Version 1.0.0
English / 中文
返回代码 | 描述信息 | 说明 |
0 | SUCCESS | 成功 |
41001 | SESSION_EXPIRED | 会话无效或已过期( 需要重新登录) |
41002 | SERVICE_CEILING | 达到服务上限 |
41003 | ILLEGAL_DATAFORMAT | 不合法数据格式 |
41004 | INVALID_VERSION | 不合法的版本 |
42001 | INVALID_METHOD | 无效的方法 |
42002 | INVALID_PARAMS | 无效的参数 |
43001 | INVALID_TRANSACTION | 无效的交易 |
43002 | INVALID_ASSET | 无效的资产 |
43003 | INVALID_BLOCK | 无效的块 |
44001 | UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION | 找不到交易 |
44002 | UNKNOWN_ASSET | 找不到资产 |
44003 | UNKNOWN_BLOCK | 找不到块 |
44004 | UNKNWN_CONTRACT | 找不到合约 |
45001 | INTERNAL_ERROR | 内部错误 |
47001 | SMARTCODE_ERROR | 智能合约错误 |
51001 | InvalidParams | Account Error,invalid params |
51002 | UnsupportedKeyType | Account Error,unsupported key type |
51003 | InvalidMessage | Account Error,invalid message |
51004 | WithoutPrivate | Account Error,account without private key cannot generate signature |
51005 | InvalidSM2Signature | Account Error,invalid SM2 signature parameter, ID (String) excepted |
51006 | AccountInvalidInput | Account Error,account without public key cannot verify signature |
51007 | AccountWithoutPublicKey | Account Error,unknown key type |
51008 | UnknownKeyType | Account Error,null input |
51009 | NullInput | Account Error,invalid data |
51010 | InvalidData | Account Error,invalid params |
51011 | Decoded3bytesError | Account Error,decoded 3 bytes error |
51012 | DecodePrikeyPassphraseError | Account Error,decode prikey passphrase error |
51013 | PrikeyLengthError | Account Error,Prikey length error |
51014 | EncryptedPriKeyError | Account Error,null prikey error |
51015 | encryptedPriKeyAddressPasswordErr | Account Error,encryptedPriKey address password not match. |
51016 | EncriptPrivateKeyError | Account Error, encript privatekey error, |
52001 | InputError | Uint256 Error,input error |
52002 | ChecksumNotValidate | Base58 Error,Checksum does not validate |
52003 | InputTooShort | Base58 Error,Input too short |
52004 | UnknownCurve | Curve Error,unknown curve |
52005 | UnknownCurveLabel | Curve Error,unknown curve label |
52006 | UnknownAsymmetricKeyType | keyType Error,unknown asymmetric key type |
52007 | InvalidSignatureData | Signature Error,invalid signature data: missing the ID parameter for SM3withSM2 |
52008 | InvalidSignatureDataLen | Signature Error,invalid signature data length |
52009 | MalformedSignature | Signature Error,malformed signature |
52010 | UnsupportedSignatureScheme | Signature Error,unsupported signature scheme: |
52011 | DataSignatureErr | Signature Error,Data signature error. |
52012 | UnSupportOperation | Address Error, UnsupportedOperationException |
53001 | TxDeserializeError | Core Error,Transaction deserialize failed |
53002 | BlockDeserializeError | Core Error,Block deserialize failed |
54001 | MerkleVerifierErr | Wrong params: the tree size is smaller than the leaf index |
54002 | TargetHashesErr | targetHashes error |
54003 | ConstructedRootHashErr | |
54004 | AsserFailedHashFullTree | assert failed in hash full tree |
54005 | LeftTreeFull | left tree always full |
58001 | SendRawTxError | SmartCodeTx Error,sendRawTransaction error |
58002 | TypeError | SmartCodeTx Error,type error |
58003 | NullCodeHash | OntIdTx Error,null codeHash |
58004 | ParamError | OntIdTx Error,param error |
58005 | ParamErr | OntIdTx Error,param error... |
58006 | DidNull | OntIdTx Error,SendDid or receiverDid is null in metaData |
58007 | NotExistCliamIssuer | OntIdTx Error,Not exist cliam issuer |
58007 | NotFoundPublicKeyId | OntIdTx Error,not found PublicKeyId |
58008 | PublicKeyIdErr | OntIdTx Error,PublicKeyId err |
58009 | BlockHeightNotMatch | OntIdTx Error,BlockHeight not match |
58010 | NodesNotMatch | OntIdTx Error,nodes not match |
58011 | ResultIsNull | OntIdTx Error,result is null |
58012 | CreateOntIdClaimErr | OntIdTx Error, createOntIdClaim error |
58013 | VerifyOntIdClaimErr | OntIdTx Error, verifyOntIdClaim error |
58014 | WriteVarBytesError | OntIdTx Error, writeVarBytes error |
58101 | AssetNameError | OntAsset Error,asset name error |
58102 | DidError | OntAsset Error,Did error |
58103 | NullPkId | OntAsset Error,null pkId |
58104 | NullClaimId | OntAsset Error,null claimId |
58105 | OntAsset Error,amount is less than or equal to zero | |
58106 | ParamLengthNotSame | OntAsset Error,param length is not the same |
58201 | NullKeyOrValue | RecordTx Error,null key or value |
58202 | NullKey | RecordTx Error,null key |
58301 | WebsocketNotInit | OntSdk Error,websocket not init |
58302 | ConnRestfulNotInit | OntSdk Error,connRestful not init |
58401 | SetParamsValueValueNumError | AbiFunction Error,setParamsValue value num error |
58402 | InvalidUrlErr | Interfaces Error,Invalid url: |
58403 | InvalidUrl | Interfaces Error,Invalid url: |
58501 | GetAccountByAddressErr | WalletManager Error,getAccountByAddress err |
59000 | OtherError | other error |