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+ 10
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+ 90
+ automata: A Python package for simulating and
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+ Caleb
+ Evans
+ https://orcid.org/0009-0000-8896-6800
+ Eliot W.
+ Robson
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1476-6715
+ 10
+ 09
+ 2023
+ 5759
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+ Software archive
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+ Implementation and application of
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+ Dk.brics.automaton – finite-state automata
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+ An n log n algorithm for minimizing states in
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+automata: A Python package for simulating and
+manipulating automata
+Eliot W.
+Independent Developer, USA
+Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois,
+Urbana, IL, USA
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+ Summary
Automata are abstract machines used to represent models of
+ computation, and are a central object of study in theoretical computer
+ science
+ (J.
+ E. Hopcroft et al., 2006). Given an input string of characters
+ over a fixed alphabet, these machines either accept or reject the
+ string. A language corresponding to an automaton is the set of all
+ strings it accepts. Three important families of automata in increasing
+ order of generality are the following:
Finite-state automata
Pushdown automata
Turing machines
The automata package facilitates working
+ with these families by allowing simulation of reading input and
+ higher-level manipulation of the corresponding languages using
+ specialized algorithms.
+ Statement of need
Automata are a core component of both computer science education
+ and research, seeing further theoretical work and applications in a
+ wide variety of areas such as computational biology
+ (Marschall,
+ 2011) and networking
+ (Xu et al.,
+ 2016). Consequently, the manipulation of automata with software
+ packages has seen significant attention from researchers in the past.
+ The similarly named Mathematica package
+ Automata
+ (Sutner,
+ 2003) implements a number of algorithms for use with
+ finite-state automata, including regular expression conversion and
+ binary set operations. In Java, the Brics package
+ (Møller,
+ 2021) implements similar algorithms, while the JFLAP package
+ (Rodger,
+ 2006) places an emphasis on interactivity and simulation of
+ more general families of automata.
automata serves the demand for such a
+ package in the Python software ecosystem, implementing algorithms and
+ allowing for simulation of automata in a manner comparable to the
+ packages described previously. As a popular high-level language,
+ Python enables significant flexibility and ease of use that directly
+ benefits many users. The package includes a comprehensive test suite,
+ support for modern language features (including type annotations), and
+ has a large number of different automata, meeting the demands of users
+ across a wide variety of use cases. In particular, the target audience
+ is both researchers that wish to manipulate automata, and for those in
+ educational contexts to reinforce understanding about how these models
+ of computation function.
+ The automata package
The API of the package is designed to mimic the formal mathematical
+ description of each automaton using built-in Python data structures
+ (such as sets and dicts). This is for ease of use by those that are
+ unfamiliar with these models of computation, while also providing
+ performance suitable for tasks arising in research. In particular,
+ algorithms in the package have been written for tackling performance
+ on large inputs, incorporating optimizations such as only exploring
+ the reachable set of states in the construction of a new finite-state
+ automaton. The package also has native display integration with
+ Jupyter notebooks, enabling easy visualization that allows students to
+ interact with automata in an exploratory
+ manner.
Of note are some commonly used and technical algorithms implemented
+ in the package for finite-state automata:
An optimized version of the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm to
+ determine whether two deterministic finite automata (DFA) are
+ equivalent
+ (Almeida
+ et al., 2010).
The product construction algorithm for binary set operations
+ (union, intersection, etc.) on the languages corresponding to two
+ input DFAs
+ (Sipser,
+ 2012).
Thompson’s algorithm for converting regular expressions to
+ equivalent nondeterministic finite automata (NFA)
+ (Aho
+ et al., 2006).
A specialized algorithm for directly constructing a
+ state-minimal DFA accepting a given finite language
+ (Mihov
+ & Schulz, 2019).
A specialized algorithm for directly constructing a minimal DFA
+ recognizing strings containing a given substring
+ (Knuth
+ et al., 1977).
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the only Python package
+ implementing all of the automata manipulation algorithms stated
+ above.
automata has already been cited in
+ publications
+ (Jeff
+ Erickson & Solomon, 2023), and has seen use in multiple
+ large undergraduate courses in introductory theoretical computer
+ science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (roughly 2000
+ students since Fall 2021). In this instance, the package is being used
+ both as part of an autograder utility for finite-state automata
+ created by students, and as an exploratory tool for use by students
+ directly.
+ Example usage
A visualization of
+ target_words_dfa. Transitions on characters
+ leading to immediate rejections are
+ omitted.
The following example is inspired by the use case described in
+ Johnson
+ (2010).
+ We wish to determine which strings in a given set are within the
+ target edit distance to a reference string. We will first initialize a
+ DFA corresponding to a fixed set of target words over the alphabet of
+ all lowercase ascii characters.
A visualization of target_words_dfa,
+ generated by the package in a Jupyter notebook, is depicted in
+ [fig:target_words_dfa].
Next, we construct an NFA recognizing all strings within a target
+ edit distance of a fixed reference string, and then immediately
+ convert this to an equivalent DFA. The package provides builtin
+ functions to make this construction easy, and we use the same alphabet
+ as the DFA that was just created.
Finally, we take the intersection of the two DFAs we have
+ constructed and read all of the words in the output DFA into a list.
+ The library makes this straightforward and idiomatic.
The DFA found_words_dfa accepts strings in
+ the intersection of the languages of the DFAs given as input, and
+ found_words is a list containing this language.
+ Note the power of this technique is that the DFA
+ words_within_edit_distance_dfa has an infinite
+ language, meaning we could not do this same computation just using the
+ builtin sets in Python directly (as they always represent a finite
+ collection), although the syntax used by
+ automata is very similar to promote
+ intuition.
+ Acknowledgements
Thanks (in no particular order) to GitHub users
+ YtvwlD,
+ dengl11,
+ Tagl,
+ lewiuberg,
+ CamiloMartinezM,
+ abhinavsinha‑adrino,
+ EduardoGoulart1,
+ and
+ khoda81
+ for their invaluable code contributions to this project.
+ SutnerKlaus
+ Automata, a hybrid system for computational automata theory
+ ChamparnaudJean-Marc
+ MaurelDenis
+ Springer Berlin Heidelberg
+ Berlin, Heidelberg
+ 2003
+ 978-3-540-44977-5
+ https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44977-9_21
+ 10.1007/3-540-44977-9_21
+ 221
+ 227
+ MøllerAnders
+ Dk.brics.automaton – finite-state automata and regular expressions for Java
+ 2021
+ https://www.brics.dk/automaton/
+ AlmeidaMarco
+ MoreiraNelma
+ ReisRogério
+ Testing the equivalence of regular languages
+ 2010
+ 15
+ 1/2
+ https://doi.org/10.25596/jalc-2010-007
+ 10.25596/jalc-2010-007
+ 7
+ 25
+ MihovStoyan
+ SchulzKlaus U.
+ The minimal deterministic finite-state automaton for a finite language
+ Cambridge University Press
+ 2019
+ 10.1017/9781108756945.011
+ 253
+ 278
+ AhoAlfred V.
+ LamMonica S.
+ SethiRavi
+ UllmanJeffrey D.
+ Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
+ 2006
+ 0321486811
+ 152
+ 155
+ HopcroftJohn
+ An n log n algorithm for minimizing states in a finite automaton
+ KohaviZvi
+ PazAzaria
+ Academic Press
+ 1971
+ 978-0-12-417750-5
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+ 189
+ 196
+ Jeff EricksonEliot Wong RobsonJason Xia
+ SolomonBrad
+ Auto-graded scaffolding exercises for theoretical computer science
+ ASEE Conferences
+ Baltimore , Maryland
+ 2023
+ https://peer.asee.org/42347
+ JohnsonNick
+ Damn cool algorithms: Levenshtein automata
+ 201007
+ http://blog.notdot.net/2010/07/Damn-Cool-Algorithms-Levenshtein-Automata
+ KnuthDonald E.
+ MorrisJames H.Jr.
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+ MotwaniRajeev
+ UllmanJeffrey D.
+ Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
+ 2006
+ 0321455363
+ SipserM.
+ Cengage Learning
+ 2012
+ 978-1-133-18781-3
+ 45
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+ Construction of minimal deterministic finite automata from biological motifs
+ 2011
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+ 333
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+ XuChengcheng
+ ChenShuhui
+ SuJinshu
+ YiuS. M.
+ HuiLucas C. K.
+ A survey on regular expression matching for deep packet inspection: Applications, algorithms, and hardware platforms
+ 2016
+ 18
+ 4
+ 10.1109/COMST.2016.2566669
+ 2991
+ 3029
+ RodgerSusan H.
+ Jones; Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
+ 2006
+ 0763738344
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