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+ OpenTera: A Framework for Telehealth
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+ Open rehab initiative: Second development
+ Freitas
+ International conference on virtual
+rehabilitation (ICVR)
+ 10.1109/ICVR.2017.8007524
+ 2017
+ Freitas, D., Paulino, T., Badia, S.
+B. i, Llorens, R., & Deutsch, J. E. (2017). Open rehab initiative:
+Second development iteration. International Conference on Virtual
+Rehabilitation (ICVR), 1–2.
+ Design and development of a customizable
+telemedicine platform for improving access to healthcare for underserved
+ Goel
+ 39th annual international conference of the
+IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society (EMBC)
+ 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037404
+ 2017
+ Goel, N. A., Alam, A. A., Eggert, E.
+M. R., & Acharya, S. (2017). Design and development of a
+customizable telemedicine platform for improving access to healthcare
+for underserved populations. 39th Annual International Conference of the
+IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2658–2661.
+ OpenTera: A microservice architecture
+solution for rapid prototyping of robotic solutions to COVID-19
+challenges in care facilities.
+ Panchea
+ Health & Technology
+ 2
+ 12
+ 10.1007/s12553-021-00636-5
+ 2022
+ Panchea, L., A. M. (2022). OpenTera:
+A microservice architecture solution for rapid prototyping of robotic
+solutions to COVID-19 challenges in care facilities. Health &
+Technology, 12(2), 583–596.
+ Principled design of the modern web
+ Fielding
+ ACM Trans. Internet Technol.
+ 2
+ 2
+ 10.1145/514183.514185
+ 1533-5399
+ 2002
+ Fielding, R. T., & Taylor, R. N.
+(2002). Principled design of the modern web architecture. ACM Trans.
+Internet Technol., 2(2), 115–150.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+OpenTera: A Framework for Telehealth
+Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation
+(3IT), Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
+Research Center on Aging (CDRV), Université de Sherbrooke,
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+ Summary
OpenTera is a microservice-based framework primarily developed to
+ support telehealth research projects and real-world deployment. This
+ project has 20 years of experience linking at-home participants to
+ remote users (such as clinicians, researchers, healthcare, and
+ professionals) with audio-video-data connections and in-the-field
+ sensors, such as biometrics, wearable, and robotics devices.
+ Applications of the OpenTera framework are not limited to research
+ projects and could exist in clinical environments.
Most telehealth-based research projects require a common data
+ structure: data collection sites, projects, participants, and
+ sessions, including various recorded data types from sensors or other
+ sources. They also require standard features: user authentication
+ based on various access roles, the ability to add new features based
+ on specific project needs, ease of use for the participant, and secure
+ data hosting. These features are also shared between research
+ projects: videoconferencing with specific health-related features
+ (e.g., angles measurement, timers), surveys data collection, data
+ analysis, and exportation.
Many available solutions are costly, feature-limited, proprietary
+ (e.g., can hardly be adapted for research purposes, and raw data is
+ more complex to access), or hard to deploy in telehealth. OpenTera was
+ built for extensibility to provide research projects complete control
+ over their data and hosting.
+ Statement of need
From our research experience, standard features between the
+ different telehealth projects emerged:
Data structure. Store data in a structured way to
+ ease data extraction and analysis.
Ecological data capture. Collect data not only in
+ laboratories or controlled environments but also in homes or
+ institutions.
Project adaptability. Develop project-specific
+ dashboards and user interfaces while reusing previous
+ implementations as much as possible to reduce development time.
+ Rehabilitation projects may require implementing serious games or
+ exergames, while teleoperation projects may require real-time
+ navigation tools. Adapting already existing open-source software
+ when possible is often the key.
Cost-effectiveness. Most commercial cloud
+ telehealth applications are subscription-based and do not offer
+ the flexibility needed. Each vendor provides its approach tailored
+ to its products and services. We often have data collection from
+ dozens of participants and users, and paying subscription fees
+ would be prohibitive.
Security. Store and transfer data in a secure and
+ controlled way. Access control to information depends on specific
+ project requirements. The ethics committee must approve research
+ projects involving participants, and they often require servers
+ hosted locally or within a particular region.
Uniformity. Avoid using multiple applications and
+ tools requiring the user to navigate between them (minimizing and
+ restoring them as needed) and focus on the current task.
Ease of use. Implement an easy-to-use solution for
+ users and participants at all process steps, I.e., authentication,
+ data collection, and data management.
Synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Support
+ real-time sessions (synchronous) or on-demand pre-recorded or
+ application-based sessions (asynchronous) with multiple users,
+ devices, and participants.
No installation. Connecting through a web browser
+ with a personalized link is favored, avoiding complicated
+ installation of apps and login/password/registration steps, which
+ are not accessible for everyone, depending on their technological
+ literacy. In healthcare establishments, support of deployed apps
+ often requires long-term planning and discussions with the
+ Information Technology team, as opposed to web-based
+ applications.
Long term availability. Research projects can be
+ conducted over a long period, and software versions, data
+ structures, APIs, and used features must be stable. There is no
+ guarantee that a commercial system with features will be supported
+ for the required duration.
Server deployment and management. Installation on
+ low-cost hardware (e.g., Raspberry Pis), local servers, and cloud
+ infrastructure can be required, depending on the scale of the
+ projects and their location. Deployments should be manageable by a
+ small team.
+ Existing Open-Source Solutions
Open-source projects like Big Blue Button, NextCloud Talk, Jami,
+ OpenVidu, Jitsi Meet, and Kurento offer excellent videoconferencing
+ solutions; however, they still need to meet telehealth requirements
+ fully. While there are open-source rehabilitation-oriented
+ applications available, such as the OpenRehab
+ (Freitas
+ et al., 2017) project, which offers multiple rehabilitation
+ tools for upper limbs, mobility, fitness, cognition, and balance, they
+ often focus on specific domains and primarily contain pre-recorded
+ videos or games prescribed by physiotherapists. Most of these
+ applications lack teleconsultation features and remote access to
+ research data. Open-source Electronic Health/Medical Records (EHR,
+ EMR)
+ (Goel
+ et al., 2017) can meet some research requirements, but storing
+ personal and sensitive information on participants could be better. We
+ prefer to use or connect to existing systems that comply with local
+ regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
+ Act (HIPAA).
+ OpenTera Features
OpenTera is specifically designed to address the previously
+ mentioned and required features for research. It leverages a
+ microservice architecture based on recognized standards and best
+ practices. This architecture provides scalability, flexibility,
+ resilience, maintainability, and technology diversity, all needed in
+ research.
OpenTera contains the base server (TeraServer) offering a REST API
+ (Fielding
+ & Taylor, 2002), which helps manage users, participants,
+ devices, sites, projects, sessions, and supports multiple
+ authentication methods via user/password, certificates, or tokens.
+ TeraServer also manages authorizations for users, participants, and
+ devices, providing fine-grained access control on resources and
+ assets.
OpenTera also includes base services: Video Rehabilitation,
+ Logging, and File Transfer. They are used to conduct audio/video
+ WebRTC sessions from the web along with appropriate logging and file
+ transfer capabilities. Structured sessions enable organized
+ information such as survey data, sensor data, metadata, analytics, and
+ facilitate the retrieval of information and key statistics. Developing
+ new microservices allows developers to add new features to the system,
+ such as serious or exergames, exercise coaches/videos, and participant
+ calendar/portal.
+ Related Projects
Table 1
+ shows OpenTera-related open-source projects currently under active
+ development, implementing new OpenTera services or underlying
+ libraries. Preliminary implementations have been deployed for robot
+ teleoperation during
+ COVID(Panchea,
+ 2022). The current paper presents the implementation and design
+ choices for a more generic OpenTera framework focusing on open-source
+ implementation. Code quality, documentation, examples, and usability
+ have been greatly improved between these versions.
OpenTera Related Projects
GitHub Project Name
WebRTC library in C++/Javascript/Python with signaling
+ server to allow audio/video/data sessions.
OpenTera Service managing robots fleet and web front-end
+ for tele-operation.
Robot teleoperation front-end made with Vue.js.
OpenTera robot device client and ROS integration for
+ remote control and monitoring of mobile robots.
Qt Frontend to manage OpenTera configuration and
+ data.
+ Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
+ Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Fonds de recherche du Québec –
+ Nature et technologies (FRQNT) and the Network of Centres of
+ Excellence of Canada on Aging Gracefully across Environments using
+ Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement, and Long Life
+ FreitasDiogo
+ PaulinoTeresa
+ BadiaSergi Bermúdez i
+ LlorensRoberto
+ DeutschJudith E.
+ Open rehab initiative: Second development iteration
+ 2017
+ 10.1109/ICVR.2017.8007524
+ 1
+ 2
+ GoelNeha A.
+ AlamAmal A.
+ EggertEmily M. R.
+ AcharyaSoumyadipta
+ Design and development of a customizable telemedicine platform for improving access to healthcare for underserved populations
+ 2017
+ 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037404
+ 2658
+ 2661
+ PancheaLétourneauA. M.
+ OpenTera: A microservice architecture solution for rapid prototyping of robotic solutions to COVID-19 challenges in care facilities.
+ Springer
+ 2022
+ 12
+ 2
+ 10.1007/s12553-021-00636-5
+ 583
+ 596
+ FieldingRoy T.
+ TaylorRichard N.
+ Principled design of the modern web architecture
+ Association for Computing Machinery
+ New York, NY, USA
+ 200205
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1533-5399
+ https://doi.org/10.1145/514183.514185
+ 10.1145/514183.514185
+ 115
+ 150
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