Name | Type | Description | Notes |
enabled | Boolean | Informs whether selective rules should be used by auto-cleaning mechanism. | [optional] |
maxOpenCount | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Files that have been opened less than `maxOpenCount` times may be cleaned. The default value is `9007199254740991 (2^53-1)`. | [optional] |
minHoursSinceLastOpen | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Files that haven't been opened for longer than or equal to given period [h] may be cleaned. The default value is `0`. | [optional] |
minFileSize | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Only files which size [b] is greater than given value may be cleaned. The default value is `1`. | [optional] |
maxFileSize | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Only files which size [b] is less than given value may be cleaned. The default value is `1125899906842624 (1 PiB)`. | [optional] |
maxHourlyMovingAverage | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Files that have moving average of open operations count per hour less than given value may be cleaned. The average is calculated in 24 hours window. The default value is `9007199254740991 (2^53-1)`. | [optional] |
maxDailyMovingAverage | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Files that have moving average of open operations count per day less than given value may be cleaned. The average is calculated in 30 days window. The default value is `9007199254740991 (2^53-1)`. | [optional] |
maxMonthlyMovingAverage | SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting | Files that have moving average of open operations count per month less than given value may be cleaned. The average is calculated in 12 months window. The default value is `9007199254740991 (2^53-1)`. | [optional] |