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+ 20231218T180814-34a5f04fecfc0befd24ee48f5ac11a6bef80e6e6
+ 20231218180814
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+ parafields: A generator for distributed, stationary
+Gaussian processes
+ Dominic
+ Kempf
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6140-2332
+ Ole
+ Klein
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3295-7347
+ Robert
+ Kutri
+ https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8123-4673
+ Robert
+ Scheichl
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8493-4393
+ Peter
+ Bastian
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+ 10.21105/joss.05735
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+ Fast and exact simulation of stationary
+Gaussian processes through circulant embedding of the covariance
+ Dietrich
+ SIAM Journal on Scientific
+ 4
+ 18
+ 10.1137/s1064827592240555
+ 1997
+ Dietrich, C. R., & Newsam, G. N.
+(1997). Fast and exact simulation of stationary Gaussian processes
+through circulant embedding of the covariance matrix. SIAM Journal on
+Scientific Computing, 18(4), 1088–1107.
+ parafields-core
+ Klein
+ GitHub repository
+ 2022
+ Klein, O., & Kempf, D. (2022).
+parafields-core. In GitHub repository. GitHub.
+ mpi4py: Status update after 12 years of
+ Dalcin
+ Computing in Science &
+ 4
+ 23
+ 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3083216
+ 2021
+ Dalcin, L., & Fang, Y.-L. L.
+(2021). mpi4py: Status update after 12 years of development. Computing
+in Science & Engineering, 23(4), 47–54.
+ The dune framework: Basic concepts and recent
+ Bastian
+ Computers & Mathematics with
+ 81
+ 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.06.007
+ 0898-1221
+ 2021
+ Bastian, P., Blatt, M., Dedner, A.,
+Dreier, N.-A., Engwer, C., Fritze, R., Gräser, C., Grüninger, C., Kempf,
+D., Klöfkorn, R., Ohlberger, M., & Sander, O. (2021). The dune
+framework: Basic concepts and recent developments. Computers &
+Mathematics with Applications, 81, 75–112.
+ pybind11 – seamless operability between C++11
+and Python
+ Jakob
+ 2017
+ Jakob, W., Rhinelander, J., &
+Moldovan, D. (2017). pybind11 – seamless operability between C++11 and
+ Dune-randomfield - generation of Gaussian
+random fields in arbitrary dimensions, based on circulant
+ Klein
+ 2017
+ Klein, O. (2017). Dune-randomfield -
+generation of Gaussian random fields in arbitrary dimensions, based on
+circulant embedding.
+ FakeMPI - a sequential MPI
+ Kempf
+ 2022
+ Kempf, D., & PetSc Developers,
+the. (2022). FakeMPI - a sequential MPI stub.
+ jcfr/scipy_2018_scikit-build_talk: SciPy 2018
+talk | scikit-build: A build system generator for CPython
+C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
+ Fillion-Robin
+ 10.5281/zenodo.2565368
+ 2018
+ Fillion-Robin, J.-C., McCormick, M.,
+Padron, O., Smolens, M., Grauer, M., & Sarahan, M. (2018).
+jcfr/scipy_2018_scikit-build_talk: SciPy 2018 talk | scikit-build: A
+build system generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
+(Version v1.0). Zenodo.
+ Simulation of stationary Gaussian processes
+in [0, 1] d
+ Wood
+ Journal of computational and graphical
+ 4
+ 3
+ 10.2307/1390903
+ 1994
+ Wood, A. T., & Chan, G. (1994).
+Simulation of stationary Gaussian processes in [0, 1] d. Journal of
+Computational and Graphical Statistics, 3(4), 409–432.
+ On circulant embedding for Gaussian random
+fields in R
+ Davies
+ Journal of Statistical
+ 9
+ 55
+ 10.18637/jss.v055.i09
+ 2013
+ Davies, T. M., & Bryant, D.
+(2013). On circulant embedding for Gaussian random fields in R. Journal
+of Statistical Software, 55(9), 1–21.
+ GaussianRandomFields.jl: A Julia package to
+generate and sample from Gaussian random fields
+ Robbe
+ Journal of Open Source
+ 89
+ 8
+ 10.21105/joss.05595
+ 2023
+ Robbe, P. (2023).
+GaussianRandomFields.jl: A Julia package to generate and sample from
+Gaussian random fields. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(89), 5595.
+ GSTools v1.3: A toolbox for geostatistical
+modelling in Python
+ Müller
+ Geoscientific Model
+ 7
+ 15
+ 10.5194/gmd-15-3161-2022
+ 2022
+ Müller, S., Schüler, L., Zech, A.,
+& Heße, F. (2022). GSTools v1.3: A toolbox for geostatistical
+modelling in Python. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(7), 3161–3182.
+ Spatio-temporal modeling of particulate
+matter concentration through the SPDE approach
+ Cameletti
+ AStA Advances in Statistical
+ 97
+ 10.1007/s10182-012-0196-3
+ 2013
+ Cameletti, M., Lindgren, F., Simpson,
+D., & Rue, H. (2013). Spatio-temporal modeling of particulate matter
+concentration through the SPDE approach. AStA Advances in Statistical
+Analysis, 97, 109–131.
+ A spatial analysis of multivariate output
+from regional climate models
+ Sain
+ The Annals of Applied
+ 10.1214/10-AOAS369
+ 2011
+ Sain, S. R., Furrer, R., &
+Cressie, N. (2011). A spatial analysis of multivariate output from
+regional climate models. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 150–175.
+ A hierarchical multilevel Markov chain Monte
+Carlo algorithm with applications to uncertainty quantification in
+subsurface flow
+ Dodwell
+ SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty
+ 1
+ 3
+ 10.1137/130915005
+ 2015
+ Dodwell, T. J., Ketelsen, C.,
+Scheichl, R., & Teckentrup, A. L. (2015). A hierarchical multilevel
+Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm with applications to uncertainty
+quantification in subsurface flow. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty
+Quantification, 3(1), 1075–1108.
+ Bayesian fMRI time series analysis with
+spatial priors
+ Penny
+ NeuroImage
+ 2
+ 24
+ 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.08.034
+ 2005
+ Penny, W. D., Trujillo-Barreto, N.
+J., & Friston, K. J. (2005). Bayesian fMRI time series analysis with
+spatial priors. NeuroImage, 24(2), 350–362.
+ Random heterogeneous materials:
+Microstructure and macroscopic properties
+ Torquato
+ Appl. Mech. Rev.
+ 4
+ 55
+ 10.1115/1.1483342
+ 2002
+ Torquato, S., & Haslach Jr, H.
+(2002). Random heterogeneous materials: Microstructure and macroscopic
+properties. Appl. Mech. Rev., 55(4), B62–B63.
+ Quasi-monte carlo and multilevel Monte Carlo
+methods for computing posterior expectations in elliptic inverse
+ Scheichl
+ SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty
+ 1
+ 5
+ 10.1137/16m1061692
+ 2017
+ Scheichl, R., Stuart, A. M., &
+Teckentrup, A. L. (2017). Quasi-monte carlo and multilevel Monte Carlo
+methods for computing posterior expectations in elliptic inverse
+problems. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 5(1), 493–518.
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@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+parafields: A generator for distributed, stationary
+Gaussian processes
+Scientific Software Center, Heidelberg University,
+Heidelberg, Germany
+Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing,
+Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
+Institute for Mathematics, Heidelberg University,
+Heidelberg, Germany
+Independent Researcher, Heidelberg, Germany
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+scientific computing
+high performance computing
+uncertainty quantification
+random field generation
+circulant embedding
+ Summary
Parafields is a Python package for the generation of stationary
+ Gaussian random fields with well-defined, known statistical
+ properties. The use of such fields is a key ingredient of simulation
+ workflows that involve uncertain, spatially heterogeneous parameters.
+ As such, Gaussian random fields play a dominant role in geostatistics,
+ e.g., in the modelling of particulate matter concentration,
+ temperature distributions and subsurface flow
+ (Cameletti
+ et al., 2013)
+ (Sain
+ et al., 2011)
+ (Dodwell
+ et al., 2015). Outside these traditional applications, Gaussian
+ random fields are also used in biomedical imaging
+ (Penny
+ et al., 2005), material sciences
+ (Torquato
+ & Haslach Jr, 2002) or within Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo
+ methods in Bayesian estimation
+ (Scheichl
+ et al., 2017).
Parafields is also able to run in parallel using the Message
+ Passing Interface (MPI) standard through mpi4py
+ (Dalcin
+ & Fang, 2021). In this case, the computational domain is
+ split and only the part of the random field relevant to a certain
+ process is generated on that process. The generation process is
+ implemented in a performance-oriented C++
+ backend library and exposed in Python though an intuitive Python
+ interface.
+ Statement of need
The simulation of large-scale Gaussian random fields is a
+ computationally challenging task, particularly if the field being
+ considered has a short correlation length when compared to its
+ computational domain.
However, when the random field in question is stationary, that is,
+ its covariance function is translation invariant, fast and exact
+ methods of simulation based on the Fast Fourier Transform have been
+ proposed by Dietrich & Newsam
+ (1997)
+ and Wood & Chan
+ (1994).
+ These can outperform more traditional, factorization-based methods in
+ terms of both scaling as well as absolute performance.
Through the combination of an efficient C++
+ backend with an easy-to-use Python interface, this package aims to
+ make these methods accessible for integration into existing workflows.
+ This separation also allows the package to support large-scale,
+ peformance-oriented applications, as well as providing a means to
+ quickly generate working prototypes using just a few lines.
Other packages for the generation of stationary Gaussian processes
+ exist, e.g., the R package lgcp
+ (Davies
+ & Bryant, 2013), the Julia package GaussianRandomFields.jl
+ (Robbe,
+ 2023), and the Python package GSTools
+ (Müller
+ et al., 2022). In comparison with these alternative packages,
+ parafields is specifically designed and adapted to the sampling of
+ very large Gaussian random fields within a HPC workflow. This was a
+ major concern in the development of the backend and is among other
+ things, reflected in the ability to create Gaussian processes in an
+ MPI-distributed fashion.
+ Implementation
Parafields has over ten years of development history: it was first
+ implemented as an extension to the Dune framework
+ (Bastian
+ et al., 2021) for the numerical solution of partial
+ differential equations. This restricted the potential userbase to
+ users of that software framework, although there was quite some
+ interest in the software from outside this community. In 2022, we
+ started a huge refactoring: the previous C++
+ code base
+ (Klein,
+ 2017) was rewritten to have a weaker dependency on Dune, which
+ e.g. included a rewrite of the CMake build system
+ (Klein
+ & Kempf, 2022). In order to open up to a wider userbase, a
+ Python interface written in pybind11
+ (Jakob
+ et al., 2017) was added.
When engineering the Python package, we put special emphasis on the
+ following usability aspects: installability, customizability and
+ embedding into existing user workflows.
The recommended installation procedure for parafields is perfectly
+ aligned with the state-of-the-art of the Python language: it is
+ installable through pip and automatically
+ compiles using the CMake build system of the project through
+ scikit-build
+ (Fillion-Robin
+ et al., 2018). Required dependencies of the
+ C++ library are automatically fetched and built
+ in the required configuration. For sequential usage we also provide
+ pre-compiled Python wheels. They are built against the sequential MPI
+ stub library FakeMPI
+ (Kempf
+ & PetSc Developers, 2022), which allows us to build the
+ sequential and the parallel version from the same code base. Users who
+ want to leverage MPI through mpi4py will instead build the package
+ from source against their system MPI library.
It was a goal of the design of the Python API to expose as much of
+ the flexibility of the underlying C++ framework
+ as possible. In order to do so, we use pybind11’s capabilities to pass
+ Python callables to the C++ backend. This
+ allows users to, e.g., implement custom covariance functions or use
+ different random number generators. Furthermore, we acknowledge the
+ fact that many Python users write scientific applications within
+ Jupyter: our fields render nicely as images in Jupyter and field
+ generation can optionally be configured through an interactive widget
+ frontend within Jupyter.
+ Acknowledgments
The authors thank all contributors of the dune-randomfield project
+ for their valuable contributions that are now part of the
+ parafields-core library. Dominic Kempf is employed by the Scientific
+ Software Center of Heidelberg University which is funded as part of
+ the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.
+ Ole Klein’s work is supported by the federal ministry of education and
+ research of Germany (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and
+ the ministry of science, research and arts of the federal state of
+ Baden-Württemberg (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
+ Baden-Württemberg).
+ DietrichClaude R
+ NewsamGarry N
+ Fast and exact simulation of stationary Gaussian processes through circulant embedding of the covariance matrix
+ 1997
+ 18
+ 4
+ 10.1137/s1064827592240555
+ 1088
+ 1107
+ KleinOle
+ KempfDominic
+ parafields-core
+ GitHub
+ 2022
+ https://github.com/parafields/parafields-core
+ DalcinLisandro
+ FangYao-Lung L.
+ mpi4py: Status update after 12 years of development
+ 2021
+ 23
+ 4
+ 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3083216
+ 47
+ 54
+ BastianPeter
+ BlattMarkus
+ DednerAndreas
+ DreierNils-Arne
+ EngwerChristian
+ FritzeRené
+ GräserCarsten
+ GrüningerChristoph
+ KempfDominic
+ KlöfkornRobert
+ OhlbergerMario
+ SanderOliver
+ The dune framework: Basic concepts and recent developments
+ 2021
+ 81
+ 0898-1221
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089812212030256X
+ 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.06.007
+ 75
+ 112
+ JakobWenzel
+ RhinelanderJason
+ MoldovanDean
+ pybind11 – seamless operability between C++11 and Python
+ 2017
+ KleinOle
+ Dune-randomfield - generation of Gaussian random fields in arbitrary dimensions, based on circulant embedding
+ 2017
+ KempfDominic
+ PetSc Developers
+ FakeMPI - a sequential MPI stub
+ 2022
+ Fillion-RobinJean-Christophe
+ McCormickMatt
+ PadronOmar
+ SmolensMax
+ GrauerMichael
+ SarahanMichael
+ jcfr/scipy_2018_scikit-build_talk: SciPy 2018 talk | scikit-build: A build system generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
+ Zenodo
+ 201807
+ https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2565368
+ 10.5281/zenodo.2565368
+ WoodAndrew TA
+ ChanGrace
+ Simulation of stationary Gaussian processes in [0, 1] d
+ Taylor & Francis
+ 1994
+ 3
+ 4
+ 10.2307/1390903
+ 409
+ 432
+ DaviesTilman M.
+ BryantDavid
+ On circulant embedding for Gaussian random fields in R
+ 2013
+ 55
+ 9
+ https://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php/jss/article/view/v055i09
+ 10.18637/jss.v055.i09
+ 1
+ 21
+ RobbePieterjan
+ GaussianRandomFields.jl: A Julia package to generate and sample from Gaussian random fields
+ The Open Journal
+ 2023
+ 8
+ 89
+ https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05595
+ 10.21105/joss.05595
+ 5595
+ MüllerS.
+ SchülerL.
+ ZechA.
+ HeßeF.
+ GSTools v1.3: A toolbox for geostatistical modelling in Python
+ 2022
+ 15
+ 7
+ https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/15/3161/2022/
+ 10.5194/gmd-15-3161-2022
+ 3161
+ 3182
+ CamelettiMichela
+ LindgrenFinn
+ SimpsonDaniel
+ RueHåvard
+ Spatio-temporal modeling of particulate matter concentration through the SPDE approach
+ Springer
+ 2013
+ 97
+ 10.1007/s10182-012-0196-3
+ 109
+ 131
+ SainStephan R
+ FurrerReinhard
+ CressieNoel
+ A spatial analysis of multivariate output from regional climate models
+ 2011
+ 10.1214/10-AOAS369
+ 150
+ 175
+ DodwellTim J
+ KetelsenChristian
+ ScheichlRobert
+ TeckentrupAretha L
+ A hierarchical multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm with applications to uncertainty quantification in subsurface flow
+ 2015
+ 3
+ 1
+ 10.1137/130915005
+ 1075
+ 1108
+ PennyWilliam D
+ Trujillo-BarretoNelson J
+ FristonKarl J
+ Bayesian fMRI time series analysis with spatial priors
+ Elsevier
+ 2005
+ 24
+ 2
+ 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.08.034
+ 350
+ 362
+ TorquatoSalvatore
+ Haslach JrHW
+ Random heterogeneous materials: Microstructure and macroscopic properties
+ 2002
+ 55
+ 4
+ 10.1115/1.1483342
+ B62
+ B63
+ ScheichlRobert
+ StuartAndrew M
+ TeckentrupAretha L
+ Quasi-monte carlo and multilevel Monte Carlo methods for computing posterior expectations in elliptic inverse problems
+ 2017
+ 5
+ 1
+ 10.1137/16m1061692
+ 493
+ 518
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