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Ontology Java SDK Getting Started Guide

Version 1.0.0

English / 中文

This is an introductory guide for developers who wish to use the Java SDK. You can access the full Java SDK document suite here.

There are two kinds of assets in the Ontology Ecosystem, native assets and contract assets. Native assets are ONT and ONG and contract assets are items such as smart contracts.

The outline of this document is as follows:

List of chain interaction methods

No Main Function Description
1 ontSdk.getConnect().getNodeCount() Query the number of nodes
2 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlock(15) Query block info
3 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlockJson(15) Query block info
4 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlockJson("txhash") Query block info
5 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlock("txhash") Query block info
6 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlockHeight() Query current block height
7 ontSdk.getConnect().getTransaction("txhash") Query transaction
8 ontSdk.getConnect().getStorage("contractaddress", key) Query smart contract storage
9 ontSdk.getConnect().getBalance("address") Query balance
10 ontSdk.getConnect().getContractJson("contractaddress") Query smart contract
11 ontSdk.getConnect().getSmartCodeEvent(59) Query the event in the smart contract
12 ontSdk.getConnect().getSmartCodeEvent("txhash") Query the event in the smart contract
13 ontSdk.getConnect().getBlockHeightByTxHash("txhash") Query the block height by transaction hash
14 ontSdk.getConnect().getMerkleProof("txhash") Get merkle proof
15 ontSdk.getConnect().sendRawTransaction("txhexString") Send transaction
16 ontSdk.getConnect().sendRawTransaction(Transaction) Send transaction
17 ontSdk.getConnect().sendRawTransactionPreExec() Send a pre-execution transaction
18 ontSdk.getConnect().getAllowance("ont","from","to") Query Allowed Values
19 ontSdk.getConnect().getMemPoolTxCount() Query total transaction volumn in the transaction pool
20 ontSdk.getConnect().getMemPoolTxState() Query transaction status in the transaction pool

Public and private keys and addresses

Create public and private key

Without using wallet management

Create account randomly
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
acct.serializePrivateKey();//Private key
acct.serializePublicKey();//Public key
acct.getAddressU160().toBase58();//Base58 address
Create account based on private key
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct0 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey0), ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct1 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey1), ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct2 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey2), ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);

Using wallet management

// Create a number of accounts in the wallet (10)
ontSdk.getWalletMgr().createAccounts(10, "passwordtest");

// Create account randomly
AccountInfo info0 = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().createAccountInfo("passwordtest");

// Create account based on private key
AccountInfo info = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().createAccountInfoFromPriKey("passwordtest","e467a2a9c9f56b012c71cf2270df42843a9d7ff181934068b4a62bcdd570e8be");

// Get account
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct0 = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().getAccount(info.addressBase58,"passwordtest",salt);

Full example

Address generation

Addresses can be either single-signature or multi-signature addresses, and the generation method is the same as a NEO address.

// single-signature address generation
String privatekey0 = "c19f16785b8f3543bbaf5e1dbb5d398dfa6c85aaad54fc9d71203ce83e505c07";
String privatekey1 = "49855b16636e70f100cc5f4f42bc20a6535d7414fb8845e7310f8dd065a97221";
String privatekey2 = "1094e90dd7c4fdfd849c14798d725ac351ae0d924b29a279a9ffa77d5737bd96";

//Generate account and get address
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct0 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey0), ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
Address sender = acct0.getAddressU160();

//base58 address decode
sender = Address.decodeBase58("AVcv8YBABi9m6vH7faq3t8jWNamDXYytU2");

//multi-signature address generation
Address recvAddr = Address.addressFromMultiPubKeys(2, acct1.serializePublicKey(), acct2.serializePublicKey());
Method Name Parameter Parameter Description
addressFromMultiPubkeys int m,byte[]... pubkeys The minimum number of signatures (<=the number of public keys),public key

ONT and ONG transfer

Full example

SDK Initialization

String ip = "";
String rpcUrl = ip + ":" + "20336";
OntSdk ontSdk = OntSdk.getInstance();

// or use restful
String restUrl = ip + ":" + "20334";

// or use websocket
String wsUrl = ip + ":" + "20335";
ontSdk.setWesocket(wsUrl, lock);


Query ONT or ONG balance


// view ONT information

// view ONG information

Query if the transaction is in the transaction pool

Response when the transaction is in the transaction pool
    "Action": "getmempooltxstate",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
    "Version": "1.0.0"
Response when the transaction is not in the transaction pool

    "Action": "getmempooltxstate",
    "Error": 44001,
    "Result": "",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

ONT transfer

Construct transfer transaction and send

// Transferee and payee address
Address sender = acct0.getAddressU160();
Address recvAddr = acct1;

// Multiple address generation
//Address recvAddr = Address.addressFromMultiPubKeys(2, acct1.serializePublicKey(), acct2.serializePublicKey());

// Construct a transfer transaction
long amount = 1000;
Transaction tx = ontSdk.nativevm().ont().makeTransfer(sender.toBase58(),recvAddr.toBase58(), amount,sender.toBase58(),30000,0);

// Sign a transaction
ontSdk.signTx(tx, new com.github.ontio.account.Account[][]{{acct0}});
// Signature scheme of multiple addresses
ontSdk.signTx(tx, new com.github.ontio.account.Account[][]{{acct1, acct2}});
// If the addresses of the transferee and the payer who pay the network fee are different, the payer’s signature needs to be added.

//Send prepare execution transaction(optional):
Object obj = ontSdk.getConnect().sendRawTransactionPreExec(tx.toHexString());
Success result
Failed result {"Action":"sendrawtransaction","Desc":"SMARTCODE EXEC ERROR","Error":47001,"Result":"","Version":"1.0.0"}
// Send a transaction

// Send a transaction synchronized 
Object obj = ontSdk.getConnect().syncSendRawTransaction(tx.toHexString());
Success result
Failed result
com.github.ontio.sdk.exception.SDKException: {"Action":"getmempooltxstate","Desc":"UNKNOWN TRANSACTION","Error":44001,"Result":"","Version":"1.0.0"}

Method Name Parameter Parameter Description
makeTransfer String sender,String recvAddr,long amount,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice sender address, receiver address, amount, network fee payer address, gaslimit, gasprice
makeTransfer State[] states,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice A transaction contains multiple transfers

Multiple signatures

If the addresses of the transferee and the payer who pay the network fee are different, the payer’s signature needs to be added.

// Add single signature 


// Add multiple signatures 
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct);
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct2);

Multiple signatures split

Account 0 signature
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct);
Account 1 signature
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct2);

One to multiple or multiple to multiple

  1. Construct a transaction with multiple states
  2. Signature
  3. A transaction can include 1024 transfers at most
Address sender1 = acct0.getAddressU160();
Address sender2 = Address.addressFromMultiPubKeys(2, acct1.serializePublicKey(), acct2.serializePublicKey());
int amount = 10;
int amount2 = 20;

State state = new State(sender1, recvAddr, amount);
State state2 = new State(sender2, recvAddr, amount2);
Transaction tx = ontSdk.nativevm().ont().makeTransfer(new State[]{state1,state2},sender1.toBase58(),30000,0);

//The first transferee is a single-signature address, and the second transferee is a multiple-signature address
ontSdk.signTx(tx, new com.github.ontio.account.Account[][]{{acct0}});
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct1.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct1);
ontSdk.addMultiSign(tx,2,new byte[][]{acct1.serializePublicKey(),acct2.serializePublicKey()},acct2);

Use signature server to sign

Construct transaction and sign

  1. Construct a transaction, serialize a transaction, send a transaction to the signature server
  2. The signature server receives the transaction, deserializes, checks the transaction, and adds the signature
  3. Send transaction
//Send serialized transaction to signature server
Transaction tx = ontSdk.nativevm().ont().makeTransfer(sender.toBase58(),recvAddr.toBase58(), amount,sender.toBase58(),30000,0);
String txHex = tx.toHexString();

//The receiver deserializes the transaction and signs it
Transaction txRx = Transaction.deserializeFrom(Helper.hexToBytes(txHex));


Interaction between SDK and signature server

Full Example

//Start the signature server service when nodes start:
go run SigSvr.go

// Set signature server URL
String url = ip + ":" + "20000/cli";
OntSdk ontSdk = OntSdk.getInstance();
String txHex = tx.toHexString();

// Request a transaction with single signature
// Request a transaction with multiple signatures
String[] signs = new String[]{"1202039b196d5ed74a4d771ade78752734957346597b31384c3047c1946ce96211c2a7",

// Construct transfer transaction and sign

Sign data

Full Example

com.github.ontio.account.Account acct = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);

byte[] data = "12345".getBytes();
byte[] signature = ontSdk.signatureData(acct, data);

System.out.println(ontSdk.verifySignature(acct.serializePublicKey(), data, signature));

Transaction deserialization

Get transaction in JSON format

    "Action": "gettransaction",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Version": 0,
        "Nonce": 391455426,
        "GasPrice": 500,
        "GasLimit": 20000,
        "Payer": "ASyx6be9APCR6BzcM81615FgBU26gqr1JL",
        "TxType": 209,
        "Payload": {
            "Code": "00c66b147af216ff3da82b999b26f5efe165de5f944ac5496a7cc814d2c124dd088190f709b684e0bc676d70c41b37766a7cc80800ca9a3b000000006a7cc86c51c1087472616e736665721400000000000000000000000000000000000000010068164f6e746f6c6f67792e4e61746976652e496e766f6b65"
        "Attributes": [],
        "Sigs": [
                "PubKeys": [
                "M": 1,
                "SigData": [
        "Hash": "8f4ab5db768e41e56643eee10ad9749be0afa54a891bcd8e5c45543a8dd0cf7d",
        "Height": 95796
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Get transaction in raw format

    "Action": "gettransaction",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "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",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Transaction deserialization

//version   tx type  nonce   gasprice    gaslimit                payer              payload 
(version(1) type(1) nonce(4) gasprice(8) gaslimit(8))22 bytes + (payer)21 bytes + payload code bytes( any bytes)

claim ong 
//             claim address                                                 ont contract address                         to   address                                 amount                       "transferFrom"                           ong                   SYSCALL         "Ontology.Native.Invoke"
//00 c66b 14bb2d5b718efeac060ac825338ca440216da4d8dc 6a7cc8 140000000000000000000000000000000000000001 6a7cc8 14bb2d5b718efeac060ac825338ca440216da4d8dc 6a7cc8 08 806a735501000000 6a7cc8 6c 0c7472616e7366657246726f6d 140000000000000000000000000000000000000002 0068 164f6e746f6c6f67792e4e61746976652e496e766f6b65
ont and ong transfer
//                     from                                           to                                        amount                                 "transfer"                                                                       ont or ong                SYSCALL           "Ontology.Native.Invoke"
//00 c66b 147af216ff3da82b999b26f5efe165de5f944ac549 6a7cc8 14d2c124dd088190f709b684e0bc676d70c41b3776 6a7cc8 08 00ca9a3b00000000 6a7cc8 6c 51c1 087472616e73666572                                                      140000000000000000000000000000000000000001 0068 164f6e746f6c6f67792e4e61746976652e496e766f6b65

For amount :   1-16  is  0x51-0x60  .     >=16 is  long,  08 is the total amount bytes .  
Example: 1000 is  0xe803000000000000 -> 0x00000000000003e8   change from little endian to big endian if print.


ONG transfer

The interface is similar to ONT - see the makeTransfer functionlity in the ONT section above.


Withdraw ONG

  1. Check the balance of unbound ONG
  2. Send a transaction that claims ONG
// Query unbound ONG
String addr = acct0.getAddressU160().toBase58();
String ong = sdk.nativevm().ong().unboundOng(addr);

// Withdraw ONG
com.github.ontio.account.Account account = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey0), ontSdk.signatureScheme);
String hash = sdk.nativevm().ong().withdrawOng(account,toAddr,64000L,payerAcct,30000,500);

NEP5 Transfer

Full example

Query NEP5 Balance

String balance = ontSdk.neovm().nep5().queryBalanceOf(acct.address);
System.out.println(new BigInteger(Helper.reverse(Helper.hexToBytes(balance))).longValue());

String totalSupply = ontSdk.neovm().nep5().queryTotalSupply();
System.out.println(new BigInteger(Helper.reverse(Helper.hexToBytes(totalSupply))).longValue());

String decimals = ontSdk.neovm().nep5().queryDecimals();

String name = ontSdk.neovm().nep5().queryName();
System.out.println(new String(Helper.hexToBytes(name)));

String symbol = ontSdk.neovm().nep5().querySymbol();
System.out.println(new String(Helper.hexToBytes(symbol)));


Transfer NEP5 token


Smart contracts

Query content of a smart contract

    "Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyhash",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "TxHash": "20046da68ef6a91f6959caa798a5ac7660cc80cf4098921bc63604d93208a8ac",
        "State": 1,
        "GasConsumed": 0,
        "Notify": [
                "ContractAddress": "ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001",
                "States": [
    "Version": "1.0.0"

You can also use the block height to query a smart contract event, and the event transaction hash will be returned.

    "Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyheight",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": [{
	"GasConsumed": 0,
	"Notify": [{
		"States": ["transfer", "AFmseVrdL9f9oyCzZefL9tG6UbvhPbdYzM", "APrfMuKrAQB5sSb5GF8tx96ickZQJjCvwG", 1000000000],
		"ContractAddress": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000"
	"TxHash": "b8a4f77e19fcae04faa576fbc71fa5a9775166d4485ce13f1ba5ff30ce264c52",
	"State": 1
     }, {
	"GasConsumed": 0,
	"Notify": [{
		"States": ["transfer", "AFmseVrdL9f9oyCzZefL9tG6UbvhPbdYzM", "AFmseVrdL9f9oyCzZefL9tG6UbvhUMqNMV", 1000000000000000000],
		"ContractAddress": "0200000000000000000000000000000000000000"
	"TxHash": "7e8c19fdd4f9ba67f95659833e336eac37116f74ea8bf7be4541ada05b13503e",
	"State": 1
     }, {
	"GasConsumed": 0,
	"Notify": [],
	"TxHash": "80617b4a97eb4266e5e38886f234f324d57587362b5039a01c45cf413461f53b",
	"State": 1
     }, {
	"GasConsumed": 0,
	"Notify": [],
	"TxHash": "ede7ecc6e4e7e699b8ba1f07f2e5f8af3b65e70f126d82f7765d20a506080d2d",
	"State": 0
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Synchronize query smartcontract event

//query event per 3s after send transaction, maximum is 60s

Object object = ontSdk.getConnect().waitResult(tx.hash().toString());
Success response
Failed response
response fail,reject by txpool:
com.github.ontio.sdk.exception.SDKException: {"Action":"getmempooltxstate","Desc":"UNKNOWN TRANSACTION","Error":44001,"Result":"","Version":"1.0.0"}

Batch Transaction

When SDK sends OntID registration or other exchange transaction, the whole process takes 1-2 seconds since user will extract the private key information from the wallet before doing the signature. To be more efficient, we can constructure the transaction in advance by multi-line or multi-machine before pushing transaction

Detail example as below,Example

Construct Batch Transaction

  1. Open the file
  2. Construct the transaction, we will use create OntID as an example down below
  3. Save the transaction

When creating new transaction, user will need to protect their own private key if they are a new user

//open file, make registry ontid transaction, save tx to file.
File file = new File(filePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
com.github.ontio.account.Account payerAcct = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(Helper.hexToBytes(privatekey1), SignatureScheme.SHA256WITHECDSA);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    com.github.ontio.account.Account account = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(SignatureScheme.SHA256WITHECDSA);
    String ontid = Common.didont + account.getAddressU160().toBase58();
    Transaction tx = ontSdk.nativevm().ontId().makeRegister(ontid, Helper.toHexString(account.serializePublicKey()), payerAcct.getAddressU160().toBase58(), 20000, 500);
    ontSdk.addSign(tx, account);
    ontSdk.addSign(tx, payerAcct);


Data Format

Transaction,Transaction hash
Transaction,Transaction hash


Send Batch Transaction

  1. Open the file
  2. Read a line of data
  3. Extract the data and send the transaction data
//read transaction from file, send transaction to node
FileReader fr = new FileReader(filePath);
BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(fr);
String txHex = null;
while ((txHex=bf.readLine())!=null){
    txHex = txHex.split(",")[0];
    Object obj = ontSdk.getConnect().sendRawTransactionPreExec(txHex);//change to sendRawTransaction

Ontid Create OntID in Wallet

OntID can be easily created by the wallet. You can refer to the private hey from section 4.1

Identity identity = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().createIdentityFromPriKey(password,privatekey0);