+ Statement of need
+ The Python package matscipy contains a set
+ of tools for researchers using atomic-scale models in materials
+ science. In atomic-scale modelling, the primary numerical object is a
+ discrete point in three-dimensional space that represents the position
+ of an individual atom. Simulations are often dynamical, where
+ configurations change over time and each atom carries a velocity.
+ Complexity emerges from the interactions of many atoms, and numerical
+ tools are required for generating initial atomic configurations and
+ for analysing output of such dynamical simulations, most commonly to
+ connect local geometric arrangements of atoms to physical processes.
+ An example, described in more detail below, is the detection of the
+ tip of a crack that moves through a solid body.
+ We never see individual atoms at macroscopic scales. To understand
+ the behaviour of everyday objects, atomic-scale information needs to
+ be transferred to the continuum scale. This is the primary objective
+ of multi-scale modelling. matscipy focuses on
+ atomic representations of materials, but implements tools for
+ connecting to continuum descriptions in mechanics and transport
+ theory. Each of the application domains described in the following
+ therefore relies on the computation of continuum fields, that is
+ realised through analytic or numerical solutions.
+ There is no other package that we are aware of, which fills the
+ particular niche of the application domains in the next section. The
+ package addresses the boundary between atomic-scale and continuum
+ modelling in materials with particular emphasis on plasticity,
+ fracture and tribology. The atomman atomistic
+ manipulation toolkit
+ (Hale,
+ 2022) and the atomsk package
+ (Hirel,
+ 2015) have some overlapping objectives but are restricted to a
+ narrower class of materials systems, principally point defects,
+ stacking faults and dislocations. We target interoperability with the
+ widely used Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)
+ (Larsen
+ et al., 2017), which offers great flexibility by providing a
+ Python interface to tens of simulation codes implementing different
+ physical models. While ASE’s policy is to remain pure Python, we
+ augment some of ASE’s functionality with more efficient
+ implementations in C, such as the computation of the neighbour list.
+ Large scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are most efficiently
+ performed with optimised codes such as LAMMPS
+ (Thompson
+ et al., 2022), with matscipy’s main
+ contribution being to set up input structures and to post-process
+ output trajectories.
+ The central class in ASE is the Atoms class,
+ which is a container that stores atomic positions, velocities and
+ other properties. Calculators describe
+ relationships between atoms, and are used for example to compute
+ energies and forces, and can be attached to
+ Atoms objects. All other
+ matscipy functionality is implemented as
+ functions acting on Atoms objects. This is
+ comparable to the design of numpy
+ (Harris
+ et al., 2020) or scipy
+ (Virtanen
+ et al., 2020), that are collections of mathematical functions
+ operating on core array container objects. In
+ our experience, separating code into functions and containers lowers
+ the barrier to entry for new users and eases testability of the
+ underlying code base.
+ matscipy is a toolbox that enables
+ multi-scale coupling, but it is not a toolbox for actually carrying
+ out two-way coupled calculations. Its target is the construction of
+ atomic domains from continuum information and the extraction of
+ continuum fields from atomic structures. Other packages exist that
+ take care of the actual, two-way coupling. In contrast to
+ matscipy, those have a primary focus on
+ handling discretised continuum fields, typically in the form of
+ finite-element meshes, and interpolating nodal or element values
+ between atomic-scale and continuum descriptions.
+ matscipy itself has no provisions for handling
+ discrete continuum data, but does implement analytic expressions for
+ continuum fields.
+ Example implementations of two-way coupling codes are the
+ open-source code libmultiscale
+ (Guillaume
+ Anciaux, 2007;
+ G.
+ Anciaux et al., 2018) that explicitly targets
+ atomistic-continuum coupling, or the generic coupling libraries
+ preCICE
+ (Chourdakis
+ et al., 2022) or MpCCI
+ (Dehning
+ et al., 2015). Another two-way coupling code is
+ MultiBench
+ (Miller
+ & Tadmor, 2009), that was specifically designed for
+ benchmarking a wide range of two-way atomistic-continuum coupling
+ schemes. Furthermore, there are specialised multiscale coupling code,
+ such as Green’s function molecular dynamics
+ (GFMD)
+ (Campañá
+ & Müser, 2006;
+ Pastewka
+ et al., 2012) which targets two-way coupling in contact
+ mechanics and friction simulations. All of these packages have only
+ limited capabilities for constructing atomistic domains.
+ matscipy could be combined with these packages
+ for two-way coupled simulation of plasticity, fracture or frictional
+ processes.
+ Application domains
+ Within materials science, the package has different application
+ domains:
+ Elasticity. Solids respond to small external loads
+ through a reversible elastic response. The strength of the
+ response is characterised by the elastic moduli.
+ matscipy.elasticity implements functions
+ for computing elastic moduli from small deformation that consider
+ potential symmetries of the underlying atomic system, in
+ particular for crystals. The implementation also includes
+ estimates of uncertainty on elastic moduli - either from a
+ least-squares error, or from a Bayesian treatment if stress
+ uncertainty is supplied. matscipy also
+ implements analytic calculation of elastic moduli for some
+ interatomic potentials, described in more detail below. The
+ computation of elastic moduli is a prerequisite for multi-scale
+ modelling of materials, as they are the most basic parameters of
+ continuum material models. matscipy was
+ used to study finite-pressure elastic constants and structural
+ stability in crystals
+ (Grießer,
+ Frérot, et al., 2023) and glasses
+ (Grießer,
+ Moras, et al., 2023).
+ Plasticity. For large loads, solids can respond
+ with irreversible deformation. One form of irreversibility is
+ plasticity, that is carried by extended defects, the dislocations,
+ in crystals. The module
+ matscipy.dislocation implements tools for
+ studying structure and movement of dislocations. Construction and
+ analysis of model atomic systems is implemented for compact and
+ dissociated screw, as well as edge dislocations in cubic crystals.
+ The implementation supports ideal straight as well as kinked
+ dislocations. Some of the dislocation functionality requires the
+ atomman and/or OVITO
+ packages as optional dependencies
+ (Hale,
+ 2022;
+ Stukowski,
+ 2009). The toolkit can be applied to a wide range of
+ single- and multi-component ordered systems, and could be used as
+ an initial starting point for modelling dislocations in systems
+ with chemical disorder. The module was employed in a study of
+ interaction of impurities with screw dislocations in tungsten
+ (Grigorev
+ et al., 2020,
+ 2023).
+ Fracture mechanics. Cracking is the process of
+ generating new surface area by splitting the material apart. The
+ module matscipy.fracture_mechanics provides
+ functionality for calculating continuum linear elastic
+ displacement fields near crack tips, including support for
+ anisotropy in the elastic response
+ (Sih
+ et al., 1965). The module also implements generation of
+ atomic structures that are deformed according to this near-tip
+ field. This functionality has been used to quantify lattice
+ trapping, which is the pinning of cracks due to the discreteness
+ of the atomic lattice, and to compare simulations with
+ experimental measurements of crack speeds in silicon
+ (Kermode
+ et al., 2015). There is also support for flexible boundary
+ conditions in fracture simulations using the formalism proposed by
+ Sinclair
+ (Sinclair,
+ 1975), where the finite atomistic domain is coupled to an
+ infinite elastic continuum. Finally, we provide an extension of
+ this approach to give a flexible boundary scheme that uses
+ numerical continuation to obtain full solution paths for cracks
+ (Buze
+ & Kermode, 2021).
+ Tribology. Tribology is the study of two
+ interfaces sliding relative to one another, as encountered in
+ frictional sliding or adhesion. Molecular dynamics simulations of
+ representative volume elements of tribological interfaces are
+ routinely used to gain insights into the atomistic mechanisms
+ underlying friction and wear. The module
+ matscipy.pressurecoupling provides tools to
+ perform such simulations under a constant normal load and sliding
+ velocity. It includes an implementation of the pressure coupling
+ algorithm described by Pastewka et al.
+ (2010).
+ By dynamically adjusting the distance between the two sliding
+ surfaces according to the local pressure, the algorithm ensures
+ mechanical boundary conditions that account for the inertia of the
+ bulk material which is not explicitly included in the simulation.
+ This algorithm was used to study friction
+ (Seidl
+ et al., 2021) and wear
+ (G.
+ Moras et al., 2011;
+ G.
+ Moras et al., 2018;
+ Pastewka
+ et al., 2011;
+ Peguiron
+ et al., 2016;
+ Reichenbach
+ et al., 2021).
+ Electrochemistry. Electrochemistry describes the
+ motion and spatial distribution of charged atoms and molecules
+ (ions) within an external electric field. Classical treatment of
+ charged systems leads to continuous fields that describe mean
+ concentration distributions, while true atomic systems consist of
+ discrete particles with fixed charges. Neither do continuum models
+ account for structured layering of ions in a polar solvent like
+ water nor do they describe finite size effects at high
+ concentrations such as densely packed monolayers. Sampling
+ discrete particle positions from smooth distributions may,
+ however, yield good initial configurations that accelerate
+ equilibration in atomistic calculations. The
+ matscipy.electrochemistry module provides
+ tools that statistically sample discrete coordinate sets from
+ continuum fields and apply steric corrections
+ (Martinez
+ et al., 2009) to avoid overlap of finite size species. To
+ generate continuum concentration distributions, the package also
+ contains a control-volume solver
+ (Selberherr,
+ 1984) for the one-dimensional Poisson–Nernst–Planck
+ equations
+ (Bazant
+ et al., 2006), as well as an interface to the
+ finite-element solver FEniCS
+ (Logg
+ et al., 2012).
+ Acknowledgements
+ We thank Arnaud Allera, Manuel Aldegunde, Kristof Bal, James
+ Brixey, Alexander Held, Jan Jansen, Till Junge, Henry Lambert and
+ Zhilin Zheng for contributions and bug fixes.
+ matscipy was partially funded by the Deutsche
+ Forschungsgemeinschaft (projects 258153560, 390951807 and 461911253),
+ the European Research Council (ERC StG 757343), the European
+ Commission (NOMAD project grant agreement 951786 and ENTENTE project
+ grant agreement 900018), the Engineering and Physical Sciences
+ Research Council (grants EP/P002188/1, EP/R012474/1, EP/R043612/1 and
+ EP/S022848/1) and the Leverhulme Trust (grant RPG-2017-191).