+ Statement of need
+ lavaan
+ (Rosseel,
+ 2012) is a very popular R package for structural equation
+ modeling (SEM). The package relies on specific operators to define
+ latent variables, regressions, covariances, indirect effects, and so
+ on. However, some individuals (e.g., beginners to R and
+ lavaan)—or in some cases power users—may prefer
+ not having to specify the operators themselves, or would like to see
+ some steps automatized, such as generating the
+ lavaan model layout or defining indirect
+ effects. Furthermore, for researchers, it can be relatively difficult
+ to extract relevant statistical outputs in the form of tables and
+ figures that are suitable for scientific publication.
+ lavaanExtra does mainly two things to
+ address these issues. First, it offers an alternative, code-efficient
+ flexible modular syntax that allows automatizing certain steps, such
+ as defining indirect effects in certain scenarios or the desired
+ structure of a SEM model to be plotted (however, note that
+ lavaan is also compatible with a modular
+ approach). Second, it facilitates the analysis-to-publication workflow
+ by providing publication-ready tables and figures following the style
+ requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA).
+ Usage
+ There is a single function at the center of the proposed
+ alternative syntax, write_lavaan(). The idea
+ behind write_lavaan() is to define individual
+ components (regressions, covariances, latent variables, etc.),
+ provide them to the function, and have it write the
+ lavaan model, so the user does not have to
+ worry about making typos in the specific symbols required for each
+ aspect of the model.
+ There are several benefits to this approach. Some
+ lavaan models can become very large. By
+ defining the entire model every time, such as is typical with
+ lavaan users, not only do we break the DRY
+ (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle, but our scripts can also become
+ long and unwieldy. This problem gets worse in the scenario where we
+ want to compare several variations of the same general model.
+ write_lavaan() allows the user to reuse code
+ components, say, only the latent variables, for future models.
+ This aspect also allows better control over the user’s code. If
+ the user makes a mistake in one of, say, five SEM models definition,
+ the user will have to change it at all five places within the
+ script. With write_lavaan(), users only need
+ to define the reusable component the first time, or until they need
+ to change that component again.
+ The vector-based approach also allows the use of functions to
+ define components. For example, if all scale items are named
+ consistently, say x1 to
+ x50, one can use
+ paste0("x", 1:50) instead of typing
+ all the items by hand and risk making mistakes. However, note that
+ reusable components through functions is also compatible with
+ lavaan.
+ Another issue with lavaan models is the
+ readability of the code defining the model. One can go to lengths to
+ make it pretty, but not everyone does, and many people do not use
+ the same strategies to organize the information of the model
+ definition. With write_lavaan(), not only is
+ the model information standardized, but it is also neatly divided
+ into clear and useful categories.
+ Finally, for beginners, it can be difficult to remember the
+ correct lavaan symbols for each specific
+ operation. write_lavaan() uses familiar names
+ to convert the information to the correct symbols. Even for people
+ familiar with lavaan syntax, this approach
+ can save time. The function also offers the possibility to define
+ the named paths automatically with clear and intuitive names.
+ I provide a simple Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) example
+ below using the HolzingerSwineford1939
+ dataset
+ (Holzinger
+ & Swineford, 1939). The dataset contains the mental
+ ability test scores of children. In this example, we want to define
+ the latent variables visual (visual
+ perception ability), textual (reading and
+ writing ability), and speed (processing speed
+ ability), which are defined by items 1 to 9, respectively. We can
+ then use the cat() function on the resulting
+ object (of type character) to read it in the traditional way and
+ make sure we have not made any mistake.
+ library(lavaanExtra)
+x <- paste0("x", 1:9)
+latent <- list(
+ visual = x[1:3],
+ textual = x[4:6],
+ speed = x[7:9]
+model.cfa <- write_lavaan(latent = latent)
+ ## ##################################################
+## # [-----Latent variables (measurement model)-----]
+## visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
+## textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
+## speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
+ Should we want to use these latent variables in a full SEM model,
+ we do not need to define the latent variables again, only the new
+ components. In the example below, I add regressions, covariances,
+ and indirect effects to the model. Two of our latent variables
+ (textual and speed)
+ are now predicted by our mediating variable,
+ visual. In turn,
+ visual is now predicted by our independent
+ variables, grade (the students’ grade) and
+ ageyr (the students’ age, in years).
+ With the lavaanExtra syntax, when defining
+ our lists of components, we can think of the
+ = sign as “predicted by”, a bit like
+ ~ for regression. There is an exception to
+ this for the indirect object, which also
+ allows specifying our variables directly instead. When such is the
+ case, write_lavaan() will define all indirect
+ paths automatically.
+ DV <- c("textual", "speed")
+M <- "visual"
+IV <- c("grade", "ageyr")
+mediation <- list(speed = M, textual = M, visual = IV)
+regression <- list(speed = IV, textual = IV)
+covariance <- list(speed = "textual", ageyr = "grade", x4 = x[5:6])
+indirect <- list(IV = IV, M = M, DV = DV)
+model.sem <- write_lavaan(mediation = mediation,
+ regression = regression,
+ covariance = covariance,
+ indirect = indirect,
+ latent = latent,
+ label = TRUE)
+ ## ##################################################
+## # [-----Latent variables (measurement model)-----]
+## visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
+## textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
+## speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
+## ##################################################
+## # [-----------Mediations (named paths)-----------]
+## speed ~ visual_speed*visual
+## textual ~ visual_textual*visual
+## visual ~ grade_visual*grade + ageyr_visual*ageyr
+## ##################################################
+## # [---------Regressions (Direct effects)---------]
+## speed ~ grade + ageyr
+## textual ~ grade + ageyr
+## ##################################################
+## # [------------------Covariances-----------------]
+## speed ~~ textual
+## ageyr ~~ grade
+## x4 ~~ x5 + x6
+## ##################################################
+## # [--------Mediations (indirect effects)---------]
+## grade_visual_textual := grade_visual * visual_textual
+## grade_visual_speed := grade_visual * visual_speed
+## ageyr_visual_textual := ageyr_visual * visual_textual
+## ageyr_visual_speed := ageyr_visual * visual_speed
+ Tables
+ The nice_fit() function extracts only some
+ of the most popular fit indices and organize them such that it is
+ easy to compare models. There is an option to format the table as an
+ APA flextable
+ (Gohel
+ & Skintzos, 2023), through the
+ rempsyc package
+ (Thériault,
+ 2023), using option nice_table = TRUE.
+ This flextable object can then be easily
+ exported to Microsoft Word. Below we fit our two earlier models and
+ feed them to nice_fit() as a named list:
+ library(lavaan)
+fit.cfa <- cfa(model.cfa, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
+fit.sem <- sem(model.sem, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
+list.mods <- list(`CFA model` = fit.cfa, `SEM model` = fit.sem)
+fit_table <- nice_fit(list.mods, nice_table = TRUE)
+ fit_table
+ The table can then be saved to word simply using
+ flextable::save_as_docx() on the resulting
+ flextable object.
+ flextable::save_as_docx(fit_table, path = "fit_table.docx")
+ It will also render to PDF in an rmarkdown
+ document with output: pdf_document, but using
+ latex_engine: xelatex is necessary when
+ including Unicode symbols in tables like with the
+ nice_fit() function.
+ It is similarly possible to prepare APA tables in Word or other
+ formats with the regression coefficients
+ (lavaan_reg()), covariances
+ (lavaan_cov()), correlations
+ (lavaan_cor()), variances
+ (lavaan_var()), or user-defined parameters
+ like for indirect effects (lavaan_defined()).
+ For example, for indirect effects:
+ lavaan_defined(fit.sem, lhs_name = "Indirect Effect", nice_table = TRUE)
+ Figures
+ There are several packages designed to plot SEM models, but few
+ that people consider satisfying or sufficiently good for publication
+ by default. There are two packages that stand out however,
+ lavaanPlot
+ (Lishinski,
+ 2021) and tidySEM
+ (van
+ Lissa, 2023b). Yet, even for those excellent packages, most
+ people do not view them as publication-ready or at least optimized
+ in the best possible way.
+ This is what nice_lavaanPlot and
+ nice_tidySEM aim to correct. Let’s compare
+ the default lavaanPlot() and
+ nice_lavaanPlot() outputs side-by-side for
+ demonstration purposes.
+ lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot(model = fit.sem)
+ nice_lavaanPlot(fit.sem)
+ For reference, nice_lavaaPlot() is a
+ simple wrapper around
+ lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot() and an identical
+ figure can be obtained using only lavaanPlot
+ with the following code:
+ lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot(
+ model = fit.sem,
+ node_options = list(shape = "box", fontname = "Helvetica"),
+ coefs = TRUE,
+ stand = TRUE,
+ stars = c("regress", "latent", "covs"),
+ graph_options = c(rankdir = "LR"),
+ sig = .05
+ )
+ As these figures demonstrate,
+ nice_lavaanPlot() has several elements
+ frequently requested by researchers (especially in psychology): (a)
+ a horizontal, rather than vertical, layout; (b) the coefficients
+ appear by default (but only significant ones); (c) significance
+ stars; and (d) the use of a sans serif font (as required by APA
+ style for figures).
+ Even so, nice_lavaanPlot is not perfectly
+ optimal for publication, for example for the use of curved lines,
+ which many researchers dislike. Nonetheless, it will still yield
+ excellent and satisfying results for a quick and easy check.
+ The best option for publication then is
+ nice_tidySEM. Let’s first look at the default
+ output of the base tidySEM::graph_sem() for
+ reference.
+ tidySEM::graph_sem(fit.sem)
+ The author of the tidySEM package notes
+ that
+ This uses a default layout, provided by the
+ igraph package. However, the node placement
+ is not very aesthetically pleasing. One of the areas where tidySEM
+ really excels is customization.
+ (van
+ Lissa, 2023a)
+ In this sense, most of the time, both
+ tidySEM and
+ nice_tidySEM will need a layout in order to
+ yield the best result. One of the benefits of
+ nice_tidySEM is that when our model is simply
+ made of three “levels”: independent variables, mediators, and
+ dependent variables (e.g., for a path analysis, or if we do not want
+ to draw the items for a full SEM), it is possible to automatically
+ specify a proper layout by simply feeding it the
+ indirect object that we created earlier.
+ nice_tidySEM(fit.sem, layout = indirect)
+ For reference, below I provide the code necessary to reproduce
+ this figure using the tidySEM package
+ only.
+ library(tidySEM)
+mylayout <- data.frame(
+ IV = c("grade", "ageyr"),
+ M = c("", "visual"),
+ DV = c("textual", "speed")
+p <- prepare_graph(fit.sem, layout = mylayout)
+p <- hide_var(p)
+x <- p$edges$est_sig_std
+x <- sub("^0", "", x)
+x <- sub("^-0", "-", x)
+p$edges$label <- x
+p$edges$linetype <- 1
+p$edges$arrow <- ifelse(p$edges$arrow == "none", "both", p$edges$arrow)
+ For the time being, nice_tidySEM only
+ supports this three-level automatic layout, but designs with more
+ levels are in the works. In the meantime, when the model is more
+ complex (or that we want to include items), it is necessary to
+ specify the layout manually using a matrix or data frame, which
+ allows fine-grained control over the generated figure.
+ mylayout <- data.frame(
+ IV = c("x1", "grade", "", "ageyr", ""),
+ M = c("x2", "", "visual", "", ""),
+ DV = c("x3", "textual", "", "speed", "x9"),
+ DV.items = c(paste0("x", 4:8)))
+ ## IV M DV DV.items
+## [1,] "x1" "x2" "x3" "x4"
+## [2,] "grade" "" "textual" "x5"
+## [3,] "" "visual" "" "x6"
+## [4,] "ageyr" "" "speed" "x7"
+## [5,] "" "" "x9" "x8"
+ nice_tidySEM(fit.sem, layout = mylayout, label_location = 0.70)
+ If the figure is still not sufficiently satisfying, it is
+ possible to store the output as a tidy_sem
+ object (by using plot = FALSE), which can
+ then be modified according to regular tidySEM
+ syntax. This can be useful to fine-tune and finalize the figure.
+ x <- nice_tidySEM(fit.sem, layout = mylayout, label_location = 0.65,
+ reduce_items = c(x = 0.4, y = 0.2), plot = FALSE)
+from <- x$edges$from
+to <- x$edges$to
+x$edges[from == "grade" & to == "speed", "curvature"] <- 40
+x$edges[from == "ageyr" & to == "textual", "curvature"] <- -40
+ The resulting figure can be saved using
+ ggplot2::ggsave()
+ (Wickham,
+ 2016):
+ ggplot2::ggsave("my_semPlot.pdf", width = 8, height = 6)
+ For reference, below I provide the code necessary to reproduce
+ this figure using the tidySEM package
+ only.
+ library(tidySEM)
+p <- prepare_graph(fit.sem, layout = mylayout)
+p <- edit_graph(p, { label_location <- 0.65 })
+p <- hide_var(p)
+x <- p$edges$est_sig_std
+x <- sub("^0", "", x)
+x <- sub("^-0", "-", x)
+p$edges$label <- x
+items <- p$edges[p$edges$op == "=~", "rhs"]
+i <- p$nodes$name %in% items
+p$nodes[i, ]$node_xmin <- p$nodes[i, ]$node_xmin + 0.4
+p$nodes[i, ]$node_xmax <- p$nodes[i, ]$node_xmax - 0.4
+p$nodes[i, ]$node_ymin <- p$nodes[i, ]$node_ymin + 0.2
+p$nodes[i, ]$node_ymax <- p$nodes[i, ]$node_ymax - 0.2
+p$edges$linetype <- 1
+p$edges$arrow <- ifelse(p$edges$arrow == "none", "both", p$edges$arrow)
+from <- p$edges$from
+to <- p$edges$to
+p$edges[from == "grade" & to == "speed", "curvature"] <- 40
+p$edges[from == "ageyr" & to == "textual", "curvature"] <- -40
+ Other differences between tidySEM and
+ nice_tidySEM() are that: (a) the latter
+ displays standardized coefficients by default (but unstandardized
+ coefficients can be specified with
+ est_std = FALSE), (b) if using standardized
+ coefficients, the leading zero is omitted (as preferred by many
+ researchers); (c) does not plot the variances by default, (d) uses
+ full double-headed arrows instead of dashed lines with no arrows for
+ covariances, (e) has further arguments for easy customization (e.g.,
+ reduce_items), and (f) allows defining an
+ automatic layout in specific cases (as described earlier).
+ Finally, the base function,
+ tidySEM::graph_sem(), is difficult to
+ customize in depth. For the aesthetics of
+ nice_tidySEM(), for example, we need to rely
+ instead on the tidySEM’s
+ prepare_graph(),
+ edit_graph(), and numerous conditional
+ formatting functions. In contrast to
+ nice_tidySEM(), these
+ tidySEM functions act more like a grammar of
+ SEM plotting, akin to the popular grammar of graphics,
+ ggplot2
+ (Wickham,
+ 2016). This provides great flexibility, but for the
+ occasional user, also comes with an additional burden, as users may
+ for example need to skim through almost 400 undocumented functions,
+ should they want to conditionally edit the resulting
+ tidy_sem object.