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136 lines (108 loc) · 5.52 KB


.NET library-syntax for typescript/javascript

This library aims to implement the good parts of .Net-syntax in typescript/javascript. If you're new to javascript you'll have a hard time dealing with the functional style of programming often implemented in ex. lodash for dealing with data-operations. dotNeTS gives you lambda expressions and full implementation (soon) of System.Collection.Generics.

dotNeTS also aims to NOT reinvent the wheel and uses javascript 'best-choices' for data-mainpulation and functionality. e.g the List-implementation relies on lodash.

And YES right now, this library uses uppercase for methods, something that is frowned upon in javascript-world. I know about the dangers with the new-operator and binding this to global-object. But my defence is that dotNeTS soon will compile to two seperate libraries one with uppercase(.NET-ish) and one that passes jslint. And also, if you use typescript, it helps you avoid the new and this-pitfalls (some atleast). At the end of the day, you still need to know what you´re doing.

And YES I know all about Linq.js, but this library is much, much smaller and sits ontop of lodash. I built it to avoid having to pull in lodash and Linq.js in one of my latest projects.


  • lodash


bower install dotNeTS

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Visual Studio! This library includes typescript definition AND source. You have to exclude one of them in VS to avoid duplicate definitions.

Example 1:

    module app {
        interface User {
            id: number
            username: string;
        export class UserManager {
            constructor() {
                //Import namespace
                var List = dotNeTS.List;

                //Random Data
                var user1: User = {
                    id: 1,
                    username: "olofd",
                var user2: User = {
                    id: 2,
                    username: "ludde",

                //Regular javascript array;
                var arrayOfUsers = [user1, user2];

                //Create List<User>
                var myList = new List<User>(arrayOfUsers);
                var userNameArray = myList.Where(b=> === 1).Select(b=> b.username).ToArray();
                //=> ['olofd']
    var userMgr = new app.UserManager();

Example 2 (Actual code from project)

var languagesAvailable = allLanguages.Where(s => !languagesAlreadyAdded.Where(es => es.LangCode === s.value).Any())
                        .Where(b => b.language && b.language !== "")
                        .OrderBy(b => b.language)
                        .ThenBy(b =>;
return languagesAvailable.ToArray();

Example 3 (Actual code from project)

var languagesAvailable = allLanguages.Where(s => !languagesAlreadyAdded.Where(es => es.LangCode === s.value).Any())
                        .GroupBy(b =>
return languagesAvailable.Where(b => b.Key === 'Sweden').ToList();

Interfaces with underlying implementations: (* all implementations have tests.)

module dotNeTS {
    export interface IEnumerable<TSource> extends IDisposable {
        ForEach(callback: dotNeTS.IFunc<TSource, void>): void
        Contains(item: TSource): boolean;
        GroupBy<TResult>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TResult>): IEnumerable<IGrouping<TResult, TSource>>;
        OrderBy<TKey>(keySelector: dotNeTS.IFunc<TSource, TKey>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
        OrderByDecending<TKey>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TKey>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
        First(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): TSource;
        FirstOrDefault(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): TSource;
        Single(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): TSource;
        SingleOrDefault(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): TSource;
        Any(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): boolean;
        Count(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): number;
        Select<TResult>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TResult>): IEnumerable<TResult>;
        Where(predicate?: IFunc<TSource, boolean>): IEnumerable<TSource>;
        ToArray(): TSource[];
        ToList(): IList<TSource>;

module dotNeTS {
    export interface IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> extends IEnumerable<TSource> {
        OrderBy<TKey>(keySelector: IFunc<TSource, TKey>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
        OrderByDecending<TSort>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TSort>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
        ThenBy<TSort>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TSort>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
        ThenByDecending<TSort>(callback: IFunc<TSource, TSort>): IOrderedEnumerable<TSource>;
module dotNeTS {
    export interface IList<TSource> extends IEnumerable<TSource>{
        Add(item: TSource): void;
        AddRange(collection: IEnumerable<TSource>): void;
        Remove(item: TSource): void;
        RemoveAt(index: number);
        Contains(item : TSource) : boolean;
        IndexOf(item: TSource) : number;
        Insert(index: number, item: TSource) : void;
module dotNeTS {
    export interface IGrouping<TKey, TElement> extends IEnumerable<TElement>{
        Key: TKey;