Ansible role for installing and configuring IBM Spectrum Control on Linux.
IBM® Spectrum Control™ provides monitoring, automation and analytics for multiple-vendor storage environments. For more information and IBM Spectrum Control documentation, check out KnowledgeCenter
Particularly looking for feedback and future requirements!
- Install and configure IBM Spectrum Control on RedHat and Centos
- Installation option for Singel Server: Singel Typical and Singel Custom installation
- Upgrade of IBM Spectrum Control
- Integrated DB2 installer with DB2 Ansible Role.
- Install IBM Spectrum Control binary from URL or local
- Installing IBM Spectrum Control in a multiple-server environment.
- Cognos Analytics Installation for reporting.
- OS Tuning for DB2 and IBM Spectrum Control.
- User authentication to Active Directory and LDAP-
As there's no public repository available, you'll need to download IBM Spectrum Control from the IBM website.
Check the Hardware and Software requirements for installing IBM Spectrum Control. IBM Spectrum Control support site
Check your Version Hardware and Software
- Recommended Memory is 32 GB RAM, but at least 16 GB is recommended as minimum.
- Disk space is from 50-100Gb++
- The amount needed depends on the following factors:
- The number of resources that are monitored
- The length of time data is kept
- How frequently data is collected
- The amount needed depends on the following factors:
None - but can be combined with the Role DB2.
Default variables are defined in defaults/main.yml. You'll also find detailed documentation in that file. Define your own host variables in your inventory to override the defaults.
This controls how to send the SC binary to the remote hosts.´
url: A URL to download SC (don´t set this if you want to use a local copy)
location: A path to save the remote file or to get the file if url wasn't defined
dest: Where the role should decompress SC on remote host.
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer/"
- Default is 'sc_binary and sc_license'
sc_creates: sc_binary
sc_license_creates: sc_license
- Default is 'true'
sc_binary_download_delete: true
- Default is /tmp
sc_properties_location: '/tmp'
- db2_home_directory: is home directory for your user:
- license_accept: If the LICENSE_ACCEPTED has a value other than 'true' the installation will exit.
- varSrvName: Specify the hostname of this local server machine where SC software will be installed. The hostname should be the fully qualified hostname, FQDN
- varCommonUsrID: Specify the common user ID. This user id will be used to install SC software. This user id needs to have administrative privileges for the server and the DB2 software.
- varCommonUsrPW: Specify the valid password for the common user ID
# SC Install - Populate properties
sc_db2_home_directory: '/db2/db2inst1'
license_accept: 'true'
varSrvName: 'lbs-sc.lbs.loc'
varCommonUsrID: 'db2inst1'
varCommonUsrPW: 'mypassword'
- language: Specify the preferred installation language
- The supported values are: cs, de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pl, pt_BR, hu, ru, zh_CN, zh_TW
- user_install_dir: Specify the directory where the SC software will be installed. In case of upgrade and resuming failed install scenarios, specify the directory where SC software is installed
- varTPCPortRangeSP: Specify the range of the ports needed to install the SC software. SC needs 24 ports.
- The default port range is 9549 to 9572. SC uses these default
- VarFullRollback: Specify the type of rollback you would like the installer to perform in the event of a failure.
- a) 0 = partial rollback(default value)
- b) 1 = full rollback
- varUseLicenseKeyOnImage: Specify whether to use the license key file present on the installer image.
- a) 0 = use license key present on the installer image (default value)
- b) 1 = provide the location of the license key file
- varLicenseKeyFile: Specify the complete path for the license key file. if not using default.
language: 'en'
user_install_dir: '/opt/IBM/TPC'
varTPCPortRangeSP: '9549'
varFullRollback: '0'
varUseLicenseKeyOnImage: '0'
Modify the silent variables below to further customize the SC Database component installation.
varDBName: 'TPCDB'
- To upgrade Existing IBM Spectrum Control.
- Modify the silent variables below to Upgrade.
- Set the Variable SC_upgrade: to 'True'
sc_upgrade: false
license_accept: 'false'
confirm_replication_uninstall: 'false'
confirm_reports_uninstall: 'false'
varAlertKeystorePW: 'default'
varDeviceKeystorePW: 'default'
varWebKeystorePW: 'default'
Including an example of how to use the role.
- hosts: sc
gather_facts: True
- olemyk.ansible_spectrum_control
## Define the sc_binary and set up the URL to download.
## Variable 'location' define where should put SC on ansible machine
## Variable 'dest' define where should decompress SC on remote host
sc_creates: sc
sc_license_creates: sclicense
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer/"
### SC Install - Populate properties ###
sc_db2_home_directory: '/db2/db2inst1'
license_accept: 'true'
varSrvName: 'lbs-sc.lbs.loc'
varCommonUsrID: 'db2inst1'
varCommonUsrPW: 'mypassword'
- hosts: sc
gather_facts: True
- name: Create DB2 Directory
path: /db2
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Create Download Directory
path: /download/installer
state: directory
mode: 0755
- olemyk.ansible_role_db2
- olemyk.ansible_spectrum_control
## Define the db2_binary and setup the URL to download.
## Variable location define where should put db2 on ansible machine
## Variable dest define where should decompress DB2 on remote host
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/db2_11.5.4.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/db2_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
## On most DB2 compressed binary the tar.gz creates a file named server, but if your compressed file doesn't,
## change this variable to the name of the folder that it creates.
## For the Spectrum Scale DB2 binary package it uses server_t from 5.4 it creates server_dec
## For the Spectrum Scale DB2 License package it uses awse_o frrom 5.4 it creates std_vpc
db2_creates: 'server_dec'
db2_license_creates: 'std_vpc'
## DB2 Instance Configure.
## Password is plaintext and then it Hashed with ansible. example is "mypassword"
- instance: "DB2INST"
name: "db2inst1"
group_name: "db2iadm1"
fenced_username: "db2fenc1"
fenced_group_name: "db2fadm1"
home_directory: "/db2/db2inst1"
fenced_home_directory: "/db2/db2fenc1"
password: "mypassword"
fenced_password: "mypassword"
uid: 11999
gid: 11987
fenced_uid: 11888
fenced_gid: 11876
autostart: "YES"
start_during_install: "YES"
intra_parallel: "YES"
numdb: "15"
SVCENAME: db2c_db2inst1
db2fcmcomm: "TCPIP4"
file: "/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1"
lic_agreement: "ACCEPT" # ACCEPT or DECLINE
install_tsamp: "NO"
## IBM Spectrum Control Variables
## Define the sc_binary and setup the URL to download.
## Variable 'location' define where should put SC on ansible machine
## Variable 'dest' define where should decompress SC on remote host
#sc_creates: sc
#sc_license_creates: sclicense
#sc_binary_download_delete: true
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer/"
### SC Install - Populate properties ###
sc_db2_home_directory: '/db2/db2inst1'
license_accept: 'true'
varSrvName: 'lbs-sc.lbs.loc'
varCommonUsrID: 'db2inst1'
varCommonUsrPW: 'mypassword'
- hosts: sc
gather_facts: True
- olemyk.ansible_spectrum_control
## Defines the sc_binary and set up the URL to download.
## Variable 'location' define where should put SC on ansible machine
## Variable 'dest' define where should decompress SC on remote host
#sc_binary_download_delete: true
#sc_creates: sc
#sc_license_creates: sclicense
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer/"
### IBM Spectrum Control Upgrade
### Can't be combined with install
sc_upgrade: true
sc_upgrade_version: 5.3.4
sc_upgrade_user_install_dir: '/opt/IBM/TPC'
license_accept: 'true'
confirm_replication_uninstall: 'false'
confirm_reports_uninstall: 'false'
varAlertKeystorePW: 'default'
varDeviceKeystorePW: 'default'
varWebKeystorePW: 'default'
- hosts: sc
gather_facts: True
- name: Create DB2 Directory
path: /db2
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Create Download Directory
path: /download/installer
state: directory
mode: 0755
- olemyk.ansible_role_db2
- olemyk.ansible_spectrum_control
## Defines the db2_binary and se tup the URL to download.
## Variable location define where should put db2 on ansible machine
## Variable dest define where should decompress DB2 on remote host
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/db2_11.5.4.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/db2_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
## On most DB2 compressed binary the tar.gz creates a file named server, but if your compressed file doesn't,
## change this variable to the name of the folder that it creates.
## For the Spectrum Scale DB2 binary package it uses server_t from 5.4 it creates server_dec
## For the Spectrum Scale DB2 License package it uses awse_o frrom 5.4 it creates std_vpc
db2_creates: 'server_dec'
db2_license_creates: 'std_vpc'
## DB2 Instance Configure.
## Password is plaintext and then it Hashed with ansible. example is "mypassword"
- instance: "DB2INST"
name: "db2inst1"
group_name: "db2iadm1"
fenced_username: "db2fenc1"
fenced_group_name: "db2fadm1"
home_directory: "/db2/db2inst1"
fenced_home_directory: "/db2/db2fenc1"
password: "mypassword"
fenced_password: "mypassword"
uid: 11999
gid: 11987
fenced_uid: 11888
fenced_gid: 11876
autostart: "YES"
start_during_install: "YES"
intra_parallel: "YES"
numdb: "15"
SVCENAME: db2c_db2inst1
db2fcmcomm: "TCPIP4"
file: "/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1"
lic_agreement: "ACCEPT" # ACCEPT or DECLINE
install_tsamp: "NO"
## IBM Spectrum Control Variables
## Define the sc_binary and set up the URL to download.
## Variable 'location' define where should put SC on ansible machine
## Variable 'dest' define where should decompress SC on remote host
#sc_binary_download_delete: true
sc_creates: sc
sc_license_creates: sclicense
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer"
url: ""
location: "/download/installer/sc_license.tar.gz"
dest: "/download/installer/"
### SC Install - Populate properties ###
sc_db2_home_directory: '/db2/db2inst1'
license_accept: 'true'
varSrvName: 'lbs-sc.lbs.loc'
varCommonUsrID: 'db2inst1'
varCommonUsrPW: 'mypassword'
### SC Upgrade ###
### Can't be combined with install ###
sc_upgrade: false
sc_upgrade_version: 5.3.4
sc_upgrade_user_install_dir: '/opt/IBM/TPC'
license_accept: 'true'
confirm_replication_uninstall: 'false'
confirm_reports_uninstall: 'false'
varAlertKeystorePW: 'default'
varDeviceKeystorePW: 'default'
varWebKeystorePW: 'default'
Release: v0.1.1
- DB2 Version V11.5
- IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.
- Redhat 8.5
Release: v0.1.0
- DB2 Version V11.1
- IBM Spectrum Control 5.3.1, 5.3.4,, 5.3.6
- Centos 7.6, 7.7 and 8.1
- Redhat 7.6 and 7.7
If error output when installing: check the lax*-out.txt" & lax*-err.txt files in /tmp on the SC host.
Check that the version in your download folder is correct
cat /download/installer/SC/version.txt
Copyright 2021 Ole Kristian Myklebust, released under the MIT license