledge financial support from the
+ HYBRAIN project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research
+ and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101046878. This work
+ was further funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German
+ Research Foundation) through project 433682494 – SFB 1459.
+ KasparC
+ RavooBJ
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ WegnerSV
+ PerniceWHP
+ The rise of intelligent matter
+ Nature Publishing Group
+ 2021
+ 594
+ 7863
+ 345
+ 355
+ ChenTao
+ GelderJeroen van
+ VenBram van de
+ AmitonovSergey V
+ WildeBram de
+ EulerHans-Christian Ruiz
+ BroersmaHajo
+ BobbertPeter A
+ ZwanenburgFloris A
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ Classification with a disordered dopant-atom network in silicon
+ Nature Publishing Group
+ 2020
+ 577
+ 7790
+ 10.1038/s41586-019-1901-0
+ 341
+ 345
+ Ruiz-EulerHans-Christian
+ Alegre-IbarraUnai
+ VenBram van de
+ BroersmaHajo
+ BobbertPeter A
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ Dopant network processing units: Towards efficient neural network emulators with high-capacity nanoelectronic nodes
+ IOP Publishing
+ 202109
+ 1
+ 2
+ 10.1088/2634-4386/ac1a7f
+ 024002
+ SivanandamSN
+ DeepaSN
+ Genetic algorithms
+ Springer
+ 2008
+ 15
+ 37
+ Ruiz EulerHans-Christian
+ BoonMarcus N
+ WildeboerJochem T
+ VenBram van de
+ ChenTao
+ BroersmaHajo
+ BobbertPeter A
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ A deep-learning approach to realizing functionality in nanoelectronic devices
+ Nature Publishing Group
+ 2020
+ 15
+ 12
+ 10.1038/s41565-020-00779-y
+ 992
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+ DogoEM
+ AfolabiOJ
+ NwuluNI
+ TwalaBhekisipho
+ AigbavboaCO
+ A comparative analysis of gradient descent-based optimization algorithms on convolutional neural networks
+ 2018
+ 10.1109/CTEMS.2018.8769211
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+ FalconWilliam
+ The Pytorch Lightning teamthe
+ PyTorch lightning: The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research.
+ https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning
+ 2019
+ 10.5281/zenodo.3828935
+ PaszkeAdam
+ GrossSam
+ MassaFrancisco
+ LererAdam
+ BradburyJames
+ ChananGregory
+ KilleenTrevor
+ LinZeming
+ GimelsheinNatalia
+ AntigaLuca
+ others
+ Pytorch: An imperative style, high-performance deep learning library
+ 2019
+ 32
+ TertiltHenri
+ BakkerJesse
+ BeckerMarlon
+ WildeBram de
+ KlanbergIndrek
+ GeurtsBernard J
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ HeuerAndreas
+ BobbertPeter A
+ Hopping-transport mechanism for reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks
+ 2022
+ 17
+ 6
+ 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.064025
+ 064025
+ ChenTao
+ BobbertPeter A
+ WielWilfred G van der
+ 1/f noise and machine intelligence in a nonlinear dopant atom network
+ Wiley Online Library
+ 2021
+ 1
+ 3
+ 10.1002/smsc.202000014
+ 2000014
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