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+ 20241101212721-ec363f6ca359a42cc3866e78fe9c18bc26ebbbd0
+ 20241101212721
+ JOSS Admin
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+ The Open Journal
+ Journal of Open Source Software
+ 2475-9066
+ 10.21105/joss
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+ 11
+ 2024
+ 9
+ 103
+ bayes_spec: A Bayesian Spectral Line Modeling Framework
+for Astrophysics
+ Trey V.
+ Wenger
+ NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0640-7787
+ 11
+ 01
+ 2024
+ 7201
+ 10.21105/joss.07201
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+ https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.07201.pdf
+ Autonomous Gaussian
+ Lindner
+ The Astronomical Journal
+ 4
+ 149
+ 10.1088/0004-6256/149/4/138
+ 2015
+ Lindner, R. R., Vera-Ciro, C.,
+Murray, C. E., Stanimirović, S., Babler, B., Heiles, C., Hennebelle, P.,
+Goss, W. M., & Dickey, J. (2015). Autonomous Gaussian decomposition.
+The Astronomical Journal, 149(4), 138.
+ ROHSA: Regularized Optimization for
+Hyper-Spectral Analysis. Application to phase separation of 21 cm
+ Marchal
+ Astronomy & Astrophysics
+ 626
+ 10.1051/0004-6361/201935335
+ 2019
+ Marchal, A., Miville-Deschênes,
+M.-A., Orieux, F., Gac, N., Soussen, C., Lesot, M.-J., d’Allonnes, A.
+R., & Salomé, Q. (2019). ROHSA: Regularized Optimization for
+Hyper-Spectral Analysis. Application to phase separation of 21 cm data.
+Astronomy & Astrophysics, 626, A101.
+ Amoeba: Automated Molecular Excitation
+Bayesian Line-fitting Algorithm
+ Petzler
+ The Astrophysical Journal
+ 2
+ 923
+ 10.3847/1538-4357/ac2f42
+ 2021
+ Petzler, A., Dawson, J. R., &
+Wardle, M. (2021). Amoeba: Automated Molecular Excitation Bayesian
+Line-fitting Algorithm. The Astrophysical Journal, 923(2), 261.
+ Pyspeckit: A spectroscopic analysis and
+plotting package
+ Ginsburg
+ The Astronomical Journal
+ 6
+ 163
+ 10.3847/1538-3881/ac695a
+ 2022
+ Ginsburg, A., Sokolov, V., de
+Val-Borro, M., Rosolowsky, E., Pineda, J. E., Sipőcz, B. M., &
+Henshaw, J. D. (2022). Pyspeckit: A spectroscopic analysis and plotting
+package. The Astronomical Journal, 163(6), 291.
+ PyMC: A modern and comprehensive
+probabilistic programming framework in Python
+ Oriol
+ PeerJ Computer Science
+ 9
+ 10.7717/peerj-cs.1516
+ 2023
+ Oriol, A.-P., Virgile, A., Colin, C.,
+Larry, D., J., F. C., Maxim, K., Ravin, K., Jupeng, L., C., L. C., A.,
+M. O., Michael, O., Ricardo, V., Thomas, W., & Robert, Z. (2023).
+PyMC: A modern and comprehensive probabilistic programming framework in
+Python. PeerJ Computer Science, 9, e1516.
+ The dynamic centres of infrared-dark clouds
+and the formation of cores
+ Rigby
+ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
+ 2
+ 528
+ 10.1093/mnras/stae030
+ 2024
+ Rigby, A. J., Peretto, N., Anderson,
+M., Ragan, S. E., Priestley, F. D., Fuller, G. A., Thompson, M. A.,
+Traficante, A., Watkins, E. J., & Williams, G. M. (2024). The
+dynamic centres of infrared-dark clouds and the formation of cores.
+Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(2), 1172–1197.
+ McFine: PYTHON-based Monte Carlo
+multicomponent hyperfine structure fitting
+ Williams
+ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
+ 2
+ 534
+ 10.1093/mnras/stae2130
+ 2024
+ Williams, T. G., & Watkins, E. J.
+(2024). McFine: PYTHON-based Monte Carlo multicomponent hyperfine
+structure fitting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
+534(2), 1150–1165.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+bayes_spec: A Bayesian Spectral Line Modeling Framework
+for Astrophysics
+Trey V.
+NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow,
+University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Bayesian models
+ Summary
The study of the interstellar medium (ISM)—the matter between the
+ stars—relies heavily on the tools of spectroscopy. Spectral line
+ observations of atoms, ions, and molecules in the ISM reveal the
+ physical conditions and kinematics of the emitting gas. Robust and
+ efficient numerical techniques are thus necessary for inferring the
+ physical conditions of the ISM from observed spectral line data.
bayes_spec is a Bayesian spectral line
+ modeling framework for astrophysics. Given a user-defined model and a
+ spectral line dataset, bayes_spec enables
+ inference of the model parameters through different numerical
+ techniques, such as Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods,
+ implemented in the PyMC probabilistic programming library
+ (Oriol
+ et al., 2023). The API for bayes_spec is
+ designed to support astrophysical researchers who wish to “fit”
+ arbitrary, user-defined models, such as simple spectral line profile
+ models or complicated physical models that include a full physical
+ treatment of radiative transfer. These models are “cloud-based”,
+ meaning that the spectral line data are decomposed into a series of
+ discrete clouds with parameters defined by the user’s model.
+ Importantly, bayes_spec provides algorithms to
+ determine the optimal number of clouds for a given model and
+ dataset.
+ Statement of need
Bayesian models of spectral line observations are rare in
+ astrophysics. Physical inference is typically achieved through inverse
+ modeling: the spectral line data are decomposed into Gaussian
+ components, and then the physical parameters are inferred from the
+ fitted Gaussian parameters under numerous assumptions. For example,
+ this is the strategy of gausspy
+ (Lindner
+ et al., 2015), ROHSA
+ (Marchal
+ et al., 2019), pyspeckit
+ (Ginsburg
+ et al., 2022), and MWYDYN
+ (Rigby
+ et al., 2024). This strategy suffers from two problems: (1) the
+ degeneracies of Gaussian decomposition and (2) the assumptions of the
+ inverse model. Bayesian forward models, like those enabled by
+ bayes_spec, can overcome both of these
+ limitations because (1) prior knowledge about the physical conditions
+ can reduce the space of possible solutions, and (2) all assumptions
+ are explicitly built into the model rather than being applied
+ a priori.
bayes_spec is inspired by
+ (Petzler
+ et al., 2021), an MCMC-based Bayesian model for interstellar
+ hydroxide observations. McFine
+ (Williams
+ & Watkins, 2024) is a new MCMC-based Bayesian model for
+ hyperfine spectroscopy similar in spirit to
+ bayes_spec. With
+ bayes_spec, we aim to provide a user-friendly,
+ general-purpose Bayesian modeling framework for any
+ astrophysical spectral line observation.
+ Usage
Here we demonstrate how to use bayes_spec to
+ fit a simple Gaussian line profile model to a synthetic spectrum. For
+ more details, see the
+ documentation
+ and tutorials.
+ # Generate data structure
+import numpy as np
+from bayes_spec import SpecData
+velocity_axis = np.linspace(-250.0, 250.0, 501) # km s-1
+noise = 1.0 # K
+brightness_data = noise * np.random.randn(len(velocity_axis)) # K
+observation = SpecData(
+ velocity_axis, brightness_data, noise,
+ ylabel=r"Brightness Temperature $T_B$ (K)",
+ xlabel=r"LSR Velocity $V_{\rm LSR}$ (km s$^{-1})$",
+data = {"observation": observation}
+# Prepare a three cloud GaussLine model with polynomial baseline degree = 2
+from bayes_spec.models import GaussModel
+model = GaussModel(data, n_clouds=3, baseline_degree=2)
+# Evaluate the model for a given set of parameters to generate a
+# synthetic "observation"
+sim_brightness = model.model.observation.eval({
+ "fwhm": [25.0, 40.0, 35.0], # FWHM line width (km/s)
+ "line_area": [250.0, 125.0, 175.0], # line area (K km/s)
+ "velocity": [-35.0, 10.0, 55.0], # velocity (km/s)
+ # normalized baseline coefficients
+ "baseline_observation_norm": [-0.5, -2.0, 3.0],
+# Pack data structure with synthetic "observation"
+observation = SpecData(
+ velocity_axis, sim_brightness, noise,
+ ylabel=r"Brightness Temperature $T_B$ (K)",
+ xlabel=r"LSR Velocity $V_{\rm LSR}$ (km s$^{-1})$",
+data = {"observation": observation}
+# Initialize the model with the synthetic observation
+model = GaussModel(data, n_clouds=3, baseline_degree=2)
+# Draw posterior samples via MCMC
+# Solve labeling degeneracy
+# Draw posterior predictive samples
+from bayes_spec.plots import plot_predictive
+posterior = model.sample_posterior_predictive(thin=100)
+axes = plot_predictive(model.data, posterior.posterior_predictive)
+# visualize posterior distribution
+from bayes_spec.plots import plot_pair
+axes = plot_pair(
+ model.trace.solution_0,
+ model.cloud_deterministics,
+ labeller=model.labeller,
Posterior predictive samples for a three-cloud
+ GaussLine model fit to a synthetic spectrum.
+ The black line represents the synthetic spectrum, and each colored
+ line is one posterior predictive sample.
Projections of the posterior distribution for a
+ three-cloud GaussLine model fit to a
+ synthetic spectrum. The free model parameters are the integrated
+ line area,
+ ∫TBdV,
+ the full-width at half-maximum line width,
+ ΔV,
+ and the line-center velocity,
+ .
+ The line amplitude,
+ TB,
+ is a derived quantity. The three posterior modes correspond to the
+ three clouds in this model.
+ LindnerRobert R.
+ Vera-CiroCarlos
+ MurrayClaire E.
+ StanimirovićSnežana
+ BablerBrian
+ HeilesCarl
+ HennebellePatrick
+ GossW. M.
+ DickeyJohn
+ Autonomous Gaussian decomposition
+ 201504
+ 149
+ 4
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.2840
+ 10.1088/0004-6256/149/4/138
+ 138
+ MarchalAntoine
+ Miville-DeschênesMarc-Antoine
+ OrieuxFrançois
+ GacNicolas
+ SoussenCharles
+ LesotMarie-Jeanne
+ d’ AllonnesAdrien Revault
+ SaloméQuentin
+ ROHSA: Regularized Optimization for Hyper-Spectral Analysis. Application to phase separation of 21 cm data
+ 201906
+ 626
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.00658
+ 10.1051/0004-6361/201935335
+ A101
+ PetzlerAnita
+ DawsonJ. R.
+ WardleMark
+ Amoeba: Automated Molecular Excitation Bayesian Line-fitting Algorithm
+ 202112
+ 923
+ 2
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11922
+ 10.3847/1538-4357/ac2f42
+ 261
+ GinsburgAdam
+ SokolovVlas
+ de Val-BorroMiguel
+ RosolowskyErik
+ PinedaJaime E.
+ SipőczBrigitta M.
+ HenshawJonathan D.
+ Pyspeckit: A spectroscopic analysis and plotting package
+ 202206
+ 163
+ 6
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04987
+ 10.3847/1538-3881/ac695a
+ 291
+ OriolAbril-Pla
+ VirgileAndreani
+ ColinCarroll
+ LarryDong
+ J.Fonnesbeck Christopher
+ MaximKochurov
+ RavinKumar
+ JupengLao
+ C.Luhmann Christian
+ A.Martin Osvaldo
+ MichaelOsthege
+ RicardoVieira
+ ThomasWiecki
+ RobertZinkov
+ PyMC: A modern and comprehensive probabilistic programming framework in Python
+ PeerJ
+ 2023
+ 9
+ 10.7717/peerj-cs.1516
+ e1516
+ RigbyAndrew J.
+ PerettoNicolas
+ AndersonMichael
+ RaganSarah E.
+ PriestleyFelix D.
+ FullerGary A.
+ ThompsonMark A.
+ TraficanteAlessio
+ WatkinsElizabeth J.
+ WilliamsGwenllian M.
+ The dynamic centres of infrared-dark clouds and the formation of cores
+ 202402
+ 528
+ 2
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.04238
+ 10.1093/mnras/stae030
+ 1172
+ 1197
+ WilliamsThomas G.
+ WatkinsElizabeth J.
+ McFine: PYTHON-based Monte Carlo multicomponent hyperfine structure fitting
+ 202410
+ 534
+ 2
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03835
+ 10.1093/mnras/stae2130
+ 1150
+ 1165
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