Control Shutters or Venetian blinds via buttons and MQTT. Use 2 relays (up and down) and 2 binary inputs to independently control position and tilt. The blinds tilt down when going down and tilt up going up. Using timers to calculate the position/tilt independently without the need for end stops. For shutters recognize "vent position", when shutters are closed but leave open slits. Designed to work with Sonoff 4ch or Sonoff 4ch Pro to control two units, or Sonoff Dual for a single unit. (Will work with any ESP 8266 board).
I have been using this for over a year and it works reliably.
- Add to Preferences/Additional board manager
- Add ESP8266 board
- Add libraries
- Check instructions in sonoff.ino to configure project
- Set paramaters in config.h
- Build
- Developed for shuters controled by 2 switches - one moves shutter up, the second for down. They switch on an L-wire.
- The project involves installing an ESP 8266 board with two relays, and connecting each L-wire to one relay
- It supports either 1 shutter (2 relays) or 2 shutters (4 relays)
- To use with Sonoff 4ch (or Sonoff 4ch pro):
- You need to have an N wire - connect it to one of the Sonoff N sockets
- Connect the common wire to the Sonoff In L socket (and to the C sockets if using Pro version)
- Connect the wire for shutter 1 up direction to Out 1 L socket, shutter 1 down to Out 2, shutter 2 up to Out 3 and shutter 2 down to Out 4
- If you want to use the original wall switch, solder wires to the 4 buttons on Sonoff 4ch, and connect 1st switch between button 1 and GND and so on
- The program will make sure that it will not connect relay 1&2 and relay 3&4 at the same time. If relay 1 is on and you want to activate relay 2, it will automatically disconnect relay 1 (connecting both wires for up and down simultaneously is often use to enter the shutter programming mode and coudl mess-up setting of the end positions).
- Václav Chaloupka - Initial work - bruxy70