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+ 06
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+ DynamicOED.jl: A Julia package for solving optimum
+experimental design problems
+ Carl Julius
+ Martensen
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4143-3040
+ Christoph
+ Plate
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0354-8904
+ Sebastian
+ Sager
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+ 06
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+ Julia: A fresh approach to numerical
+ Bezanson
+ SIAM Rev.
+ 1
+ 59
+ 10.1137/141000671
+ 0036-1445
+ 2017
+ Bezanson, J., Edelman, A., Karpinski,
+S., & Shah, V. B. (2017). Julia: A fresh approach to numerical
+computing. SIAM Rev., 59(1), 65–98.
+ DifferentialEquations.jl – a performant and
+feature-rich ecosystem for solving differential equations in
+ Rackauckas
+ The Journal of Open Research
+ 1
+ 5
+ 10.5334/jors.151
+ 2017
+ Rackauckas, C., & Nie, Q. (2017).
+DifferentialEquations.jl – a performant and feature-rich ecosystem for
+solving differential equations in Julia. The Journal of Open Research
+Software, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/jors.151
+ Optimization.jl: A unified optimization
+ Dixit
+ 10.5281/zenodo.7738525
+ 2023
+ Dixit, V. K., & Rackauckas, C.
+(2023). Optimization.jl: A unified optimization package. Zenodo.
+ Numerische methoden für optimale
+versuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen DAE-Modellen
+ Körkel
+ 10.11588/heidok.00002980
+ 2002
+ Körkel, S. (2002). Numerische
+methoden für optimale versuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen
+DAE-Modellen [PhD thesis, Universität Heidelberg].
+ Juniper: An open-source nonlinear
+branch-and-bound solver in Julia
+ Kröger
+ Integration of Constraint Programming,
+Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-93031-2_27
+ 978-3-319-93031-2
+ 2018
+ Kröger, O., Coffrin, C., Hijazi, H.,
+& Nagarajan, H. (2018). Juniper: An open-source nonlinear
+branch-and-bound solver in Julia. In W.-J. van Hoeve (Ed.), Integration
+of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations
+Research (pp. 377–386). Springer International Publishing.
+ Sensitivity analysis of
+differential–algebraic equations: A comparison of methods on a special
+ Li
+ Applied Numerical Mathematics
+ 2
+ 32
+ 10.1016/S0168-9274(99)00020-3
+ 0168-9274
+ 2000
+ Li, S., Petzold, L., & Zhu, W.
+(2000). Sensitivity analysis of differential–algebraic equations: A
+comparison of methods on a special problem. Applied Numerical
+Mathematics, 32(2), 161–174.
+ ModelingToolkit: A composable graph
+transformation system for equation-based modeling
+ Ma
+ 10.48550/arXiv.2103.05244
+ 2022
+ Ma, Y., Gowda, S., Anantharaman, R.,
+Laughman, C., Shah, V., & Rackauckas, C. (2022). ModelingToolkit: A
+composable graph transformation system for equation-based modeling (No.
+arXiv:2103.05244). arXiv.
+ Sampling decisions in optimum experimental
+design in the light of Pontryagin’s maximum principle
+ Sager
+ SIAM J. Control Optim.
+ 4
+ 51
+ 10.1137/110835098
+ 0363-0129
+ 2013
+ Sager, S. (2013). Sampling decisions
+in optimum experimental design in the light of Pontryagin’s maximum
+principle. SIAM J. Control Optim., 51(4), 3181–3207.
+ On the implementation of an interior-point
+filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear
+ Wächter
+ Mathematical Programming
+ 1
+ 106
+ 10.1007/s10107-004-0559-y
+ 2006
+ Wächter, A., & Biegler, L. T.
+(2006). On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search
+algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming. Mathematical
+Programming, 106(1), 25–57.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+DynamicOED.jl: A Julia package for solving optimum
+experimental design problems
+Carl Julius
+Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+experimental design
+parameter estimation
+ Summary
Optimum experimental design (OED) problems are typically
+ encountered when unknown or uncertain parameters of mathematical
+ models are to be estimated from an observable, maybe even
+ controllable, process. In this scenario, OED can be used to decide on
+ an experimental setup before collecting the data, i.e., deciding on
+ when to measure and / or how to stimulate a dynamic process in order
+ to maximize the amount of information gathered such that the
+ parameters can be accurately estimated.
Our software package, DynamicOED.jl, facilitates the solution of
+ optimum experimental design problems for dynamical systems. Following
+ ideas presented in Sager
+ (2013), we
+ cast the OED problem into an optimal control problem. This is done by
+ augmenting the user-provided system of ordinary differential equations
+ (ODE) or differential algebraic equations (DAE) with their variational
+ differential (algebraic) equations and the differential equation
+ governing the evolution of the Fisher information matrix (FIM). A
+ suitable criterion based on the FIM is then optimized in the resulting
+ optimal control problem using a direct first discretize, then
+ optimize approach.
+ Statement of need
DynamicOED.jl is a Julia
+ (Bezanson
+ et al., 2017) package for solving optimum experimental design
+ problems. Solving OED problems is of interest for several reasons.
+ First, all model-based optimization strategies rely on the knowledge
+ of the accurate values of the model’s parameters. Second, computing
+ optimal experimental designs before performing the actual experiments
+ to collect data allows to reduce the number of needed experiments or
+ measurements. This is important in practical applications when
+ measuring quantities of interest is only possible to a limited extent,
+ e.g., due to high costs of performing the measurements.
Our package is designed for high flexibility and ease of use. For
+ formulating the underlying dynamical system, our package is based on
+ the ODESystem from
+ ModelingToolkit.jl
+ (Ma
+ et al., 2022). This enables researchers and modelers to easily
+ investigate and analyze their models and allows them to collect
+ insightful data for their parameter estimation problems.
To our knowledge, this is the first dedicated package for solving
+ general optimal experimental design problems with dynamical systems
+ written in the Julia programming language. It may therefore be a
+ valuable resource to different communities dealing with experimental
+ data and parameter estimation problems.
+ Problem statement and usage example
The problem we are interested in solving reads
+ where
+ 𝒯=[t0,tf]
+ is the fixed time horizon and
+ x:𝒯↦ℝnx
+ are the differential states. The first and second constraint denote
+ the dynamical system and the sensitivities of the solution of the
+ dynamical system with respect to the uncertain parameters,
+ respectively, and are given in an implicit form. Here,
+ fẋ,
+ (
+ fx)
+ denote the partial derivative of
+ f
+ with respect to
+ ẋ
+ and (
+ x).
+ The objective
+ ϕ(F(tf))
+ of Bolza type is a suited objective function, e.g., the D-criterion
+ ϕ(F(tf))=det(F−1(tf)).
+ The evolution of the symmetric FIM
+ F:𝒯↦ℝnp×np
+ is governed by the measurement function
+ h:ℝnx↦ℝnh,
+ the sensitivities
+ G:𝒯↦ℝnx×np
+ and the sampling decisions
+ w(t)∈{0,1}nh.
+ The latter are the main optimization variables and represent the
+ decision whether to measure at a given time point or not. In our
+ direct approach, these variables are discretized, hence we write
+ w(t)∈{0,1}Nw×nh,
+ where
+ Nw
+ is the (user-supplied) number of discretization intervals on
+ 𝒯.
+ The sampling decisions are then accumulated in the variables
+ z
+ and constrained by
+ M∈ℝ+nh.
+ The controls
+ u∈𝒰
+ can either be fixed or also be viewed as optimization variables after
+ discretization.
For more information on optimal experimental design for DAEs and
+ their sensitivity analysis, we refer to Körkel
+ (2002)
+ and Li et al.
+ (2000).
The functionality in this package integrates into Julia’s
+ SciML
+ ecosystem. The model is provided in symbolic form as an
+ ODESystem using
+ ModelingToolkit.jl
+ (Ma
+ et al., 2022) with additional frequency information for the
+ observed and control variables. Both ODE or DAE systems can be
+ provided. DynamicOED.jl augments the given
+ system symbolically with its sensitivity equations and the dynamics of
+ the FIM. The resulting system together with a sufficient information
+ criterion defines an OEDProblem, solveable
+ using DifferentialEquations.jl
+ (Rackauckas
+ & Nie, 2017). Here, all sampling and control decisions are
+ discretized in time and can be used to model additional constraints.
+ At last, the OEDProblem can be transformed into
+ an OptimizationProblem as a sufficient input to
+ Optimization.jl
+ (Dixit
+ & Rackauckas, 2023). Here, a variety of optimization
+ solvers for nonlinear programming and mixed-integer nonlinear
+ programming available as additional backends, e.g.,
+ Juniper
+ (Kröger
+ et al., 2018) or Ipopt
+ (Wächter
+ & Biegler, 2006). A simple example demonstrates the usage
+ of DynamicOED.jl for the Lotka-Volterra system
+ (Sager,
+ 2013).
+ shows the solution of the example above including the differential
+ states, sensitivities
+ G
+ and the sampling decisions
+ w.
+ More examples can be found in the
+ documentation.
Several extensions are planned for the future. First, a multiple
+ shooting approach is planned. Also, other steps to increase the
+ efficiency of our implementation may be considered. For example, in
+ the case of fixed initial values and controls, the integration of
+ x
+ and
+ G
+ need to be done only once and can be decoupled from the numerical
+ integration of
+ F
+ and the subsequent optimization over
+ w.
Differential states, sensitivities of the states with
+ respect to the parameters and the optimal sampling design for
+ Lotka-Volterra system.
+ Acknowledgements
The work was funded by the German Research Foundation DFG within
+ the priority program 2331 ‘Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering’
+ under grants KI 417/9-1, SA 2016/3-1, SE 586/25-1
+ BezansonJeff
+ EdelmanAlan
+ KarpinskiStefan
+ ShahViral B.
+ Julia: A fresh approach to numerical computing
+ Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
+ 201701
+ 20240315
+ 59
+ 1
+ 0036-1445
+ 10.1137/141000671
+ 65
+ 98
+ RackauckasChristopher
+ NieQing
+ DifferentialEquations.jl – a performant and feature-rich ecosystem for solving differential equations in Julia
+ 2017
+ 5
+ 1
+ 10.5334/jors.151
+ DixitVaibhav Kumar
+ RackauckasChristopher
+ Optimization.jl: A unified optimization package
+ Zenodo
+ 202303
+ 10.5281/zenodo.7738525
+ KörkelS.
+ Numerische methoden für optimale versuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen DAE-Modellen
+ Universität Heidelberg
+ Heidelberg
+ 2002
+ 10.11588/heidok.00002980
+ KrögerOle
+ CoffrinCarleton
+ HijaziHassan
+ NagarajanHarsha
+ Juniper: An open-source nonlinear branch-and-bound solver in Julia
+ van HoeveWillem-Jan
+ Springer International Publishing
+ Cham
+ 2018
+ 978-3-319-93031-2
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-93031-2_27
+ 377
+ 386
+ LiShengtai
+ PetzoldLinda
+ ZhuWenjie
+ Sensitivity analysis of differential–algebraic equations: A comparison of methods on a special problem
+ 200002
+ 20230614
+ 32
+ 2
+ 0168-9274
+ 10.1016/S0168-9274(99)00020-3
+ 161
+ 174
+ MaYingbo
+ GowdaShashi
+ AnantharamanRanjan
+ LaughmanChris
+ ShahViral
+ RackauckasChris
+ ModelingToolkit: A composable graph transformation system for equation-based modeling
+ arXiv
+ 202202
+ 20240315
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05244
+ 10.48550/arXiv.2103.05244
+ SagerSebastian
+ Sampling decisions in optimum experimental design in the light of Pontryagin’s maximum principle
+ 201301
+ 20231106
+ 51
+ 4
+ 0363-0129
+ 10.1137/110835098
+ 3181
+ 3207
+ WächterA.
+ BieglerL. T.
+ On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming
+ 2006
+ 106
+ 1
+ 10.1007/s10107-004-0559-y
+ 25
+ 57
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