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File metadata and controls

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🪡 Grafana - Integration

Before we start, sign up for a free account

🔬 Prepare lab environment

This writes some instance metadata into a Docker Compose environment file. We'll use those values when launching Docker containers for tagging logs and traces.

cd ~/o11y-workshop/prometheus-grafana
../ > .env
cat .env

📖 Metrics (via a local Prometheus)

We'll not use the Prometheus provided by Grafana Cloud. Instead we are deploying our own Prometheus on our instance. That way we can access internal resources without making them accessible to Grafana Cloud.

│    Grafana Cloud    │
│                     │          ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
└─────────────────────┘          │  │
           │                     ├─────────────────────────────────┴──────────┐
           │                     │  ┌────────────┐            ┌────────────┐  │
           └─────────────────────┼─▶│ Prometheus │─────┬─────▶│ Petclinic  │  │
                                 │  └────────────┘     │      └────────────┘  │
                                 │                     │      ┌────────────┐  │
                                 │                     └─────▶│ Postgresql │  │
                                 │                            └────────────┘  │

💡 This deplyoment pattern is common to overcome the rather limited free metrics volume in Grafana Cloud

Launch a local Prometheus

Apply the instance metadata we created above to prepare the Prometheus configuration. We are templating using envsubst:

set -a; source .env; set +a
envsubst < rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml.template > rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml

Now launch Prometheus

docker-compose -f docker-compose-metrics.yaml up -d

Verify that your Prometheus is running. Check what targets and services he discovered out of the box.

Configure Grafana Cloud

Log into your Grafana cloud account and launch Grafana.

Configure Prometheus Data Source

Go to Connections -> Data Sources and add a new Prometheus Data Source. Make it default and use the url Under Performance select the most recent Prometheus version.

You can verify that your metrics are available in Grafana using the Explore section.

Import Dashboards into Grafana Cloud

In Grafana, import the following Dashboards using their Grafana Cloud ID

For superb visibility, install the Polystat Plugin. Navigate to Home -> Administration -> Plugins, filter for all and search and install the Polystat Plugin


🚨 Alerts


Launch an Alertmanager instance to manage alert dispatching. You can visit the Alertmanager UI using

cd ~/o11y-workshop/prometheus-grafana
docker-compose -f docker-compose-alerts.yaml up -d

To scrape Alertmanager metrics from within Prometheus, update the Prometheus configuration and restart your Prometheus instance afterwards.

set -a; source .env; set +a
envsubst < rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.alertmanager.yaml.template \
    >> rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
docker-compose -f docker-compose-metrics.yaml restart prometheus

In, go to Connections -> Data Sources and add a new Alertmanager Data Source. Make it default and use the url Make sure to set the Prometheus implementation.

In, you can now browse your Prometheus alerts Alerts & IRM > Alerting > Alert Rules.

✨ Adding alerts

Alerts reside in rootfs/etc/prometheus/alerts. If you want, craft your own alerts.

🪵 Log Management

Log into your Grafana cloud account and select Loki -> Details. Here you'll find the credentials you need to ingest log data to Grafana Loki.

Append these personal secrets to the environment file:


♻️ if you do not know your Grafana API key, create a new one with the Admin role

We use Promtail as log ingester which we launch in a Docker container

cd ~/o11y-workshop/prometheus-grafana
docker-compose -f docker-compose-logs.yaml up

You can verify that your logs are available in Grafana using the Explore section.


🥷 Tracing

For tracing we'll set up a Grafana Agent authentication proxy. Traces are sent from the Petclinic application to the authentication proxy who forwards the traces to Tempo in Grafana Cloud.

│    Grafana Cloud    │
│       (Tempo)       │          ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
└─────────────────────┘          │  │
           ▲                     ├─────────────────────────────────┴──────────┐
           │                     │  ┌────────────┐                            │
           │                     │  │  Grafana   │            ┌────────────┐  │
           └─────────────────────┼──│   Agent    │◀───────────│ Petclinic  │  │
                                 │  └────────────┘            └────────────┘  │

Log into your Grafana cloud account and select Tempo -> Details. Here you'll find the credentials you need to ingest log data to Grafana Tempo.

Append these personal secrets to the environment file:


We'll launch a a Grafana Agent as tracing proxy that authenticates against Grafana Cloud.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-tracing.yaml up -d

This proxy pattern is pretty common (pretty much like a federated Prometheus)

The Grafana Agent can be reached via a Docker network as grafana_agent.

🐾 Instrument the Petclinic

Grafana uses the bare Open Telemetry Java Agent to instrument an application. We can download a recent release from GitHub.

cd ~/o11y-workshop/spring-petclinic
sudo curl -sLfo /usr/local/share/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \

Now we have to add several environment variables to the Petclinic's Docker Compose file. We also need to mount the downloaded OpenTelemetry agent into the Docker container.

    - OTEL_EXPORTER=otlp_span
    - OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://grafana_agent:4317
    - JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/usr/local/share/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar"
  - /usr/local/share/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar:/usr/local/share/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar

When done, restart the petclinic

docker-compose down
docker-compose up

Watch for these log lines when starting the Petclinic:

spring-petclinic-petclinic-1   | Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-javaagent:/usr/local/share/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar"
spring-petclinic-postgresql-1  | running bootstrap script ... ok
spring-petclinic-petclinic-1   | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended
spring-petclinic-petclinic-1   | [otel.javaagent 2023-06-09 10:15:55:382 +0000] [main] INFO io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.VersionLogger - opentelemetry-javaagent - version: 1.26.0

🧐 Explore incoming Traces

You can verify that your traces are available in Grafana using the Explore section.

If traces are not appearing, please check the logs of the Grafana Agent!


🌍 Uptime monitoring

Create a free account at and save your API token.


Add your API token to your environment secrets.

cd ~/o11y-workshop/prometheus-grafana

Now append a new scrape job to your existing Prometheus configuration. Restart Prometheus afterwards.

set -a; source .env; set +a
envsubst < rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.ping7io.yaml.template \
    >> rootfs/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
docker-compose -f docker-compose-metrics.yaml restart prometheus
  1. Check that your uptime metrics are scraped in Prometheus (Targets)
  2. Also check the available metrics in Grafana. Use the Explore section end explore metrics prefixed probe_
  3. You can add a Blackbox-Exporter Dashboard to Grafana in order to visualize those.


😰 Stress testing

See our load testing recommendations

🚮 Uninstall

Shut down all Docker containers we just launched.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-metrics.yaml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-alerts.yaml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-logs.yaml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-tracing.yaml down