+ Summary
+ Adaptive Brownian bridge-based aggregation (ABBA)
+ (Elsworth
+ & Güttel, 2020a) is a symbolic time series representation
+ approach that is applicable to general time series. It is based on a
+ tolerance-controlled polygonal chain approximation of the time series,
+ followed by a mean-based clustering of the polygonal pieces into
+ groups. With the increasing need for faster time series processing,
+ lots of efforts have been put into deriving new time series
+ representations in order to reduce the time complexity of similarity
+ search or enhance forecasting performance of machine learning models.
+ Compared to working on the raw time series data, symbolizing time
+ series with ABBA provides numerous benefits including but not limited
+ to (1) dimensionality reduction, (2) smoothing and noise reduction,
+ and (3) explainable feature discretization. The time series features
+ extracted by ABBA enable fast time series forecasting
+ (Elsworth
+ & Güttel, 2020b), anomaly detection
+ (Chen
+ & Güttel, 2023;
+ Elsworth
+ & Güttel, 2020a), event prediction
+ (Gogineni
+ et al., 2022), classification
+ (Nguyen
+ & Ifrim, 2023;
+ Taktak
+ et al., 2024), and other data-driven tasks in time series
+ analysis
+ (Harris
+ et al., 2021;
+ Wang
+ et al., 2023). An example illustration of an ABBA symbolization
+ is shown in
+ [fig:enter-label].
+ ABBA symbolization with 4
+ symbols.
+ ABBA follows a two-phase approach to symbolize time series, namely
+ compression and digitization. The first phase aims to reduce the time
+ series dimension by polygonal chain approximation, and the second
+ phase assigns symbols to the polygonal pieces. Both phases operate
+ together to ensure that the essential time series features are best
+ reflected by the symbols, controlled by a user-chosen error tolerance.
+ The advantages of the ABBA representation against other symbolic
+ representations include (1) better preservation of essential shape
+ features, e.g., when compared against the popular SAX representation
+ (Elsworth
+ & Güttel, 2020a;
+ Lin et
+ al., 2003); (2) effective representation of local up and down
+ trends in the time series which supports motif detection; (3)
+ demonstrably reduced sensitivity to hyperparameters of neural network
+ models and the initialization of random weights in forecasting
+ applications
+ (Elsworth
+ & Güttel, 2020b).
+ fABBA is a Python library to compute ABBA symbolic
+ time series representations on Linux, Windows, and MacOS systems. With
+ Cython compilation and typed memoryviews, it significantly outperforms
+ existing ABBA implementations. The fABBA library also
+ includes a new ABBA variant, fABBA
+ (Chen
+ & Güttel, 2023), which uses a fast alternative digitization
+ method (i.e., greedy aggregation) instead of k-means clustering
+ (Lloyd,
+ 1982), providing significant speedup and improved
+ tolerance-based digitization (without the need to specify the number
+ k
+ of symbols a priori). The experiments in Chen & Güttel
+ (2023)
+ demonstrate that fABBA runs significantly faster than the original
+ ABBA module at
+ https://github.com/nla-group/ABBA/.
+ fABBA is an open-source library and licensed under
+ the 3-Clause BSD License. Its redistribution and use, with or without
+ modification, are permitted under conditions described in
+ https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause/.
+ Examples
+ fABBA can installed via the Python Package Index
+ or conda forge. Detailed documentation for its installation, usage,
+ API reference, and quick start examples can be found on
+ https://fabba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. Below
+ we provide a brief demonstration.
+ Compress and reconstruct a time series
+ The following example approximately transforms a time series into
+ a symbolic string representation (using method
+ transform()) and then converts the string
+ back into a numerical format (using method
+ inverse_transform()). fABBA requires two
+ parameters, tol and
+ alpha. The tolerance
+ tol determines how closely the polygonal
+ chain approximation follows the original time series. The parameter
+ alpha controls how similar time series pieces
+ need to be in order to be represented by the same symbol. A smaller
+ tol means that more polygonal pieces are used
+ and the polygonal chain approximation is more accurate; but on the
+ other hand, it will increase the length of the string
+ representation. Similarly, a smaller alpha
+ typically results in more accurate symbolic digitization but a
+ larger number of symbols.
+ import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from fABBA import fABBA
+# original time series
+ts = [np.sin(0.05*i) for i in range(1000)]
+fabba = fABBA(tol=0.1, alpha=0.1, sorting='2-norm', scl=1, verbose=0)
+# symbolic representation of the time series
+string = fabba.fit_transform(ts)
+# prints aBbCbCbCbCbCbCbCA
+# reconstruct numerical time series
+inverse_ts = fabba.inverse_transform(string, ts[0])
+ More ABBA variants
+ Other clustering-based ABBA variants are also provided, supported
+ by the clustering methods in the scikit-learn
+ library
+ (Pedregosa
+ et al., 2011). Below is a basic code example.
+ import numpy as np
+from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
+from fABBA import ABBAbase
+# original time series
+ts = [np.sin(0.05*i) for i in range(1000)]
+# k-means clustering with 5 symbols
+kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0, init='k-means++', verbose=0)
+abba = ABBAbase(tol=0.1, scl=1, clustering=kmeans)
+# symbolic representation of the time series
+string = abba.fit_transform(ts)
+# prints BbAaAaAaAaAaAaAaC
+# reconstruct numerical time series
+inverse_ts = abba.inverse_transform(string)
+ Statement of Need
+ Symbolic representations enhance time series processing by a large
+ number of powerful techniques developed, e.g., by the natural language
+ processing or bioinformatics communities
+ (Lin et
+ al., 2003,
+ 2007).
+ fABBA is a Python module for computing such symbolic
+ time series representations very efficiently, enabling their use for
+ downstream tasks such as time series classification, forecasting, and
+ anomaly detection.