The Get-WDATPConnectivity command supports additional parameters (e.g. UrlType, WorkspaceId) other than what is implemented by the Get-HttpConnectivity command. See the Get-WDATPConnectivity documentation for more information.
- Import this file:
Import-Module .\WDATPConnectivity.psm1
- Run one of the following (replace example WorkspaceId values with the value for your WDATP instance):
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -WorkspaceId 'a1a1a1a1-b2b2-c3c3-d4d4-e5e5e5e5e5e5' -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'Endpoint' -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'SecurityCenter' -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'All' -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -Verbose -PerformBlueCoatLookup
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'Endpoint' -PerformBlueCoatLookup -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'SecurityCenter' -PerformBlueCoatLookup -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -UrlType 'All' -PerformBlueCoatLookup -Verbose
$connectivity = Get-WDATPConnectivity -WorkspaceId '12345678-90AB-CDEF-GHIJ-1234567890AB' -Verbose
- Filter results:
$connectivity | Format-List -Property Blocked,TestUrl,UnblockUrl,DnsAliases,IpAddresses,Description,Resolved,ActualStatusCode,ExpectedStatusCode,UnexpectedStatus
- Save results to a file:
Save-HttpConnectivity -Objects $connectivity -FileName ('WDATPConnectivity_{0:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}' -f (Get-Date))
URLs for WDATP built-in support (Windows 10 1607+, Windows Server 1803, and Windows Server 2019+) that uses the Sense service. These URLs must be unblocked and functional from endpoints that are going to be onboarded to WDATP.
URLs for WDATP down level support (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016) that uses the Microsoft Management Agent. These URLs must be unblocked and functional from endpoints that are going to be onboarded to WDATP.
The Workspace ID of the WDATP tenant is needed to test connectivity for down level support. The Workspace ID can be found in the WDATP Security Center under Settings > Machine management > Onboarding by selecting the Windows 7 SP1 and 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 option.
Test URL | URL to Unblock | Description |
---|---|---| | https://* | Microsoft Management Agent communication. | | https://* | Azure OMS data collection. | | https://* | Azure Automation. Process and workflow automation. | | https://* | System Center Advisor content. |
URLs for accessing the WDATP dashboard called the Windows Defender Security Center. These URLs must be unblocked and functional from endpoints used to perform analysis of endpoints onboarded to WDATP.
- Configure machine proxy and Internet connectivity settings - Enable access to Windows Defender ATP service URLs in the proxy server
- Onboard previous versions of Windows - Configure proxy and Internet connectivity settings
- Troubleshoot subscription and portal access issues - Portal communication issues
- WDATPConnectivityAnalyzer