We needed some simple service to generate httpchecks for nagios that could be embedded in a PHP Panel.
This project exposes every parameter available from the standard nagios binary check:
- HOST Check must send the request for given HOST (i.e. web server domain name)
- IP Check must send the request to given IP address
- PORT Check must use the given port 80,8000, etc.
- SSL Check must use the HTTPS protocol
- LOGIN / PASS Check must use the HTTP AUTH credentials provided
- STATUS Check must validate the response Status (i.e. is a 200, 301, 403, etc.)
- REGEXP Check must validate the response contains a specific Regulare Expression
- INVERT_REGEXP Check must validate the ABSENCE of the Regular Expression (i.e. this is a boolean flag)
There is an additional NO_ALERT parameter to provide a basic check filtering. In other words, you can decide which checks have High OR Low Criticity.
- Add the "nagios_command_http.cfg" file found in the files repository to your nagios server and reload
- Optionaly if you use Puppet there is an "http_command.pp" file which will generate the configuration for you
There is a limited web interface made with Silex. It uses by default a Mysql database and should work out of the box.
- Configure your favorite webserver to point to web/public and set up some ACL
- Create a database and inject the schema found in sql/schema.sql
- Copy the /web/config.yml.dist to /web/config.yml with your database name / user / login
- Run composer in the web repository
Check the web and tests bootstrap files to see how you can adapt the service to your own application.
Basically it goes like this:
// Access a PDO Db ( or any data source )
$db = new \PDO();
// Instanciate a DataAccessor that reads/write your data source
$dataAccessor = new DataAccessor( $db );
// Instanciate an HttpcheckService with your DataAccessor
$httpcheckService = new Service( $dataAccessor );
// Use the httpcheckService to CRUD your HTTP checks
There is a bunch of tests (not enough to cover everything, though)
To run them :
- Run composer in the tests repository
- Create a test database and inject the schema found in sql/schema.sql
- Copy the /tests/config.yml.dist to /tests/config.yml with your database name / user / login
- Run PHPUnit at project root to use the default phpunit.xml file
The project could use some more features:
- Logging
Help is welcome.
GPL v3