diff --git a/docs/dapp/README.mdx b/docs/dapp/README.mdx
index 16a45d5da8..ee7ad83b0f 100644
--- a/docs/dapp/README.mdx
+++ b/docs/dapp/README.mdx
@@ -70,13 +70,24 @@ Public gRPC endpoints (in alphabetic order):
## Consensus Layer Block Explorers
-| Provider | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL |
-| [Bit Cat] | https://www.oasisscan.com | https://testnet.oasisscan.com |
-| [Oasis Protocol Foundation] | *Coming soon* | *Coming soon* |
+| Name (Provider) | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL |
+| Oasis Scan ([Bit Cat]) | https://www.oasisscan.com | https://testnet.oasisscan.com |
+| Oasis Explorer ([Oasis Protocol Foundation]) | *Coming soon* | *Coming soon* |
[Bit Cat]: https://www.bitcat365.com/
+## Consensus Layer Indexers
+| Name (Provider) | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | Documentation |
+| Oasis Scan ([Bit Cat]) | `https://api.oasisscan.com/mainnet` | `https://api.oasisscan.com/testnet` | [Mainnet API][oasisscan-mainnet-docs], [Testnet API][oasisscan-testnet-docs] |
+| Oasis Nexus ([Oasis Protocol Foundation]) | `https://nexus.oasis.io/v1` | `https://testnet.nexus.oasis.io/v1` | [API][nexus-docs] |
+[nexus-docs]: https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/spec/v1.html
+[oasisscan-testnet-docs]: https://api.oasisscan.com/testnet/swagger-ui/
+[oasisscan-mainnet-docs]: https://api.oasisscan.com/mainnet/swagger-ui/
## Rosetta Endpoints
| Provider | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL |
@@ -84,11 +95,11 @@ Public gRPC endpoints (in alphabetic order):
| [Oasis Protocol Foundation] | `https://rosetta.oasis.io/api/mainnet/v1` | `https://rosetta.oasis.io/api/testnet/v1` |
-If you are running your own Oasis client node endpoint, a block explorer or the
-Rosetta gateway and you wish to be added to the public list above, open an issue
-at [github.com/oasisprotocol/docs].
+If you are running your own Oasis client node endpoint, a block explorer, an
+indexer, or the Rosetta gateway open an issue at
+[github.com/oasisprotocol/docs], if you wish to be added to the lists above.
diff --git a/docs/dapp/cipher/README.mdx b/docs/dapp/cipher/README.mdx
index ba99e32798..0620855feb 100644
--- a/docs/dapp/cipher/README.mdx
+++ b/docs/dapp/cipher/README.mdx
@@ -73,10 +73,15 @@ blocks using the [`oasis paratime show`] command in [Oasis CLI].
[`oasis paratime show`]: ../../general/manage-tokens/cli/paratime.md#show
[Oasis CLI]: ../../general/manage-tokens/cli/README.md
+## Indexers
-If you are running your own Cipher endpoint and you wish to be added to the
-public list above, open an issue at [github.com/oasisprotocol/docs].
+No indexers are available for Cipher yet.
+If you are running your own Cipher endpoint, a block explorer, or an indexer
+open an issue at [github.com/oasisprotocol/docs], if you wish to be added to the
+lists above.
diff --git a/docs/dapp/emerald/README.mdx b/docs/dapp/emerald/README.mdx
index 19033456f8..2e8d7603cc 100644
--- a/docs/dapp/emerald/README.mdx
+++ b/docs/dapp/emerald/README.mdx
@@ -78,15 +78,31 @@ dedicated RPC endpoints, consider the following providers (in alphabetic order):
## Block Explorers
-| Provider | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | EIP-3091 compatible |
+| Name/Provider | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | EIP-3091 compatible |
-| [Oasis Protocol Foundation] | https://explorer.oasis.io/mainnet/emerald | https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/emerald | Yes |
+| [Oasis Explorer][Oasis Protocol Foundation] | https://explorer.oasis.io/mainnet/emerald | https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/emerald | Yes |
+## Indexers
-If you are running your own Emerald endpoint or a block explorer, and you wish
-to be added to the public list above, open an issue at
+| Name (Provider) | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | Documentation |
+| [Covalent] | `https://api.covalenthq.com/v1/oasis-emerald-mainnet` | *N/A* | [Unified API docs][Covalent-docs] |
+| Oasis Nexus ([Oasis Protocol Foundation]) | `https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/` | `https://testnet.nexus.oasis.io/v1/` | [API][nexus-docs] |
+| [SubQuery Network][SubQuery] | *N/A* | *N/A* | [SubQuery Academy][SubQuery-docs], [QuickStart][SubQuery-quickstart], [Starter project][SubQuery-starter] |
+[Covalent]: https://www.covalenthq.com/
+[Covalent-docs]: https://www.covalenthq.com/docs/unified-api/
+[nexus-docs]: https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/spec/v1.html
+[SubQuery]: https://subquery.network
+[SubQuery-docs]: https://academy.subquery.network/
+[SubQuery-quickstart]: https://academy.subquery.network/quickstart/quickstart.html
+[SubQuery-starter]: https://github.com/subquery/ethereum-subql-starter/tree/main/Oasis/oasis-emerald-starter
+If you are running your own Emerald endpoint, a block explorer, or an indexer
+open an issue at [github.com/oasisprotocol/docs], if you wish to be added to the
+lists above.
diff --git a/docs/dapp/sapphire/README.mdx b/docs/dapp/sapphire/README.mdx
index 66d1e6b02e..6226704805 100644
--- a/docs/dapp/sapphire/README.mdx
+++ b/docs/dapp/sapphire/README.mdx
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ You can connect to one of the public Web3 gateways below (in alphabetic order):
| Provider | Mainnet RPC URLs | Testnet RPC URLs | Supports Confidential Queries |
-| [1RPC] | | N/A | Yes |
+| [1RPC] | | *N/A* | Yes |
| [Oasis Protocol Foundation] | | | Yes |
[Oasis Protocol Foundation]: https://oasisprotocol.org
@@ -84,15 +84,34 @@ dedicated RPC endpoints, consider the following providers (in alphabetic order):
## Block Explorers
-| Provider | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | EIP-3091 compatible |
-| [Oasis Protocol Foundation] | https://explorer.oasis.io/mainnet/sapphire | https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/sapphire | Yes |
-If you are running your own Sapphire endpoint or a block explorer, and you wish
-to be added to the public list above, open an issue at
+| Name (Provider) | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | EIP-3091 compatible |
+| Oasis Explorer ([Oasis Protocol Foundation]) | https://explorer.oasis.io/mainnet/sapphire | https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/sapphire | Yes |
+## Indexers
+| Name (Provider) | Mainnet URL | Testnet URL | Documentation |
+| [Covalent] | `https://api.covalenthq.com/v1/oasis-sapphire-mainnet` | `https://api.covalenthq.com/v1/oasis-sapphire-testnet` | [Unified API docs][Covalent-docs] |
+| [Goldsky Subgraph][Goldsky] | *N/A* | *N/A* | [Documentation site][Goldsky-docs] |
+| Oasis Nexus ([Oasis Protocol Foundation]) | `https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/` | `https://testnet.nexus.oasis.io/v1/` | [API][nexus-docs] |
+| [SubQuery Network][SubQuery] | *N/A* | *N/A* | [SubQuery Academy][SubQuery-docs], [QuickStart][SubQuery-quickstart], [Starter project][SubQuery-starter] |
+[Covalent]: https://www.covalenthq.com/
+[Covalent-docs]: https://www.covalenthq.com/docs/unified-api/
+[nexus-docs]: https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/spec/v1.html
+[Goldsky]: https://goldsky.com
+[Goldsky-docs]: https://docs.goldsky.com
+[SubQuery]: https://subquery.network
+[SubQuery-docs]: https://academy.subquery.network/
+[SubQuery-quickstart]: https://academy.subquery.network/quickstart/quickstart.html
+[SubQuery-starter]: https://github.com/subquery/ethereum-subql-starter/tree/main/Oasis/oasis-sapphire-starter
+If you are running your own Sapphire endpoint, a block explorer, or an indexer
+open an issue at [github.com/oasisprotocol/docs], if you wish to be added to the
+lists above.