+ Statement of need
+ KMC models have been deployed to investigate non-equilibrium
+ dynamics and properties of thin films
+ (Ntioudis
+ et al., 2023), nanoparticles
+ (Turner
+ et al., 2016), quantum dots
+ (Zhu
+ et al., 2007), semiconductors
+ (Kaap
+ & Koster, 2016), catalysts
+ (Stamatakis
+ & Vlachos, 2012), energy-storage devices
+ (Abbott
+ & Hanke, 2022), interstellar grain chemistry
+ (Cuppen
+ et al., 2013), protein folding
+ (Makarov
+ et al., 2001), and enzyme reactions
+ (Slepoy
+ et al., 2008). Overall, kMC techniques are, on one hand, less
+ accurate, but on the other hand, more computationally efficient than
+ MD. This is justified by the fact that kMC does not describe atomic
+ vibrations explicitly but evolves the system through discrete
+ elementary processes (e.g., diffusion, deposition, reactions etc.)
+ (Fichthorn
+ & Weinberg, 1991;
+ Gillespie,
+ 1976). In any case, the efficiency of kMC models unlocks the
+ possibility for long-timescale simulations with molecular-level
+ resolution beyond the timescales accessible to MD. Note that efficient
+ MD algorithms can be used to simulate systems with
+ 104-
+ 106
+ atoms from ps to
+ μs
+ (Thompson
+ et al., 2022)).
+ Typically, on-lattice kMC models select atomistic events from a
+ predefined table and execute them on fixed lattice sites
+ (Andersen
+ et al., 2019). The use of fixed lattice sites contributes to
+ the computational efficiency of on-lattice algorithms but introduces
+ obstacles associated with the study of unordered materials. Several
+ lattice-based open-source kMC software are available, examples include
+ the KMCLib
+ (Leetmaa
+ & Skorodumova, 2014), lattice_mc
+ (Morgan,
+ 2017), KMC_Lattice v2.0
+ (Heiber,
+ 2019), Excimontec v1.0
+ (Heiber,
+ 2020), MonteCoffee
+ (Jørgensen
+ & Grönbeck, 2018), and KIMERA
+ (P.
+ Martin et al., 2020). Additionally, the Stochastic Parallel
+ PARticle Kinetic Simulator (SPPARKS)
+ (Mitchell
+ et al., 2023) offers solely on-lattice kMC modeling
+ capabilities, since the only currently available off-lattice solver is
+ a Metropolis Monte Carlo relaxation scheme. Furthermore, a wide range
+ of on-lattice kMC packages such as kmcos
+ (Reuter
+ et al., 2020), PyCD
+ (Pasumarthi,
+ 2017), VIS-A-VIS
+ (Grabowski
+ & Kochanczyk, 2022), MulSKIPS
+ (Helleboid,
+ 2021), Kimocs
+ (Jansson,
+ 2016), KSOME
+ (Nandipati,
+ 2021), kMCpy
+ (Deng,
+ 2022), and Morphokinetics
+ (Alberdi
+ & Albi, 2018) are available in open-source software
+ repositories.
+ (Chill
+ et al., 2014) is the only identified off-lattice package
+ distributed under an open-source license. This is an Adaptive kinetic
+ Monte Carlo (AkMC) software that discovers as well as stores
+ atomic-scale processes (e.g., reactions, diffusion) throughout the
+ simulation instead of stochastically selecting transition events from
+ a predefined table
+ (Henkelman
+ & Jónsson, 2001). Such feature elevates the accuracy of
+ AkMC approaches but decreases their computational efficiency as well
+ as increases their implementation complexity compared to predefined
+ table kMC schemes.
+ To the best of our knowledge, a completely lattice-free kMC code
+ with predefined table of events is currently unavailable in
+ open-source repositories. PAPRECA aims to fill
+ that gap by providing the scientific community with a general and
+ easy-to-use solution for performing long-timescale atomistic
+ simulations on complex materials science, chemistry, physics, biology,
+ and engineering problems involving amorphous materials or
+ non-crystalline systems.
+ PAPRECA (in its initial version) is a
+ parallelized software (uses the MPI protocol) that can capture four
+ distinct classes of predefined transition events: 1) reactions
+ (bonding and scission), 2) deposition (of molecules and atoms), 3)
+ diffusion, and 4) monoatomic desorption. Virtually any system whose
+ temporal evolution can be described by these atomic-scale processes
+ can be effectively simulated by PAPRECA.
+ Example applications of PAPRECA include but are
+ not limited to: adsorption/desorption on catalytic surfaces, amorphous
+ thin films (e.g., phosphate films, solid electrolyte interphases,
+ oxide layers), and modeling self-diffusion of gases. Furthermore,
+ PAPRECA allows for the extension of the source
+ code to include other classes of transition events (e.g., reaction
+ chains).
+ For accurate simulations of molecular-level resolution, it becomes
+ necessary to model elementary steps of high frequency
+ (
+ 1013-
+ 1014
+ Hz and above
+ (Van
+ Swygenhoven & Weertman, 2006)) such as atomic vibrations.
+ These events cannot be explicitly included in the table of predefined
+ events because they would dominate the system, thus preventing the
+ simulation from reaching timescales beyond the limits of MD. This can
+ be explained by considering that the higher the rate of a predefined
+ elementary step, the greater its kMC selection probability
+ (Fichthorn
+ & Weinberg, 1991). To circumvent this issue,
+ PAPRECA couples an off-lattice kMC solver with
+ a MD solver (LAMMPS
+ (Thompson
+ et al., 2022)) to enable hybrid off-lattice kMC/MD simulations.
+ Effectively, atomistic processes of elevated activation energies are
+ captured via the off-lattice kMC stage, while fast atomic-scale
+ processes are treated by the MD stage.
+ py-MCMD
+ (Barhaghi
+ et al., 2022) is a different hybrid MC/MD workflow available in
+ open-source repositories. py-MCMD is a Python-based communication
+ interface between the MC software
+ GOMC(Nejahi
+ et al., 2019) and the MD code
+ NAMD(Phillips
+ et al., 2020). The central difference between
+ PAPRECA and py-MCMD is that the former
+ implements a kMC approach, while the latter utilizes a Metropolis
+ Monte Carlo (MMC) scheme. Effectively, in the kMC stage of
+ PAPRECA predefined event probabilities are
+ calculated based on their rates and an elementary process is selected
+ and executed to overcome a high energy barrier. On the other hand,
+ during the MC phase of py-MCMD, trial moves (e.g., rigid-body
+ displacements/rotations, intra-box swaps
+ (M.
+ G. Martin & Siepmann, 1999)) are attempted and accepted or
+ rejected based on the Metropolis acceptance criterion
+ (Chen
+ & Roux, 2015).
+ Scalability of PAPRECA
+ The scalability of PAPRECA was investigated
+ by performing hybrid kMC/MD simulations on thin films grown from the
+ decomposition of lubricant additive tricresyl phosphate (TCP)
+ molecules on an Fe(110) substrate. For further information regarding
+ the system setup refer to the
+ documentation (Example Applications section) and our
+ previous study
+ (Ntioudis
+ et al., 2023).
+ Two independent scalability tests were performed. The first
+ scalability test was conducted locally, on a personal computer (CPU:
+ Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPU @ 3.00GHz, RAM: 128 Gb DDR4
+ @ 3200 MHz). Four runs were performed with 1,
+ 4, 9, and 16 MPI processes, respectively. The local tests simulated
+ 1000 PAPRECA steps, with a
+ PAPRECA step comprising a kMC stage where a
+ predefined event is executed, followed by an MD stage where the system
+ is relaxed. The second scalability test was performed on the CX3
+ cluster managed by the Research Computing Service at Imperial College
+ London (CPU: 2xAMD EPYC 7742 with 128 cores per node, RAM: 1TB per
+ node, interconnect: 100GbE ethernet). This scalability test was
+ conducted with the same parameters as the local one but with a
+ different number of total PAPRECA steps (i.e.,
+ 9000 instead of 1000). Also, five runs were performed with 1, 4, 16,
+ 64, and 144 MPI processes. Since the phosphate thin film grew along
+ the z-direction of the simulation box, an NxNx1 processor grid (along
+ the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively) was utilized for all local
+ and HPC tests. Figure
+ [scalability]
+ illustrates the results of both tests:
+ Hybrid kMC/MD scalability tests of PAPRECA for TCP on
+ Fe(110) conducted on a workstation (left) and on the CX3 cluster at
+ Imperial College. (right).
+ Where the speedup value of N MPI processes was calculated as
+ tN=T1TN,
+ with
+ T1
+ being the total walltime of 1 MPI process. For this specific system
+ (i.e., phosphates example), it can be observed that the kMC stage does
+ not scale as effectively as the MD stage (performed in LAMMPS).
+ Nonetheless, the total speedup (i.e., combined kMC and MD) of a hybrid
+ PAPRECA run is comparable to the MD stage
+ speedup. This can be justified by the fact that the kMC stages require
+ significantly less CPU time than the MD stages, regardless of the
+ number of MPI processes. For instance, the total walltimes of the kMC
+ and MD stages of the 64 MPI processes example (second scalability test
+ on the CX3 cluster) were 0.226 and 2.71 hours, respectively. Overall,
+ improving the scalability of the kMC stage will be prioritized in the
+ upcoming versions of PAPRECA.