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+ PourPy - A python package to generate potential-pH
+ Anja
+ Korber
+ Fabio E.
+ Furcas
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+ Pundir
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+ Atlas d’Équilibres Électrochimiques: Eau
+ Pourbaix
+ Centre belge d’étude de la
+ 1963
+ Pourbaix, M., & Zoubov, N. de.
+(1963). Atlas d’Équilibres Électrochimiques: Eau oxygénée. In Centre
+belge d’étude de la corrosion. Paris:
+ Commentary: The Materials Project: A
+materials genome approach to accelerating materials
+ Jain
+ APL materials
+ 1
+ 1
+ 10.1063/1.4812323
+ 2013
+ Jain, A., Ong, S. P., Hautier, G.,
+Chen, W., Richards, W. D., Dacek, S., Cholia, S., Gunter, D., Skinner,
+D., Ceder, G., & others. (2013). Commentary: The Materials Project:
+A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation. APL
+Materials, 1(1).
+ SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating
+the standard molal thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous
+species, and reactions from 1 to 5000 bar and 0 to 1000
+ Johnson
+ Computers & Geosciences
+ 7
+ 18
+ 10.1016/0098-3004(92)90029-Q
+ 1992
+ Johnson, J. W., Oelkers, E. H., &
+Helgeson, H. C. (1992). SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating the
+standard molal thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous
+species, and reactions from 1 to 5000 bar and 0 to 1000 C. Computers
+& Geosciences, 18(7), 899–947.
+ User’s guide to PHREEQC (Version 2): A
+computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional
+transport, and inverse geochemical calculations
+ Parkhurst
+ Water-resources Investigations
+ 4259
+ 99
+ 10.3133/wri994259
+ 1999
+ Parkhurst, D. L., Appelo, C., &
+others. (1999). User’s guide to PHREEQC (Version 2): A computer program
+for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse
+geochemical calculations. Water-Resources Investigations Report,
+99(4259), 312. https://doi.org/10.3133/wri994259
+ Description of input and examples for PHREEQC
+version 3 — a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction,
+one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical
+ Parkhurst
+ US Geological Survey Techniques and
+ A43
+ 6
+ 10.3133/tm6a43
+ 2013
+ Parkhurst, D. L., Appelo, C., &
+others. (2013). Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version 3
+— a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional
+transport, and inverse geochemical calculations. US Geological Survey
+Techniques and Methods, 6(A43), 497.
+ Introduction to Corrosion
+ McCafferty
+ 10.1007/978-1-4419-0455-3
+ 1441904549
+ 2010
+ McCafferty, E. (2010). Introduction
+to Corrosion Science [Book]. Springer Science & Business Media.
+ Corrosion Science and
+ Pedeferri
+ 720
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-97625-9
+ 2018
+ Pedeferri, P., & Ormellese, M.
+(2018). Corrosion Science and Engineering (Vol. 720) [Book]. Springer.
+ Prediction of solid-aqueous equilibria:
+Scheme to combine first-principles calculations of solids with
+experimental aqueous states
+ Persson
+ Phys. Rev. B
+ 85
+ 10.1103/physrevb.85.235438
+ 2012
+ Persson, K. A., Waldwick, B., Lazic,
+P., & Ceder, G. (2012). Prediction of solid-aqueous equilibria:
+Scheme to combine first-principles calculations of solids with
+experimental aqueous states. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 235438.
+ Electrochemical stability of metastable
+ Singh
+ Chemistry of Materials
+ 23
+ 29
+ 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03980
+ 2017
+ Singh, A. K., Zhou, L., Shinde, A.,
+Suram, S. K., Montoya, J. H., Winston, D., Gregoire, J. M., &
+Persson, K. A. (2017). Electrochemical stability of metastable
+materials. Chemistry of Materials, 29(23), 10159–10167.
+ The atomic simulation environment — a Python
+library for working with atoms
+ Larsen
+ Journal of Physics: Condensed
+ 27
+ 29
+ 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03980.s001
+ 2017
+ Larsen, A. H., Mortensen, J. J.,
+Blomqvist, J., Castelli, I. E., Christensen, R., Dułak, M., Friis, J.,
+Groves, M. N., Hammer, B., Hargus, C., Hermes, E. D., Jennings, P. C.,
+Jensen, P. B., Kermode, J., Kitchin, J. R., Kolsbjerg, E. L., Kubal, J.,
+Kaasbjerg, K., Lysgaard, S., … Jacobsen, K. W. (2017). The atomic
+simulation environment — a Python library for working with atoms.
+Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29(27), 273002.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+PourPy - A python package to generate potential-pH
+Fabio E.
+David S.
+Ueli M.
+Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zrich,
+Laura-Hezner-Weg 7, Zrich, 8093, Switzerland
+* E-mail: mpundir@ethz.ch
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Pourbaix diagrams
+ Summary
PourPy is an open-source Python package for
+ generating thermodynamic stability diagrams of solid phases and
+ complexes in aqueous electrolytes. These so-called Pourbaix diagrams
+ provide valuable information about the reactivity of chemical elements
+ and compounds as a function of the electrochemical potential and the
+ pH. In the context of corrosion science, environmental and process
+ engineering, Pourbaix diagrams are useful to predict the reactivity of
+ aqueous complexes, the passivation behaviour of metals, and the
+ electrochemical stability of the aqueous electrolyte.
+ PourPy is a tool enabling users to inspect the
+ reactivity of aqueous systems under full control of all chemical
+ species considered. Users can define custom reactive systems
+ containing multiple solid, aqueous and gaseous species thereof and
+ build all (electro)chemical reactions to be considered. The package
+ provides additional functionality to perform basic manipulations on
+ the thermodynamic parameters associated with each chemical component,
+ change the system’s reference electrode as well as calculate the
+ number of phases stable across a given potential-pH space or at
+ discrete values. Future releases are planned to retrieve thermodynamic
+ parameters from established databases including SUPCRT92
+ (Johnson
+ et al., 1992) and PHREEQC
+ (Parkhurst
+ et al., 1999,
+ 2013).
+ Statement of need
In 1963, Marcel Pourbaix submitted his PhD thesis titled
+ Atlas d’Équilibres Électrochimiques, comprising a
+ collection of thermodynamic equilibrium relationships that describe
+ the electrochemical stability of chemical elements
+ (Pedeferri
+ & Ormellese, 2018;
+ Pourbaix
+ & Zoubov, 1963). Over the course of the last century,
+ graphical representations of these equilibrium relationships, the
+ so-called Pourbaix diagrams, also known as potential-pH diagrams, have
+ emerged as an invaluable tool to predict the corrosion bevaviour of
+ materials. Pourbaix diagrams are widely used in corrosion science to
+ assess the stability of a metal and its possible different metal
+ (hydr)oxides
+ (McCafferty,
+ 2010). In this context, Pourbaix diagrams provide maps of three
+ different regions of interest, namely corrosion,
+ passivity, and immunity. The
+ corrosion region is the potential-pH domain in which dissolution of
+ the metal is possible and where it is thermodynamically stable in the
+ form of dissolved aqueous species. The immunity domain designates the
+ conditions in which the metal is stable in its unreacted
+ Me
+ 0
+ form. Finally, a domain of tremendous technological relevance for many
+ metals, especially iron-based alloys, is the passivity domain, in
+ which oxides are stable and can
+ –
+ under some conditions
+ –
+ offer protective properties to the underlying metal. In addition, in
+ many cases, scales incorporating both metal (hydr)oxide phases and
+ substances stemming from the exposure environment (carbonate ions,
+ sulphur species, phosphate species, etc.) can form on the surface as
+ well and affect the corrosion process. Such cases can also be
+ investigated by means of Pourbaix diagrams, provided that the relevant
+ species are incorporated in the thermodynamic calculations carried out
+ to construct the Pourbaix diagram. While Pourbaix diagrams for simple
+ cases such as metal-water systems can often be found in the
+ literature, diagrams for more complex situations or cases deviating
+ from standard conditions (e.g. in terms of temperature, electrolyte
+ composition, and/or ionic activity), scholars may face challenges in
+ obtaining the required Pourbaix diagrams. It should be mentioned here
+ that Pourbaix diagrams also have limitations. For instance, the
+ thermodynamically stable phase may not always be the relevant in
+ practical situations, as intermediates may dominate the behavior over
+ considerable time scales. Though not energetically favorable, these
+ intermediate species may also be plotted in the Pourbaix diagram by
+ excluding other, thermodynamically more stable species and compounds.
+ Moreover, the lines depicted in Pourbaix diagrams represent the
+ predominance boundaries, which means that different species / phases
+ may be stable and present on both sides of these lines. Such
+ information, although not visible from classical Pourbaix diagrams,
+ may impact the behavior of the system. Another (well-known) limitation
+ of Pourbaix diagrams is that they do not provide information on the
+ kinetics of reactions.
Pourbaix diagrams are two-dimensional and Cartesian, plotting the
+ electrochemical redox potential of e.g. a metal or an alloy versus the
+ solution pH in contact with the material. Any electrochemical and/or
+ pH-dependent reaction can be drawn on such a diagram in the form of a
+ straight line, provided the standard molar Gibbs free energy of
+ formation
+ ΔGf∘
+ of all reactants are known. Despite their simplicity and widespread
+ use in engineering and science, there are few software packages that
+ generate correct Pourbaix diagrams, without hiding some of their
+ essential features behind a staggering paywall. Other packages
+ including pymatgen
+ (Persson
+ et al., 2012;
+ Singh
+ et al., 2017) part of the The Materials Project
+ (Jain
+ et al., 2013) and the Atomic Simulation Environment
+ (ASE)
+ (Larsen
+ et al., 2017) are available free of charge, but the diagrams
+ generated are not customisable and involve DFT modelling methods and
+ energy minimisation routines far more complicated than the set of
+ thermodynamic equilibrium relationships originally published. As the
+ underlying minimisation routines are further performed at each
+ discrete pH-potential coordinate considered, the generation of
+ Pourbaix diagrams via the pymatgen or ASE package is also
+ computationally expensive. PourPy is developed to
+ address this accessability gap. The package provides a set of seven
+ classes that handle user-defined chemical reactants and reactions to
+ be included in a completely customisable Pourbaix diagram. Classes
+ include functionality to change the reference electrode scale of the
+ system, control the activity of all aqueous species of a particular
+ chemical element and interact with the diagram to extract the stable
+ phase(s) predominant at a given potential and pH coordinate. Lastly,
+ the provision of a web application eliminates the need to set up a
+ local installation environment, making the package more accessible to
+ scholars and engineering professionals.
+ Brief software description
The PourPy package distinguishes between 3 main
+ line types drawn on the Pourbaix diagram. The first type represents
+ reactions that are vertical, pH-dependent and involve the exchange of
+ protons (
+ H+).
+ The assigned pH can be calculated based on the equilibrium constant of
+ the chemical reaction. The second type represent potential-dependent
+ reactions, involving the generation or consumption of electrons
+ (
+ e−).
+ They appear as horizontal lines on the diagram. The third archetype of
+ Pourbaix lines is a combination of the first two, i.e. involving the
+ exchange of protons and electrons, resulting in a sloped line on the
+ potential-pH diagram. Consider the formation and consumption of
+ reactants, products
+ Ai,
+ and protons H+ according to the general chemical reaction
+ ∑iνa,iAi+νH+H+=0,
+ where
+ νa,i
+ and
+ νH+
+ are the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants, products and protons
+ involved. The reaction equilibrium constant
+ β
+ can be computed from the Gibbs free energy change of the reaction
+ ΔGr∘
+ according to
+ β=exp(−ΔGr∘/(R⋅T)),
+ where
+ R=8.31446262
+ Jmol−1K−1
+ is the ideal gas constant and
+ T
+ is the temperature in degree K. It also relates to the activity of all
+ reactants
+ K=∏i{Ai}νa,i×{H+}νH+.
+ Provided the Gibbs free energy of the reaction is known, the pH above
+ which the formation of products is favoured can be computed as
+ pH=−log10{H+}=1νH+[log10∏i{Ai}νa,i−log10K].
+ Reactions that additionally consume or generate electrons (horizontal
+ or inclined lines), i.e.
+ ∑iνa,iAi+νH+H++ne−=0,
+ are plotted by computing the potential at which the formation of
+ products becomes favourable via the Nernst Equation
+ Erev=Erev∘+2.303×RTnF×log10∏i{Ai}νa,i+2.303×νH+×RTnF×pH,
+ where
+ n
+ is the number of electrons transferred and
+ F=96485.3321
+ Amol−1s−1
+ refers to the Faraday constant. For a reaction including the exchange
+ of protons
+ νH+,
+ Equation 6 corresponds to the third (inclined) line type and for
+ νH+=0,
+ the second (horizontal) line type is generated. The intersections of
+ multiple of these line types define regions in the potential-pH space
+ in which various chemical species
+ Ai
+ are stable. For all
+ Ai,
+ these thermodynamic stability regions are determined based on the sign
+ of the stoichiometric coefficient
+ νa,i,
+ relative to the stoichiometric coefficients of the protons and
+ electrons involved in their formation.
+ Availability, usage and documentation
PourPy is written in Python and hosted on
+ GitLab
+ and can be accessed via a Mercury-powered
+ web
+ application. It has been uploaded to the Python Packaging
+ Index under the name ‘PourPy’ and can be installed using the
+ pip
+ package manager. Users are guided through the functionality
+ of the package via a set of tutorials available
+ here.
+ We encourage collaborative efforts to improve the functionality of
+ PourPy via the Git repository and appreciate any
+ suggestions for future features and showcase tutorials.
+ Acknowledgements
The authors thank the European Research Council (ERC) for the
+ financial support provided for Fabio Enrico Furcas under the European
+ Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement
+ no. 848794).
+ Contributions
F.E.F, D.K. and U.M.A conceived the study, all authors contributed
+ to the study design. A.K., M.P. and F.E.F. conducted the programming.
+ F.E.F. wrote the main draft of the manuscript, all authors co-wrote
+ and approved the final manuscript.
+ PourbaixM.
+ ZoubovN. de
+ Paris: Gauthier-Villars
+ 1963
+ JainAnubhav
+ OngShyue Ping
+ HautierGeoffroy
+ ChenWei
+ RichardsWilliam Davidson
+ DacekStephen
+ CholiaShreyas
+ GunterDan
+ SkinnerDavid
+ CederGerbrand
+ others
+ Commentary: The Materials Project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation
+ AIP Publishing
+ 2013
+ 1
+ 1
+ 10.1063/1.4812323
+ JohnsonJames W
+ OelkersEric H
+ HelgesonHarold C
+ SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating the standard molal thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous species, and reactions from 1 to 5000 bar and 0 to 1000 C
+ Elsevier
+ 1992
+ 18
+ 7
+ 10.1016/0098-3004(92)90029-Q
+ 899
+ 947
+ ParkhurstDavid L
+ AppeloCAJ
+ others
+ User’s guide to PHREEQC (Version 2): A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations
+ 1999
+ 99
+ 4259
+ 10.3133/wri994259
+ 312
+ ParkhurstDavid L
+ AppeloCAJ
+ others
+ Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version 3 — a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations
+ US Geological Survey Denver, CO, USA
+ 2013
+ 6
+ A43
+ 10.3133/tm6a43
+ 497
+ McCaffertyEdward
+ Springer Science & Business Media
+ 2010
+ 1441904549
+ 10.1007/978-1-4419-0455-3
+ PedeferriPietro
+ OrmelleseMarco
+ Springer
+ 2018
+ 720
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-97625-9
+ PerssonKristin A.
+ WaldwickBryn
+ LazicPredrag
+ CederGerbrand
+ Prediction of solid-aqueous equilibria: Scheme to combine first-principles calculations of solids with experimental aqueous states
+ American Physical Society
+ 2012
+ 85
+ 10.1103/physrevb.85.235438
+ 235438
+ SinghArunima K
+ ZhouLan
+ ShindeAniketa
+ SuramSantosh K
+ MontoyaJoseph H
+ WinstonDonald
+ GregoireJohn M
+ PerssonKristin A
+ Electrochemical stability of metastable materials
+ ACS Publications
+ 2017
+ 29
+ 23
+ 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03980
+ 10159
+ 10167
+ LarsenAsk Hjorth
+ MortensenJens Jørgen
+ BlomqvistJakob
+ CastelliIvano E
+ ChristensenRune
+ DułakMarcin
+ FriisJesper
+ GrovesMichael N
+ HammerBjørk
+ HargusCory
+ HermesEric D
+ JenningsPaul C
+ JensenPeter Bjerre
+ KermodeJames
+ KitchinJohn R
+ KolsbjergEsben Leonhard
+ KubalJoseph
+ KaasbjergKristen
+ LysgaardSteen
+ MaronssonJón Bergmann
+ MaxsonTristan
+ OlsenThomas
+ PastewkaLars
+ PetersonAndrew
+ RostgaardCarsten
+ SchiøtzJakob
+ SchüttOle
+ StrangeMikkel
+ ThygesenKristian S
+ VeggeTejs
+ VilhelmsenLasse
+ WalterMichael
+ ZengZhenhua
+ JacobsenKarsten W
+ The atomic simulation environment — a Python library for working with atoms
+ IOP Publishing
+ 2017
+ 29
+ 27
+ 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03980.s001
+ 273002