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+ The 2DECOMP&FFT library: an update with new CPU/GPU
+ Stefano
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+ Cédric
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+ Paul
+ Bartholomew
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+ Distributed-memory simulations of turbulent
+flows on modern GPU systems using an adaptive pencil decomposition
+ Romero
+ Proceedings of the platform for advanced
+scientific computing conference
+ 10.1145/3539781.3539797
+ 9781450394109
+ 2022
+ Romero, J., Costa, P., & Fatica,
+M. (2022). Distributed-memory simulations of turbulent flows on modern
+GPU systems using an adaptive pencil decomposition library. Proceedings
+of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference.
+ AFiD-GPU: A versatile Navier–Stokes solver
+for wall-bounded turbulent flows on GPU clusters
+ Zhu
+ Computer Physics
+ 229
+ 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.03.026
+ 0010-4655
+ 2018
+ Zhu, X., Phillips, E., Spandan, V.,
+Donners, J., Ruetsch, G., Romero, J., Ostilla-Mónico, R., Yang, Y.,
+Lohse, D., Verzicco, R., Fatica, M., & Stevens, R. J. A. M. (2018).
+AFiD-GPU: A versatile Navier–Stokes solver for wall-bounded turbulent
+flows on GPU clusters. Computer Physics Communications, 229, 199–210.
+ Xcompact3D: An open-source framework for
+solving turbulence problems on a Cartesian mesh
+ Bartholomew
+ SoftwareX
+ 12
+ 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100550
+ 2352-7110
+ 2020
+ Bartholomew, P., Deskos, G., Frantz,
+R. A. S., Schuch, F. N., Lamballais, E., & Laizet, S. (2020).
+Xcompact3D: An open-source framework for solving turbulence problems on
+a Cartesian mesh. SoftwareX, 12, 100550.
+ 2DECOMP&FFT - a highly scalable 2D
+decomposition library and FFT interface
+ Li
+ Cray user group 2010
+ 2010
+ Li, N., & Laizet, S. (2010).
+2DECOMP&FFT - a highly scalable 2D decomposition library and FFT
+interface. Cray User Group 2010 Conference,
+ ADIOS 2: The adaptable input output system. A
+framework for high-performance data management
+ Godoy
+ SoftwareX
+ 12
+ 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100561
+ 2352-7110
+ 2020
+ Godoy, W. F., Podhorszki, N., Wang,
+R., Atkins, C., Eisenhauer, G., Gu, J., Davis, P., Choi, J.,
+Germaschewski, K., Huck, K., Huebl, A., Kim, M., Kress, J., Kurc, T.,
+Liu, Q., Logan, J., Mehta, K., Ostrouchov, G., Parashar, M., … Klasky,
+S. (2020). ADIOS 2: The adaptable input output system. A framework for
+high-performance data management. SoftwareX, 12, 100561.
+ A FFT-based finite-difference solver for
+massively-parallel direct numerical simulations of turbulent
+ Costa
+ Computers & Mathematics with
+ 8
+ 76
+ 10.1016/j.camwa.2018.07.034
+ 0898-1221
+ 2018
+ Costa, P. (2018). A FFT-based
+finite-difference solver for massively-parallel direct numerical
+simulations of turbulent flows. Computers & Mathematics with
+Applications, 76(8), 1853–1862.
+ The design and implementation of
+ Frigo
+ Proceedings of the IEEE
+ 2
+ 93
+ 10.1109/JPROC.2004.840301
+ 2005
+ Frigo, M., & Johnson, S. G.
+(2005). The design and implementation of FFTW3. Proceedings of the IEEE,
+93(2), 216–231.
+ A simple derivation of Glassman’s general N
+fast Fourier transform
+ Ferguson
+ Computers & Mathematics with
+ 6
+ 8
+ 10.1016/0898-1221(82)90016-5
+ 0898-1221
+ 1982
+ Ferguson, W. E. (1982). A simple
+derivation of Glassman’s general N fast Fourier transform. Computers
+& Mathematics with Applications, 8(6), 401–411.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+The 2DECOMP&FFT library: an update with new CPU/GPU
+STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Scientific Computing Department,
+PPRIME institute, Curiosity Group, Université de Poitiers,
+CNRS, ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France
+EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
+NVIDIA Corporation, Cambridge, UK
+Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, London,
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Finite Difference Discretisation
+Pencil Decomposition
+ Summary
The 2DECOMP&FFT library is a software framework written in
+ modern Fortran to build large-scale parallel applications. It is
+ designed for applications using three-dimensional structured meshes
+ with a particular focus on spatially implicit numerical algorithms.
+ However, the library can be easily used with other discretisation
+ schemes based on a structured layout and where pencil decomposition
+ can apply. It is based on a general-purpose 2D pencil decomposition
+ for data distribution and data Input Output (I/O). A 1D slab
+ decomposition is also available as a special case of the 2D pencil
+ decomposition. The library includes a highly scalable and efficient
+ interface to perform three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs).
+ The library has been designed to be user-friendly, with a clean
+ application programming interface hiding most communication details
+ from application developers, and portable with support for modern CPUs
+ and NVIDIA GPUs (support for AMD and Intel GPUs to follow).
+ Statement of need
The 2DECOMP&FFT library
+ (Li
+ & Laizet, 2010) was originally designed for CPU hardware
+ and is now used by many research groups worldwide. The library is
+ based on a 2D-pencil decomposition for data distribution on
+ distributed memory systems and is used as the core of many CFD solvers
+ such as Xcompact3d
+ (Bartholomew
+ et al., 2020) and CaNS
+ (Costa,
+ 2018), with excellent strong scaling performance up to hundreds
+ of thousands of CPU cores. 2DECOMP&FFT mainly relies on MPI, and
+ it offers a user-friendly interface that hides the complexity of the
+ communication. Version 2.0.1 of the library also offers a 1D slab
+ decomposition, which is implemented as a special case of the 2D
+ decomposition. Two alternatives are possible:
Initial slabs orientation in the XY
+ plane;
Initial slabs orientation in the XZ
+ plane.
In many configurations the slabs decomposition gives some gain in
+ performance with respect to the 2D-pencil decomposition. This is a
+ consequence of having data already in memory when transposing between
+ the two dimensions of the slab. Therefore, it is possible to perform a
+ simple memory copy between input and output arrays instead of the full
+ MPI communication.
The library also offers a very efficient and flexible interface to
+ perform 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on distributed memory systems.
+ However, 2DECOMP&FFT is mainly designed to perform data management
+ and communication and the actual computation of the 1D FFT is
+ delegated to 3rd-party libraries. The supported FFT backends are: FFTW
+ (Frigo
+ & Johnson, 2005), the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), and
+ the CUDA FFT (cuFFT), which is used for FFT on NVIDIA GPUs. A Generic
+ FFT backend, based on Glassman’s general N Fast Fourier Transform
+ (Ferguson,
+ 1982), is also available to make the library more portable.
While the 2DECOMP&FFT library has been designed with high order
+ compact schemes in mind, it is possible that some derivatives can be
+ evaluated using an explicit formulation based on local stencils. For
+ this reason a halo support API is also provided to support explicit
+ message passing between neighbouring pencils.
Finally, the library provides infrastructure to perform parallel
+ data I/O using MPI I/O or ADIOS2
+ (Godoy
+ et al., 2020). The API provide several features such as:
+ writing single or multiple 3D arrays into a file, writing 2D slices of
+ the data, and data compression either via ADIOS2 or by writing reduced
+ precision or resolution with the MPI I/O backend.
The first version of the library was released in 2010 as a tar.gz
+ package, with a Makefile approach, and could only make use of CPUs. It
+ has not been modified since its release. The new version of the
+ library can now leverage NVIDIA GPUs, modern CPUs, and various
+ compilers (GNU, Intel, NVHPC, CRAY). It has CMAKE capabilities as well
+ as a proper continuous integration framework with automated tests. The
+ new library was designed to be more appealing to the scientific
+ community, and it can now be easily implemented as an independent
+ library for use by other software.
+ GPU porting
An initial port of 2DECOMP&FFT to GPUs was performed within the
+ solver AFiD-GPU
+ (Zhu
+ et al., 2018), which was mainly based on CUDA-Fortran for some
+ kernels and CUDA-aware-MPI for communications. A second library, named
+ cuDECOMP, which was directly inspired by 2DECOMP&FFT, takes full
+ advantages of CUDA and uses NVIDIA’s most recent libraries for
+ communications, such as NVIDIA Collective Communication Library
+ (NCCL), is presented in Romero et al.
+ (2022).
+ Indeed, cuDECOMP only targets NVIDIA GPUs. The updated 2DECOMP&FFT
+ mainly uses a mix of CUDA-Fortran and openACC for the GPU porting
+ together with CUDA-aware-MPI and NCCL for the communications. In
+ addition to previous work, the FFT module is ported to GPUs using
+ cuFFT. The next step is also to implement OpenMP for GPU porting to
+ support both AMD and Intel GPU hardware.
+ How to use 2DECOMP&FFT
The 2D Pencil Decomposition API is defined with three Fortran
+ modules which should be used by applications as:
+ use decomp_2d_constants
+ use decomp_2d_mpi
+ use decomp_2d
where use decomp_2d_constants defines all
+ the parameters, use decomp_2d_mpi introduces
+ all the MPI related interfaces, and
+ use decomp_2d contains the main decomposition
+ and transposition APIs. The library is initialised using:
+ call decomp_2d_init(nx, ny, nz, p_row, p_col)
where nx, ny, and
+ nz are the spatial dimensions of the problem,
+ to be distributed over a 2D processor grid
+ prow×pcol.
+ Note that none of the dimensions need to be divisible by
+ p_row or p_col. In the
+ case of p_row=p_col=0, an automatic
+ decomposition is selected among all possible combinations available. A
+ key element of this library is a set of communication routines that
+ perform the data transpositions. As mentioned, one needs to perform 4
+ global transpositions to go through all 3 pencil orientations (i.e.,
+ one has to go from x-pencils to y-pencils to z-pencils to y-pencils to
+ x-pencils). Correspondingly, the library provides 4 communication
+ subroutines:
The input array var_in and output array
+ var_out are defined by the code using the
+ library and contain distributed data for the correct pencil
+ orientations.
Note that the library is written using Fortran’s generic interfaces
+ so different data types are supported without user input. That means
+ in and out above can be either real or complex arrays, the latter
+ being useful for applications involving 3D Fast Fourier Transforms.
+ Finally, before exit, applications should clean up the memory by:
+ call decomp_2d_finalize
Detailed information about the decomposition API are available
+ here.
+ Several examples detailing the usage of the different library
+ functionalities can be found
+ here.
+ Acknowledgements
The first version of the library was initially designed thanks to
+ several projects funded under the HECToR Distributed Computational
+ Science and Engineering (CSE) Service operated by NAG Ltd. The new
+ library has been designed thanks to the support of EPSRC via the CCP
+ Turbulence (EP/T026170/1) and work funded under the embedded CSE
+ programme of the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service
+ (http://www.archer2.ac.uk) (ARCHER2 eCSE03-2).
+ RomeroJoshua
+ CostaPedro
+ FaticaMassimiliano
+ Distributed-memory simulations of turbulent flows on modern GPU systems using an adaptive pencil decomposition library
+ Association for Computing Machinery
+ New York, NY, USA
+ 2022
+ 9781450394109
+ https://doi.org/10.1145/3539781.3539797
+ 10.1145/3539781.3539797
+ ZhuXiaojue
+ PhillipsEverett
+ SpandanVamsi
+ DonnersJohn
+ RuetschGregory
+ RomeroJoshua
+ Ostilla-MónicoRodolfo
+ YangYantao
+ LohseDetlef
+ VerziccoRoberto
+ FaticaMassimiliano
+ StevensRichard J. A. M.
+ AFiD-GPU: A versatile Navier–Stokes solver for wall-bounded turbulent flows on GPU clusters
+ 2018
+ 229
+ 0010-4655
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465518300985
+ 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.03.026
+ 199
+ 210
+ BartholomewPaul
+ DeskosGeorgios
+ FrantzRicardo A. S.
+ SchuchFelipe N.
+ LamballaisEric
+ LaizetSylvain
+ Xcompact3D: An open-source framework for solving turbulence problems on a Cartesian mesh
+ 2020
+ 12
+ 2352-7110
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711019303620
+ 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100550
+ 100550
+ LiNing
+ LaizetSylvain
+ 2DECOMP&FFT - a highly scalable 2D decomposition library and FFT interface
+ 2010
+ 1
+ 13
+ GodoyWilliam F.
+ PodhorszkiNorbert
+ WangRuonan
+ AtkinsChuck
+ EisenhauerGreg
+ GuJunmin
+ DavisPhilip
+ ChoiJong
+ GermaschewskiKai
+ HuckKevin
+ HueblAxel
+ KimMark
+ KressJames
+ KurcTahsin
+ LiuQing
+ LoganJeremy
+ MehtaKshitij
+ OstrouchovGeorge
+ ParasharManish
+ PoeschelFranz
+ PugmireDavid
+ SuchytaEric
+ TakahashiKeichi
+ ThompsonNick
+ TsutsumiSeiji
+ WanLipeng
+ WolfMatthew
+ WuKesheng
+ KlaskyScott
+ ADIOS 2: The adaptable input output system. A framework for high-performance data management
+ 2020
+ 12
+ 2352-7110
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711019302560
+ 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100561
+ 100561
+ CostaPedro
+ A FFT-based finite-difference solver for massively-parallel direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows
+ 2018
+ 76
+ 8
+ 0898-1221
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089812211830405X
+ 10.1016/j.camwa.2018.07.034
+ 1853
+ 1862
+ FrigoMatteo
+ JohnsonSteven G.
+ The design and implementation of FFTW3
+ 2005
+ 93
+ 2
+ 10.1109/JPROC.2004.840301
+ 216
+ 231
+ FergusonWarren E.
+ A simple derivation of Glassman’s general N fast Fourier transform
+ 1982
+ 8
+ 6
+ 0898-1221
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0898122182900165
+ 10.1016/0898-1221(82)90016-5
+ 401
+ 411
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