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+ Journal of Open Source Software
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+ 04
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+ 96
+ sectionproperties: A Python package for the analysis of
+arbitrary cross-sections using the finite element method
+ Robbie
+ van Leeuwen
+ https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8056-3977
+ Connor
+ Ferster
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+ 04
+ 19
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+ Analysis and design of elastic beams:
+Computational methods
+ Pilkey
+ 10.1002/9780470172667
+ 9780471381525
+ 2002
+ Pilkey, W. D. (2002). Analysis and
+design of elastic beams: Computational methods. Wiley.
+ The finite element method: Theory,
+implementation, and applications
+ Larson
+ 10
+ 10.1007/978-3-642-33287-6
+ 9783642332869
+ 2013
+ Larson, M. G., & Bengzon, F.
+(2013). The finite element method: Theory, implementation, and
+applications (1st ed., Vol. 10). Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
+ Shapely
+ Gillies
+ 10.5281/zenodo.5597138
+ 2023
+ Gillies, S., Wel, C. van der, Van den
+Bossche, J., Taves, M. W., Arnott, J., Ward, B. C., & others.
+(2023). Shapely (Version 2.0.2).
+ Triangle
+ Rufat
+ GitHub repository
+ 2023
+ Rufat, D. (2023). Triangle. In GitHub
+repository. GitHub.
+ Delaunay refinement algorithms for triangular
+mesh generation
+ Shewchuk
+ Computational Geometry
+ 1
+ 22
+ 10.1016/S0925-7721(01)00047-5
+ 2002
+ Shewchuk, J. R. (2002). Delaunay
+refinement algorithms for triangular mesh generation. Computational
+Geometry, 22(1), 21–74.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+sectionproperties: A Python package for the analysis of
+arbitrary cross-sections using the finite element method
+van Leeuwen
+Independent Researcher, Australia
+Independent Researcher, Canada
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+computational mechanics
+finite element method
+stress analysis
+ Summary
Properties of plane cross-sections are often required in
+ engineering research, analysis, and design. For example,
+ cross-sectional properties are used to determine the displacements,
+ natural frequencies, and stresses within beams under complex loading.
+ sectionproperties is a Python package for the
+ analysis of arbitrary cross-sections using the finite
+ element method. sectionproperties can be used
+ to determine geometric and warping properties, as well as visualising
+ cross-sectional stresses resulting from combinations of applied loads.
+ sectionproperties aims to provide a
+ pre-processor, analysis engine, and post-processor, in a single open
+ source and accessible package, that can be used by researchers,
+ practising engineers, and students.
+ Statement of Need
Obtaining the geometric properties of simple shapes is a classical
+ engineering problem with well-defined analytical solutions. However,
+ obtaining warping properties, e.g. for torsion and shear analyses,
+ involves solving partial differential equations
+ (Pilkey,
+ 2002). While some analytical solutions exist for a small subset
+ of geometries, the method for obtaining these results is not able to
+ be generalised to shapes commonly used in engineering pratice.
+ Further, the analysis of arbitrary composite geometries, in which a
+ cross-section could consist of any shape with any number of internal
+ holes, and be made from any number of materials, complicates both
+ geometric and warping computations.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no open source software
+ available for the computation of both geometric and warping propreties
+ for composite, arbitary cross-sections. While there are several
+ commercial solutions available, e.g.
+ ShapeDesigner SaaS,
+ or
+ CADRE Profiler,
+ none of these are open source or provide an application programming
+ interface (API) that would enable these programs to be used for
+ research. As a result, sectionproperties
+ supports both engineering practice and research, by implementing an
+ open source solution to the complex modelling problem that is
+ arbitrary composite geometric and warping analyses.
+ Implementation
sectionproperties harnesses the power of
+ Shapely
+ (Gillies
+ et al., 2023) to streamline geometry generation, and triangle
+ (Rufat,
+ 2023) (a python port of Triangle
+ (Shewchuk,
+ 2002)) to produce a triangular mesh of six-noded quadratic
+ elements. The finite element method is used to solve for the geometric
+ and warping properties, the latter involving the solution of partial
+ differential equations and boundary value problems
+ (Pilkey,
+ 2002). For example, the Saint-Venant torsion constant
+ (
+ J)
+ is obtained by solving for the warping function,
+ ω
+ (Pilkey,
+ 2002):
+ ∇2ω=0
subject to the boundary condition:
+ ∂ω∂xnx+∂ω∂yny=ynx−xny
Using the finite element method, this problem is reduced to a set
+ of linear equations of the form:
+ 𝐊𝛚=𝐅
where the stiffness matrix and load vector at the element level are
+ defined as:
+ 𝐤e=∑i=16wi𝐁iT𝐁iJi
+ 𝐟e=∑i=16wi𝐁iT[𝐍i𝐲e−𝐍i𝐱e]Ji
In the above,
+ 𝐍
+ and
+ 𝐁
+ are the shape functions and their derivatives, and
+ wi
+ and
+ Ji
+ are the weights and Jacobians of the current integration point. The
+ boundary conditions neccesitate the inversion of a nearly singular
+ global stiffness matrix. As such, the Lagrangian multiplier method is
+ used to solve the set of linear equations of the form
+ 𝐊𝐮=𝐅
+ by introducing an extra constraint on the solution vector, whereby the
+ mean value is equal to zero
+ (Larson
+ & Bengzon, 2013).
+ [𝐊𝐂T𝐂0][𝐮λ]=[𝐅0]
+ 𝐂
+ is the assembly of
+ ∑iwi𝐍iJi,
+ and
+ λ
+ may be though of as a relatively small force acting to enforce the
+ constraints. Once the warping function has been evaluated, the
+ Saint-Venant torsion constant can be calculated as follows:
+ J=Ixx+Iyy−𝛚T𝐊𝛚
The calculation of plastic properties is meshless, and is conducted
+ using an iterative method to enforce plastic equilibrium, yielding the
+ plastic centroids. A full description of the theoretical background
+ underpinning sectionproperties can be found in
+ the
+ documentation.
An example of some of the visualisation generated by
+ sectionproperties can be seen in
+ [fig:example]
+ below.
Plot of the centroids and torsion stress distribution
+ for a bulb-section modelled in
+ sectionproperties.
+ Software Development
The sectionproperties package is available
+ on
+ GitHub,
+ where the source code, issue tracker, CI workflow, and discussion
+ board can be found. Pre-commit hooks are used to ensure code quality
+ and style is consistent across all contributions. There is an
+ extensive testing and validation suite used to ensure that the output
+ produced by sectionproperties is verified and
+ repeatable, including a set of benchmarking tests.
+ sectionproperties has an actively maintained
+ and complete
+ documentation,
+ including
+ installation
+ instructions, a detailed
+ user
+ guide, a list of
+ examples,
+ and an
+ reference.
+ Conclusion
In this paper we have described
+ sectionproperties, a Python package that
+ calculates the section properties of arbitrary sections. It is our
+ hope that this project is used by researchers and practising engineers
+ to improve their experimental and analysis workflows.
+ Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the contributions from all the
+ contributors
+ to sectionproperties.
+ PilkeyW. D.
+ Wiley
+ New York
+ 2002
+ 9780471381525
+ 10.1002/9780470172667
+ LarsonM. G.
+ BengzonF.
+ Springer Berlin, Heidelberg
+ Netherlands
+ 2013
+ 10
+ 1
+ 9783642332869
+ 10.1007/978-3-642-33287-6
+ GilliesSean
+ WelCasper van der
+ Van den BosscheJoris
+ TavesMike W.
+ ArnottJoshua
+ WardBrendan C.
+ others
+ Shapely
+ 202310
+ https://github.com/shapely/shapely
+ 10.5281/zenodo.5597138
+ RufatD.
+ Triangle
+ GitHub
+ 2023
+ https://github.com/drufat/triangle
+ ShewchukJ. R.
+ Delaunay refinement algorithms for triangular mesh generation
+ Elsevier B.V
+ 2002
+ 22
+ 1
+ 10.1016/S0925-7721(01)00047-5
+ 21
+ 74
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