diff --git a/translations/frontend-app-learning/src/i18n/transifex_input.json b/translations/frontend-app-learning/src/i18n/transifex_input.json index e9dd99e3773..65dfae58567 100644 --- a/translations/frontend-app-learning/src/i18n/transifex_input.json +++ b/translations/frontend-app-learning/src/i18n/transifex_input.json @@ -1,181 +1,32 @@ { - "learn.navigation.course.tabs.label": "Course Material", "learn.redirect.interstitial.message": "Redirecting...", - "learn.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "general.altText.close": "Close", - "learning.logistration.register": "register", - "learning.logistration.login": "sign in", - "general.signIn.sentenceCase": "Sign in", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.preferenceCenterUrl": "preferences page", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.loading": "Loading", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.successHeading": "Unsubscribe successful", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.successMessage": "You have successfully unsubscribed from email digests for learning activity", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.failedHeading": "Error unsubscribing from preference", - "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.failedMessage": "Invalid Url or token expired", + "learning.notification.preferences.unsubscribe.preferenceCenterUrl": "Go to the {preferenceCenterUrl} to set your preferences", "tours.abandonTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "Feeling lost? Launch the tour any time for some quick tips to get the most out of the experience.", "tours.sequenceNavigationCheckpoint.body": "The top bar within your course allows you to easily jump to different sections and shows you what’s coming up.", "tours.existingUserTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "We’ve recently added a few new features to the course experience. Want some help looking around? Take a tour to learn more.", "tours.button.dismiss": "Dismiss", "tours.button.next": "Next", "tours.button.okay": "Okay", - "tours.button.beginTour": "Begin tour", - "tours.button.launchTour": "Launch tour", - "tours.newUserModal.body": "Let’s take a quick tour of {siteName} so you can get the most out of your course.", - "tours.newUserModal.title.welcome": "Welcome to your", - "tours.button.skipForNow": "Skip for now", - "learning.loading.failure": "There was an error loading this course.", - "learning.loading": "Loading course page…", "learning.accessExpiration.deadline": "Upgrade by {date} to get unlimited access to the course as long as it exists on the site.", "learning.accessExpiration.header": "Audit Access Expires {date}", "learning.accessExpiration.body": "You lose all access to this course, including your progress, on {date}.", "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasExpired": "This learner no longer has access to this course. Their access expired on {date}.", - "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Upgrade now", "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": "{changeActiveEnterprise}.", - "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "change enterprise now", "learning.outline.alert.start.short": "Course starts {timeRemaining} at {courseStartTime}.", "learning.outline.alert.start.long": "Course starts {timeRemaining} on {courseStartDate}.", "learning.outline.alert.start.calendar": "Don’t forget to add a calendar reminder!", "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasNotStarted": "This learner does not yet have access to this course. The course starts on {date}.", - "learning.enrollment.alert": "You must be enrolled in the course to see course content.", - "learning.staff.enrollment.alert": "You are viewing this course as staff, and are not enrolled.", - "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Inline": "Enroll now", - "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Sentence": "Enroll now.", - "learning.enrollment.success": "You've successfully enrolled in this course!", "account-activation.alert.button": "Continue to {siteName}", "account-activation.alert.message": "We sent an email to {boldEmail} with a link to activate your account. Can’t find it? Check your spam folder or {sendEmailTag}.", "account-activation.resend.link": "resend the email", "learning.logistration.alert": "To see course content, {signIn} or {register}.", - "account-activation.alert.title": "Activate your account so you can log back in", - "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextNotPassing": "To access course materials, you must score {entranceExamMinimumScorePct}% or higher on this exam. Your current score is {entranceExamCurrentScore}%.", - "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextPassed": "Your score is {entranceExamCurrentScore}%. You have passed the entrance exam.", - "learn.coursewareSearch.openAction": "Search within this course", - "learn.coursewareSearch.contentSearchButton": "Content search", - "learn.coursewareSearch.submitLabel": "Search", - "learn.coursewareSearch.clearAction": "Clear search", - "learn.coursewareSearch.closeAction": "Close the search form", - "learn.coursewareSearch.searchModuleTitle": "Search this course", - "learn.coursewareSearch.searchBarPlaceholderText": "Search", - "learn.coursewareSearch.loading": "Searching...", - "learn.coursewareSearch.searchResultsNone": "No results found.", - "learn.coursewareSearch.searchResultsLabel": "Results for \"{keyword}\":", - "learn.coursewareSearch.searchResultsError": "There was an error on the search process. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact the support team.", - "learn.coursewareSearch.filter:all": "All content", - "learn.coursewareSearch.filter:text": "Text", - "learn.coursewareSearch.filter:video": "Video", - "learn.coursewareSearch.filter:sequence": "Section", - "learn.coursewareSearch.filter:other": "Other", - "learning.dates.badge.completed": "Completed", - "learning.dates.badge.dueNext": "Due next", - "learning.dates.badge.pastDue": "Past due", - "learning.dates.title": "Important dates", - "learning.dates.badge.today": "Today", - "learning.dates.badge.unreleased": "Not yet released", - "learning.dates.badge.verifiedOnly": "Verified only", "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorDescription": "We were unable to unsubscribe you from goal reminder emails. Please try again later or {contactSupport} for help.", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.contact": "contact support", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.description": "You will no longer receive email reminders about your goal for {courseTitle}.", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorHeader": "Something went wrong", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.goToDashboard": "Go to dashboard", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.header": "You’ve unsubscribed from goal reminders", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.loading": "Unsubscribing…", "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-set": "{description} due {assignmentDue}", "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-not-set": "{description}", - "learning.outline.dates.all": "View all course dates", - "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.text": "1 day a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.screenReader.text": "Casual", - "learning.outline.certificateAlt": "Example Certificate", - "learning.outline.collapseAll": "Collapse all", - "learning.outline.completedAssignment": "Completed", - "learning.outline.completedSection": "Completed section", - "learning.outline.hiddenSection": "Hidden in Course Outline, accessible via link", - "learning.outline.hiddenSequenceLink": "Subsections are not navigable between each other, they can only be accessed through their link.", - "learning.outline.dates": "Important dates", - "learning.outline.editGoal": "Edit goal", - "learning.outline.expandAll": "Expand all", - "learning.outline.goal": "Goal", - "learning.outline.goalReminderDetail": "If we notice you’re not quite at your goal, we’ll send you an email reminder.", - "learning.outline.goalUnsure": "Not sure yet", - "learning.outline.handouts": "Course Handouts", - "learning.outline.incompleteAssignment": "Incomplete", - "learning.outline.incompleteSection": "Incomplete section", - "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.text": "5 days a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.title": "Intense", - "learning.outline.learnMore": "Learn More", - "learning.outline.altText.openSection": "Open", - "learning.proctoringPanel.header": "This course contains proctored exams", - "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.text": "3 days a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.title": "Regular", - "learning.outline.resumeBlurb": "Pick up where you left off", - "learning.outline.resume": "Resume course", - "learning.outline.setGoal": "To start, set a course goal by selecting the option below that best describes your learning plan.", - "learning.outline.setGoalReminder": "Set a goal reminder", - "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.title": "Set a learning goal style.", - "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoal": "Set a weekly learning goal", - "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoalDetail": "Setting a goal motivates you to finish the course. You can always change it later.", - "learning.outline.start": "Start course", - "learning.outline.startBlurb": "Begin your course today", - "learning.outline.tools": "Course Tools", - "learning.outline.upgradeButton": "Upgrade ({symbol}{price})", - "learning.outline.upgradeTitle": "Pursue a verified certificate", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessage": "Welcome Message", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowMoreButton": "Show More", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowLessButton": "Show Less", - "learning.outline.goalWelcome": "Welcome to", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.notStarted": "Not Started", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.started": "Started", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.submitted": "Submitted", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.verified": "Verified", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.rejected": "Rejected", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.error": "Error", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.otherCourseApproved": "Approved in Another Course", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expiringSoon": "Expiring Soon", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "Expired", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status": "Current Onboarding Status:", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.notStarted": "You have not started your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.started": "You have started your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.submitted": "You have submitted your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.verified": "Your onboarding exam has been approved in this course.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.rejected": "Your onboarding exam has been rejected. Please retry onboarding.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.error": "An error has occurred during your onboarding exam. Please retry onboarding.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.otherCourseApproved": "Your onboarding exam has been approved in another course.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.detail.otherCourseApproved": "If your device has changed, we recommend that you complete this course's onboarding exam in order to ensure that your setup still meets the requirements for proctoring.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "Your onboarding profile has been approved. However, your onboarding status is expiring soon. Please complete onboarding again to ensure that you will be able to continue taking proctored exams.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "Your onboarding status has expired. Please complete onboarding again to continue taking proctored exams.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfo": "You must complete the onboarding process prior to taking any proctored exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfoSubmitted": "Your submitted profile is in review.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalTime": "Onboarding profile review can take 2+ business days.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButton": "Complete Onboarding", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingPracticeButton": "View Onboarding Exam", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "Onboarding Opens: {releaseDate}", - "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "Review instructions and system requirements", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Onboarding Past Due", - "progress.header": "Your progress", - "progress.header.targetUser": "Course progress for {username}", - "progress.link.studio": "View grading in Studio", - "datesBanner.suggestedSchedule": "We’ve built a suggested schedule to help you stay on track. But don’t worry—it’s flexible so you can learn at your own pace.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.header": "Upgrade to unlock", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.body": "You are auditing this course, which means that you are unable to participate in graded assignments. To complete graded assignments as part of this course, you can upgrade today.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.button": "Upgrade now", - "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.body": "To keep yourself on track, you can update this schedule and shift the past due assignments into the future. Don’t worry—you won’t lose any of the progress you’ve made when you shift your due dates.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.button": "Upgrade to shift due dates", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.header": "It looks like you missed some important deadlines based on our suggested schedule.", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.body": "To keep yourself on track, you can update this schedule and shift the past due assignments into the future. Don’t worry—you won’t lose any of the progress you’ve made when you shift your due dates.", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.button": "Shift due dates", "learn.breadcrumb.navigation.course.home": "Course", - "notification.tray.container": "Notification tray", - "notification.open.button": "Show notification tray", - "notification.close.button": "Close notification tray", - "responsive.close.notification": "Back to course", - "notification.tray.title": "Notifications", - "notification.tray.no.message": "You have no new notifications at this time.", - "learning.celebration.emailBody": "What are you spending your time learning?", - "learning.social.shareEmail": "Share your progress via email.", - "learning.social.shareService": "Share your progress on {service}.", "learn.course.tabs.navigation.overflow.menu": "More...", "learning.upgradeButton.buttonText": "Upgrade for {pricing}", "learning.upgradeNowButton.buttonText": "Upgrade now for {pricing}", - "learning.offer.screenReaderPrices": "Original price: {originalPrice}, discount price: {discountedPrice}", - "learning.upgradeButton.screenReaderInlinePrices": "Original price: {originalPrice}", "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss.progress": "including any progress", "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationVerifiedCert.benefits": "benefits of upgrading", "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss": "You will lose all access to this course, {includingAnyProgress}, on {date}.", @@ -200,9 +51,6 @@ "learning.generic.upsell.fullAccessBullet": "{fullAccessInBoldText} to course content and materials, even after the course ends", "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet.mission": "mission", "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet": "Support our {missionInBoldText} at {siteName}", - "masquerade-widget.userName.error.generic": "An error has occurred; please try again.", - "masquerade-widget.userName.input.placeholder": "Username or email", - "masquerade-widget.userName.input.label": "Masquerade as this user", "tours.datesCheckpoint.body": "Important dates can help you stay on track.", "tours.datesCheckpoint.title": "Keep on top of key dates", "tours.outlineCheckpoint.body": "You can explore sections of the course using the outline below.", @@ -215,119 +63,19 @@ "tours.weeklyGoalsCheckpoint.title": "Set a course goal", "tours.newUserModal.title": "{welcome} {siteName} course!", "learning.effortEstimation.combinedEstimate": "{minutes} + {activities}", - "learning.effortEstimation.activities": "{activityCount, plural, one {# activity} other {# activities}}", - "learning.effortEstimation.minutesAbbreviated": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# min} other {# min}}", - "learning.effortEstimation.minutesFull": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}", "learning.streakcelebration.factoida": "Users who learn {streak_length} days in a row {bolded_section} than those who don’t.", "learning.streakcelebration.factoidb": "Users who learn {streak_length} days in a row {bolded_section} vs. those who don’t.", "learning.streakCelebration.streakCelebrationCouponEndDateMessage": "Ends {date}.", - "learning.streakCelebration.congratulations": "Congratulations!", - "learning.streakCelebration.body": "Keep it up, you’re on a roll!", - "learning.streakCelebration.button": "Keep it up", - "learning.streakCelebration.buttonSrOnly": "Close modal and continue", - "learning.streakCelebration.buttonAA759": "Continue with course", - "learning.streakCelebration.header": "day streak", - "learning.streakCelebration.factoidABoldedSection": "are 20x more likely to pass their course", - "learning.streakCelebration.factoidBBoldedSection": "complete 5x as much course content on average", - "learning.streakCelebration.streakDiscountMessage": "You’ve unlocked a {percent}% off discount when you upgrade this course for a limited time only.", "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "In order to generate a certificate, you must complete ID verification. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "Showcase your accomplishment on LinkedIn or your resumé today. You can download your certificate now and access it any time from your {dashboardLink} and {profileLink}.", "progress.certificateStatus.notAvailable.endDate": "This course ends on {endDate}. Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {certAvailabilityDate}.", - "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingBody": "In order to qualify for a certificate, you must have a passing grade.", - "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressHeader": "More content is coming soon!", - "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressBody": "It looks like there is more content in this course that will be released in the future. Look out for email updates or check back on your course for when this content will be available.", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableBody": "Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate! In order to access your certificate, request it below.", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableButton": "Request certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedButton": "Verify ID", - "progress.certificateStatus.courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Your ID verification is pending and your certificate will be available once approved.", - "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableHeader": "Your certificate is available!", - "progress.certificateStatus.viewableButton": "View my certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.notAvailableHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {endDate}.", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeHeader": "Earn a certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeBody": "You are in an audit track and do not qualify for a certificate. In order to work towards a certificate, upgrade your course today.", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeButton": "Upgrade now", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeHeader.v2": "Verify your identity to qualify for a certificate.", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeButton": "Verify my ID", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeBody": "In order to generate a certificate for this course, you must complete the ID verification process.", - "progress.completion.donut.label": "completed", - "progress.completion.body": "This represents how much of the course content you have completed. Note that some content may not yet be released.", - "progress.completion.tooltip.locked": "Content that you have completed.", - "progress.completion.header": "Course completion", - "progress.completion.tooltip": "Content that you have access to and have not completed.", - "progress.completion.tooltip.complete": "Content that is locked and available only to those who upgrade.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentComplete": "You have completed {percent}% of content in this course.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentIncomplete": "You have not completed {percent}% of content in this course that you have access to.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentLocked": "{percent}% of content in this course is locked and available only for those who upgrade.", "progress.creditInformation.creditNotEligible": "You are no longer eligible for credit in this course. Learn more about {creditLink}.", "progress.creditInformation.creditEligible": "You have met the requirements for credit in this course. Go to your {dashboardLink} to purchase course credit. Or learn more about {creditLink}.", "progress.creditInformation.creditPartialEligible": "You have not yet met the requirements for credit. Learn more about {creditLink}.", - "progress.creditInformation.completed": "Completed", - "progress.creditInformation.courseCredit": "course credit", - "progress.creditInformation.minimumGrade": "Minimum grade for credit ({minGrade}%)", - "progress.creditInformation.requirementsHeader": "Requirements for course credit", - "progress.creditInformation.upcoming": "Upcoming", - "progress.creditInformation.verificationFailed": "Verification failed", - "progress.creditInformation.verificationSubmitted": "Verification submitted", - "progress.assignmentType": "Assignment type", - "progress.footnotes.backToContent": "Back to content", - "progress.courseGrade.body": "This represents your weighted grade against the grade needed to pass this course.", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeBar.altText": "Your current grade is {currentGrade}%. A weighted grade of {passingGrade}% is required to pass in this course.", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.generic.passing": "You’re currently passing this course", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.nonPassing": "A weighted grade of {passingGrade}% is required to pass in this course", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.passing": "You’re currently passing this course with a grade of {letterGrade} ({minGrade}-{maxGrade}%)", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLocked": "locked feature", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLimited": "limited feature", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.header.ariaHidden": "Preview of a", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.unlockCertificate": "Unlock to view grades and work towards a certificate.", - "progress.courseGrade.partialpreview.body.unlockCertificate": "Unlock to work towards a certificate.", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.upgradeDeadlinePassed": "The deadline to upgrade in this course has passed.", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.button.upgrade": "Upgrade now", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.tooltip": "Grade ranges for this course:", - "progress.courseOutline": "Course Outline", - "progress.courseGrade.label.currentGrade": "Your current grade", - "progress.detailedGrades": "Detailed grades", - "progress.detailedGrades.emptyTable": "You currently have no graded problem scores.", - "progress.footnotes.title": "Grade summary footnotes", - "progress.gradeSummary.grade": "Grade", - "progress.courseGrade.grades": "Grades", - "progress.courseGrade.gradesAndCredit": "Grades & Credit", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.Tooltip": "Grade range tooltip", - "progress.gradeSummary": "Grade summary", - "progress.gradeSummary.limitedAccessExplanation": "You have limited access to graded assignments as part of the audit track in this course.", - "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.alt": "Grade summary tooltip", - "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.body": "Your course assignment's weight is determined by your instructor. By multiplying your grade by the weight for that assignment type, your weighted grade is calculated. Your weighted grade is what's used to determine if you pass the course.", - "progress.noAcessToAssignmentType": "You do not have access to assignments of type {assignmentType}", - "progress.noAcessToSubsection": "You do not have access to subsection {displayName}", - "progress.courseGrade.label.passingGrade": "Passing grade", - "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.label": "Problem Scores:", - "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.toggleButton": "Toggle individual problem scores for {subsectionTitle}", - "progress.detailedGrades.overridden": "Section grade has been overridden.", - "progress.score": "Score", - "progress.weight": "Weight", - "progress.weightedGrade": "Weighted grade", - "progress.weightedGradeSummary": "Your current weighted grade summary", - "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.description": "A schedule view of your course due dates and upcoming assignments.", - "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.link": "Dates", - "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.description": "A birds-eye view of your course content.", - "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.link": "Course Outline", - "progress.relatedLinks": "Related links", "unit.bookmark.button.add.bookmark": "Bookmark this page", "unit.bookmark.button.remove.bookmark": "Bookmarked", "learning.celebration.goalCongrats": "Congratulations, you met your learning goal of {nTimes} a week.", "learning.celebration.setGoal": "Setting a goal can help you {strongText} in your course.", - "learning.celebration.completed": "You just completed the first section of your course.", - "learning.celebration.congrats": "Congratulations!", - "learning.celebration.earned": "You earned it!", - "learning.celebration.emailSubject": "I'm on my way to completing {title} online with {platform}!", - "learning.celebration.forward": "Keep going", - "learning.celebration.goalMet": "You met your goal!", - "learning.celebration.keepItUp": "Keep it up", - "learning.celebration.share": "Take a moment to celebrate and share your progress.", - "learning.celebration.social": "I’m on my way to completing {title} online with {platform}. What are you spending your time learning?", "courseExit.catalogSearchSuggestion": "Looking to learn more? {searchOurCatalogLink} to find more courses and programs to explore.", "courseCelebration.certificateBody.available": "Showcase your accomplishment on LinkedIn or your resumé today. You can download your certificate now and access it any time from your {dashboardLink} and {profileLink}.", "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate.v2": "This course ends on {endDate}. Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {certAvailableDate}.", @@ -342,79 +90,10 @@ "courseCelebration.dashboardInfo": "You can access this course and its materials on your {dashboardLink}.", "courseExit.programCompletion.dashboardMessage": "To view your certificate status, check the Programs section of your {programLink}.", "courseExit.upgradeFootnote": "Access to this course and its materials are available on your dashboard until {expirationDate}. To extend access, {upgradeLink}.", - "courseExit.programs.applyForCredit": "Apply for credit", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.downloadable": "Your certificate is available!", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.notAvailable": "Your grade and certificate status will be available soon.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.accessCertificate": "If you have earned a passing grade, your certificate will be automatically issued.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {endDate}.", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.unverified": "You must complete verification to receive your certificate.", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.requestable": "Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate!", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.upgradable": "Upgrade to pursue a verified certificate", - "courseCelebration.certificateImage": "Sample certificate", - "courseCelebration.completedCourseHeader": "You have completed your course.", - "courseCelebration.congratulationsHeader": "Congratulations!", - "courseCelebration.congratulationsImage": "Four people raising their hands in celebration", - "courseExit.courseInProgressDescription": "It looks like there is more content in this course that will be released in the future. Look out for email updates or check back on your course for when this content will be available.", - "courseExit.courseInProgressHeader": "More content is coming soon!", - "courseExit.dashboardLink": "Dashboard", - "courseExit.endOfCourseDescription": "Unfortunately, you are not currently eligible for a certificate. You need to receive a passing grade to be eligible for a certificate.", - "courseExit.endOfCourseHeader": "You’ve reached the end of the course!", - "courseExit.endOfCourseTitle": "End of Course", - "courseExit.idVerificationSupportLink": "Learn more about ID verification", - "courseCelebration.linkedinAddToProfileButton": "Add to LinkedIn profile", - "courseExit.programs.microBachelors.learnMore": "Learn more about how your MicroBachelors credential can be applied for credit.", - "courseExit.programs.microMasters.learnMore": "Learn more about the process of applying MicroMasters certificates to Master’s degrees.", - "courseExit.programs.microMasters.mastersMessage": "If you’re interested in using your MicroMasters certificate towards a Master’s program, you can get started today!", - "learn.sequence.navigation.complete.button": "Complete the course", - "courseExit.nextButton.endOfCourse": "Next (end of course)", - "courseExit.profileLink": "Profile", - "courseExit.programs.lastCourse": "You have completed the last course in {title}!", - "courseCelebration.requestCertificateBodyText": "In order to access your certificate, request it below.", - "courseCelebration.requestCertificateButton": "Request certificate", - "courseExit.searchOurCatalogLink": "Search our catalog", - "courseCelebration.shareMessage": "Share your success on social media or email.", - "courseExit.social.shareCompletionMessage": "I just completed {title} with {platform}!", - "courseExit.upgradeButton": "Upgrade now", - "courseExit.upgradeLink": "upgrade now", - "courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Your ID verification is pending and your certificate will be available once approved.", - "courseExit.verifiedCertificateSupportLink": "Learn more about verified certificates", - "courseCelebration.verifyIdentityButton": "Verify ID now", - "courseCelebration.viewCertificateButton": "View my certificate", - "courseExit.viewCourseScheduleButton": "View course schedule", - "courseExit.viewCoursesButton": "View my courses", - "courseExit.viewGradesButton": "View grades", - "learn.course.license.allRightsReserved.text": "All Rights Reserved", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.preamble": "Creative Commons licensed content, with terms as follows:", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.by": "Attribution", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.nc": "Noncommercial", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.nd": "No Derivatives", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.sa": "Share Alike", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.zero": "No terms", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.text": "Some Rights Reserved", - "discussions.sidebar.title": "Discussions", - "discussions.notification.tray.container": "Discussion and Notification tray", - "tray.close.button": "Close tray", - "sidebar.open.button": "Show sidebar tray", - "responsive.close.sidebar": "Back to course", - "learn.header.h2.placeholder": "Level 2 headings may be created by course providers in the future.", - "learn.course.load.failure": "There was an error loading this course.", - "learn.loading.honor.codk": "Loading honor code messaging...", - "learn.loading.content.lock": "Loading locked content messaging...", - "learn.loading.learning.sequence": "Loading learning sequence...", - "learn.sequence.no.content": "There is no content here.", - "learn.sequence.share.button": "Share this content", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Title", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Copy the link below to share this content.", - "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Here's a fun clip from a class I'm taking on @edXonline.", "learning.outline.alert.cert.earnedNotAvailable": "This course ends on {courseEndDateFormatted}. Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {certificateAvailableDate}.", - "cert.alert.earned.unavailable.header.v2": "Your grade and certificate status will be available soon.", - "cert.alert.earned.ready.header": "Congratulations! Your certificate is ready.", - "cert.alert.notPassing.header": "You are not yet eligible for a certificate", - "cert.alert.notPassing.button": "View grades", "learning.outline.alert.end.short": "This course is ending {timeRemaining} at {courseEndTime}.", "learning.outline.alert.end.long": "This course is ending {timeRemaining} on {courseEndDate}.", "learning.privateCourse.signInOrRegister": "{signIn} or {register} and then enroll in this course.", - "alert.enroll": "to access the full course.", "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.heading": "More content is coming soon!", "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.body": "This course will have more content released at a future date. Look out for email updates or check back on this course for updates.", "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.button": "View Course Schedule", @@ -449,38 +128,6 @@ "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type1": "{exponentSyntax} and the exponent", "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type2": "{notationSyntax} notation", "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type3": "{notationSyntax} and the exponent", - "calculator.button.label": "Calculator", - "calculator.input.field.label": "Calculator Input", - "calculator.submit.button.label": "Calculate", - "calculator.result.field.label": "Calculator Result", - "calculator.result.field.placeholder": "Result", - "notes.button.show": "Show Notes", - "notes.button.hide": "Hide Notes", - "learn.contentLock.content.locked": "Content Locked", - "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "You must complete the prerequisite: ''{prereqSectionName}'' to access this content.", - "learn.contentLock.goToSection": "Go To Prerequisite Section", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.header": "The due date for this assignment has passed.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.description": "Because the due date has passed, this assignment is no longer available.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.gradeAvailable": "If you have completed this assignment, your grade is available on the {progressPage}.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.progressPage": "progress page", "learn.honorCode.content": "Honesty and academic integrity are important to {siteName} and the institutions providing courses and programs on the {siteName} site. By clicking “I agree” below, I confirm that I have read, understand, and will abide by the {link} for the {siteName} Site.", - "learn.honorCode.name": "Honor Code", - "learn.honorCode.cancel": "Cancel", - "learn.honorCode.agree": "I agree", - "learn.lockPaywall.title": "Graded assignments are locked", - "learn.lockPaywall.content": "Upgrade to gain access to locked features like this one and get the most out of your course.", - "learn.lockPaywall.content.pastExpiration": "The upgrade deadline for this course passed. To upgrade, enroll in the next available session.", - "learn.lockPaywall.courseDetails": "View Course Details", - "learn.lockPaywall.example.alt": "Example Certificate", - "learn.lockPaywall.list.intro": "When you upgrade, you:", - "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} of {total}", - "learn.sequence.navigation.next.button": "Next", - "learn.sequence.navigation.next.up.button": "Next Up: {title}", - "learn.sequence.navigation.previous.button": "Previous", - "courseOutline.loading": "Loading...", - "courseOutline.toggle.button": "Toggle course outline tray", - "courseOutline.tray.title": "Course Outline", - "courseOutline.completedUnit": "Completed unit", - "courseOutline.incompleteUnit": "Incomplete unit", - "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "Show discussions tray" + "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} of {total}" } \ No newline at end of file