- Changes in 2.0
- Remove the option controllerDir
- Remove the option port
- Remove the option server
- Remove the option versioning
- Remove the option apiExplorerPath
- Remove the option apiExplorerStaticPath
- Remove the option validator
- Remove the option jsonSchemaFormatters
- Remove the option errorHandler
- Remove the option defaultResponseSchemas
- Remove function router.apiExplorer()
- Remove function router.apiExplorerV3()
- Remove function router.use(keyword, fn)
- Remove function router.extend(endpoint, fn)
Sorry, 1.x can not be easily upgraded to 2.0 for the sake of simplicity, elegance, maintainability, and extendibility. I want to build a good project, to solve some of the problems we actually encounter better.
If you are using the following features, please migrate as the document says.
Middleware loader is no longer built-in, supported by koa-oai-router-middleware. Please refer to the following code:
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-oai-router');
const middleware = require('koa-oai-router-middleware');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router({
apiDoc: './api',
options: {
// Attention: `middleware` is name of plugin(defined by the plugin author),`./controllers` is controllerDir
// The key-value pairs in options pass the plug-in parameters to the plug-in based on the plug-in name when the plug-in is called.
middleware: './controllers',
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-oai-router');
const middleware = require('koa-oai-router-middleware');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router({
apiDoc: './api',
// Attention: Configure the middleware directory when the plug-in is mounted
No longer output api-explorer visit address on console, visit: http://{ip}:{port}/api-explorer
No longer output api-explorer visit address on console, visit: http://{ip}:{port}/api-explorer
Disabled, It can be implemented by the API description basePath
. api doc:
swagger: '2.0'
version: 1.0.0
title: Swagger Petstore
description: >-
A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in
the swagger-2.0 specification
termsOfService: 'http://swagger.io/terms/'
name: Swagger API Team
name: MIT
basePath: /v1/api
No longer provide customized api-explorer path function, visit: http://{ip}:{port}/api-explorer
No longer supported.
Form validation is no longer built-in, supported by koa-oai-router-parameters.
Form validation JSON-Schema formatters
configuration features, supported by koa-oai-router-parameters.
Error handler is no longer built-in, supported by koa-oai-router-responses.
Error handler Response Schemas
configuration features is no longer built-in, supported by koa-oai-router-responses.
No longer supported swagger-ui 2.x api-explorer
There is no need to mount, it can be control by apiExplorerVisible
There is no need to mount, it can be control by apiExplorerVisible
Please use the new way to mount Plugin, if the plugin is not supported, please give me an issue.
No longer supported.