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+ 20240605205130-509b6bf699f143b88d1945348de36100641f4b1b
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+ 06
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+ 98
+ Pybehave: a hardware agnostic, Python-based framework
+for controlling behavioral neuroscience experiments
+ Evan M. Dastin-van
+ Rijn
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1428-0723
+ Joel
+ Nielsen
+ Elizabeth M.
+ Sachse
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1669-8752
+ Christina
+ Li
+ Megan E.
+ Mensinger
+ Stefanie G.
+ Simpson
+ Michelle C.
+ Buccini
+ Francesca A.
+ Iacobucci
+ David J.
+ Titus
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7819-734X
+ Alik S.
+ Widge
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+ 06
+ 05
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+ 6515
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+ Open-source, Python-based, hardware and
+software for controlling behavioural neuroscience
+ Akam
+ eLife
+ 11
+ 10.7554/eLife.67846
+ 2050-084X
+ 2022
+ Akam, T., Lustig, A., Rowland, J. M.,
+Kapanaiah, S. K., Esteve-Agraz, J., Panniello, M., Márquez, C., Kohl, M.
+M., Kätzel, D., Costa, R. M., & Walton, M. E. (2022). Open-source,
+Python-based, hardware and software for controlling behavioural
+neuroscience experiments. eLife, 11, e67846.
+ NIMH MonkeyLogic: Behavioral control and data
+acquisition in MATLAB
+ Hwang
+ Journal of Neuroscience
+ 323
+ 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.05.002
+ 0165-0270
+ 2019
+ Hwang, J., Mitz, A. R., & Murray,
+E. A. (2019). NIMH MonkeyLogic: Behavioral control and data acquisition
+in MATLAB. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 323, 13–21.
+ jsPsych: A JavaScript library for creating
+behavioral experiments in a Web browser
+ Leeuw
+ Behavior Research Methods
+ 1
+ 47
+ 10.3758/s13428-014-0458-y
+ 1554-3528
+ 2015
+ Leeuw, J. R. de. (2015). jsPsych: A
+JavaScript library for creating behavioral experiments in a Web browser.
+Behavior Research Methods, 47(1), 1–12.
+ PsychoPy2: Experiments in behavior made
+ Peirce
+ Behavior Research Methods
+ 1
+ 51
+ 10.3758/s13428-018-01193-y
+ 1554-3528
+ 2019
+ Peirce, J., Gray, J. R., Simpson, S.,
+MacAskill, M., Höchenberger, R., Sogo, H., Kastman, E., & Lindeløv,
+J. K. (2019). PsychoPy2: Experiments in behavior made easy. Behavior
+Research Methods, 51(1), 195–203.
+ The Psychophysics Toolbox
+ Brainard
+ Spatial Vision
+ 4
+ 10
+ 10.1163/156856897X00357
+ 0169-1015
+ 1997
+ Brainard, D. H. (1997). The
+Psychophysics Toolbox. Spatial Vision, 10(4), 433–436.
+ Neuroscience Needs Behavior: Correcting a
+Reductionist Bias
+ Krakauer
+ Neuron
+ 3
+ 93
+ 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.041
+ 0896-6273
+ 2017
+ Krakauer, J. W., Ghazanfar, A. A.,
+Gomez-Marin, A., MacIver, M. A., & Poeppel, D. (2017). Neuroscience
+Needs Behavior: Correcting a Reductionist Bias. Neuron, 93(3), 480–490.
+ Honeycomb: A template for reproducible
+psychophysiological tasks for clinic, laboratory, and home
+ Provenza
+ Brazilian Journal of
+ 44
+ 10.1590/1516-4446-2020-1675
+ 1516-4446
+ 2021
+ Provenza, N. R., Gelin, L. F. F.,
+Mahaphanit, W., McGrath, M. C., Dastin-van Rijn, E. M., Fan, Y., Dhar,
+R., Frank, M. J., Restrepo, M. I., Goodman, W. K., & Borton, D. A.
+(2021). Honeycomb: A template for reproducible psychophysiological tasks
+for clinic, laboratory, and home use. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry,
+44, 147–155.
+ OSCAR: An open-source controller for animal
+ Dastin-van Rijn
+ 10.1101/2023.02.03.527033
+ 2023
+ Dastin-van Rijn, E. M., Sachse, E.,
+Iacobucci, F., Mensinger, M., & Widge, A. S. (2023). OSCAR: An
+open-source controller for animal research. bioRxiv.
+ 534. Optogenetic Deep Brain Stimulation of
+mPFC Axons in Mid-Striatum Improves Cognitive
+ Sachse
+ Biological Psychiatry
+ 9
+ 93
+ 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.774
+ 0006-3223
+ 2023
+ Sachse, E., Rijn, E. M. D.,
+Mensinger, M. E., Iacobucci, F. A., Reimer, A. E., & Widge, A. S.
+(2023). 534. Optogenetic Deep Brain Stimulation of mPFC Axons in
+Mid-Striatum Improves Cognitive Flexibility. Biological Psychiatry,
+93(9), S310.
+ 462. Deep Brain Stimulation Does Not Affect
+Impulsivity in a Rodent 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time
+ Mensinger
+ Biological Psychiatry
+ 9
+ 93
+ 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.702
+ 0006-3223
+ 2023
+ Mensinger, M., Wald, A., Sachse, E.
+M., Rijn, E. M. D., Reimer, A. E., & Widge, A. S. (2023). 462. Deep
+Brain Stimulation Does Not Affect Impulsivity in a Rodent 5-Choice
+Serial Reaction Time Task. Biological Psychiatry, 93(9), S281–S282.
+ Bonsai: An event-based framework for
+processing and controlling data streams
+ Lopes
+ Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
+ 9
+ 10.3389/fninf.2015.00007
+ 1662-5196
+ 2015
+ Lopes, G., Bonacchi, N., Frazão, J.,
+Neto, J. P., Atallah, B. V., Soares, S., Moreira, L., Matias, S.,
+Itskov, P. M., Correia, P. A., Medina, R. E., Calcaterra, L., Dreosti,
+E., Paton, J. J., & Kampff, A. R. (2015). Bonsai: An event-based
+framework for processing and controlling data streams. Frontiers in
+Neuroinformatics, 9.
+ Whisker: A client–server high-performance
+multimedia research control system
+ Cardinal
+ Behavior Research Methods
+ 4
+ 42
+ 10.3758/BRM.42.4.1059
+ 1554-3528
+ 2010
+ Cardinal, R. N., & Aitken, M. R.
+F. (2010). Whisker: A client–server high-performance multimedia research
+control system. Behavior Research Methods, 42(4), 1059–1071.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+Pybehave: a hardware agnostic, Python-based framework for
+controlling behavioral neuroscience experiments
+Evan M. Dastin-van
+Elizabeth M.
+Megan E.
+Stefanie G.
+Michelle C.
+Francesca A.
+David J.
+Alik S.
+Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
+University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55454, United
+States of America
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Animal behavior
+Operant tasks
+ Summary
This work presents our pybehave framework
+ for developing behavioral tasks for use in experimental animal
+ neuroscience. In contrast to other platforms,
+ pybehave is built around a hardware-agnostic
+ and highly object-oriented design philosophy.
+ Pybehave separates code for task design from
+ specific hardware implementations to streamline development,
+ accessibility, and data sharing. This approach, combined with
+ task-specific graphical user interfaces, expedites and simplifies the
+ creation and visualization of complex behavioral tasks. User created
+ task definition files can interact with hardware-specific source
+ files, both written in Python. Any and all local configuration can be
+ handled separately from the underlying task code.
+ Statement of need
Operant animal behavior training and monitoring is fundamental to
+ scientific inquiry across fields
+ (Krakauer
+ et al., 2017). In many cases, a behavior of relevance, or its
+ neural substrate, is best studied through a controlled laboratory
+ task. These tasks require tight integration of the hardware components
+ with which animals interact (IR beams, levers, lights, food
+ dispensers, etc.) and the overarching software that coordinates these
+ components to elicit desired behaviors. There are a plethora of
+ options for systems to facilitate behavioral tasks, from commercial
+ solutions (Panlab, Lafayette Instruments, Med Associates) to
+ open-source packages
+ (Akam
+ et al., 2022;
+ Dastin-van
+ Rijn et al., 2023;
+ Hwang
+ et al., 2019) enabling a large variety of behavioral paradigms.
+ Many of these systems are designed for the same behavioral paradigms
+ with only slight differences in hardware, sensory modalities, or
+ geometry. However, while the actual mechanics of these paradigms
+ remain relatively similar, different solutions will often rely on
+ vastly different software interfaces
+ (Cardinal
+ & Aitken, 2010;
+ Lopes
+ et al., 2015). Especially with commercial systems, behavioral
+ tasks are often programmed in proprietary formats. This approach
+ significantly raises the barrier to entry, leads to outdated software,
+ and prevents sharing of tasks across labs.
Research in human behavior does not suffer from many of the
+ aforementioned issues. Human behavioral tasks are generally run
+ through a graphical interface implemented in a standard programming
+ language like Python
+ (Peirce
+ et al., 2019), Javascript
+ (Leeuw,
+ 2015), or Matlab
+ (Brainard,
+ 1997). These tasks are readily compatible with most machines
+ and are frequently shared between labs and used across multiple
+ studies
+ (Provenza
+ et al., 2021). Protocols, data, and task code can be easily
+ included in a manuscript and accessed and modified by future
+ researchers. However, unlike experiments in animal behavior, human
+ experiments rarely require hardware beyond a monitor and standard
+ input device (keyboard/mouse). Instead, most animal platforms, even
+ from open source developers, restrict their software to certain types
+ of hardware
+ (Akam
+ et al., 2022;
+ Hwang
+ et al., 2019). For example, pycontrol is
+ only compatible with their companion microcontroller and input devices
+ and MonkeyLogic can only communicate with DAQs
+ manufactured by National Instruments. To address these limitations, we
+ developed pybehave as a framework for
+ abstracting standard hardware components to enable an
+ implementation-independent format for developing and running
+ behavioral tasks.
+ Benefits
Pybehave is a complete framework for
+ building and running behavioral neuroscience experiments. It offers
+ the following benefits: (1) hardware independence; (2) a flexible,
+ programmatic system for developing tasks; (3) a highly extensible
+ graphical interface for configuring and executing tasks; (4) options
+ for task-specific visualization; (5) simultaneous control of multiple
+ experiments; (6) options for locally configuring task variables and
+ protocols; and (5) an extensive developer API, which allows users to
+ extend the platform with tie-ins for custom hardware, event logging,
+ or software connections.
+ Software Design Principles
To ensure flexibility while maintaining low-latency,
+ pybehave is optimized through a combination of
+ multiprocessing and multithreading along with separation of its
+ features (events, hardware sources, tasks, etc.) into a modular
+ software architecture. Additionally, pybehave
+ uses two different GUI frameworks (QT and pygame) for user interfacing
+ and task visualization/stimulus display respectively
+ ([fig:framework]).
Framework diagram showing the information exchange
+ between the pybehave threads and processes.
+ The workstation process handles the interface and task GUIs. When
+ Tasks are added from the workstation, they are initialized in the
+ task process. Each Source with a connection to an external hardware
+ or software system communicates with their
+ pybehave equivalent in the Task process. All
+ events sent between processes are mediated via inter-process
+ communication over
+ Pipes.
+ Tutorials and ongoing usage
A variety of tutorials are included in the repository aimed at all
+ levels of usage, from technicians running tasks or analyzing
+ behavioral data to developers aiming to build new tasks or integrate
+ additional hardware. Pybehave has already been
+ applied to implement a variety of behavioral tasks which have been
+ included in a separate repository for users to pull from directly or
+ modify. These tasks are being run in a number of ongoing studies
+ spanning standard operant conditioning
+ (Dastin-van
+ Rijn et al., 2023;
+ Mensinger
+ et al., 2023), evoked responses
+ (Sachse
+ et al., 2023), and video assays.
+ Acknowledgements
Testing of pybehave was carried out with
+ substantial support from many members of the Translational
+ Neuroengineering lab. Evan Dastin-van Rijn was supported by a National
+ Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under award number
+ 2237827. Aspects of the research were supported by grants R01MH123634,
+ R01NS120851, R01NS113804 and R01MH119384, as well as by the Minnesota
+ Medical Discovery Team on Addiction and the MnDRIVE Brain Conditions
+ Initiative. The opinions presented herein are not those of any funding
+ body.
+ AkamThomas
+ LustigAndy
+ RowlandJames M
+ KapanaiahSampath KT
+ Esteve-AgrazJoan
+ PannielloMariangela
+ MárquezCristina
+ KohlMichael M
+ KätzelDennis
+ CostaRui M
+ WaltonMark E
+ Open-source, Python-based, hardware and software for controlling behavioural neuroscience experiments
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+ WassumKate M
+ KemereCaleb
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+ MacAskillMichael
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+ FanYunshu
+ DharRashi
+ FrankMichael J.
+ RestrepoMaria I.
+ GoodmanWayne K.
+ BortonDavid A.
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+ SachseElizabeth
+ IacobucciFrancesca
+ MensingerMegan
+ WidgeAlik S.
+ OSCAR: An open-source controller for animal research
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+ WidgeAlik S.
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+ MensingerMegan
+ WaldAaron
+ SachseElizabeth M.
+ RijnEvan M. Dastin-van
+ ReimerAdriano E.
+ WidgeAlik S.
+ 462. Deep Brain Stimulation Does Not Affect Impulsivity in a Rodent 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task
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+ LopesGonçalo
+ BonacchiNiccolò
+ FrazãoJoão
+ NetoJoana P.
+ AtallahBassam V.
+ SoaresSofia
+ MoreiraLuís
+ MatiasSara
+ ItskovPavel M.
+ CorreiaPatrícia A.
+ MedinaRoberto E.
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+ DreostiElena
+ PatonJoseph J.
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