Report by @kozel and @donmario.
- dates: 2018-11-16
- location: Kraków, Poland
- site:
- Twitter:
- visitors: 200 (estimated)
Decred presence:
- attendees: @donmario, @kozel
- Decred was a Bronze sponsor.
Thanks to @donmario for the totals:
- 2 designs of stickers (200 out of 300 left)
- A6 postcards (Decred & Politeia variety; 100 out of 200 left)
- tote bags (60 out of 80 left)
- T-shirts (38 out of 80 left)
The cards were good to freely give out to visitors at our stand and point them to our website, although we think the back of the card could use the space more effectively to name the future features, for example, like one of the roll-up designs does. Nevertheless, they were very handy on account of us not getting any business cards printed out in time for the event, so they doubled as business cards with handwritten e-mail addresses for those interested. The Politeia cards, however, ended up misleading a few people who engaged with us interested in whether we were a platform for blockchain data storage.
Stickers were in quite a high demand for all those out there looking to decorate their laptops and tote bags were quite popular too.
The Stakey plushie was very popular and several people were interested in it, which leads us to think it might be a premium giveaway item at future appearances or a contest giveaway.
The setup was minimalistic but it helped attract attention and act as a bullet-point list of planned features and current accomplishments. We were provided with a table and two chairs by the conference organisers, which we turned into a quasi-stand by flanking it with two roll-ups.
The entire event was organized at a cinema complex, with talks happening in one theatre-room, which is where we had put one Decred roll-up, and the remainder taking place in the hallway and foyer, where we manned the stand.
This was a blockchain conference focusing primarily on the non-currency uses of blockchain technology. We were the only cryptocurrency project at the entire conference, which was both a blessing and a curse: people were either quite enthusiastic about the Decred had to offer or quite skeptical about it, having seemingly moved past the cryptocurrency stage of blockchain development.
People were interested if the project was our own, its birthplace, local developer involvement, launch date, etc., and were surprised to learn about its current state.
Quite a few of the more-technical attendees inquired about the possibility of writing smart contracts on Decred, transactions/s, similarities with Dash.
Decred's hybrid architecture appeared to be quite attractive, as people were either aware of the PoW or PoS side of things, but not how the combination of both can be beneficial.
Some of the conference speakers that we engaged with were well impressed with Decred's forethought and the "build first, hype second" ethos.
Even though the opportunity to contribute to open space discussion fell through due to an overlooking on the part of the organisers we think it worked out for the best, because during that time we were able to engage with more attendees and a lot of attendees were interested in blockchain as a tool for businesses, i.e. private blockchains, etc.
We were able to do some networking with representatives from a well-known cryptocurrency portal here in Poland -, about including Decred merchandising in their offer and possible public speaking opportunities in the coming future, as well as an editor for FX Mag, a financial magazine, whom we gave an interview about Decred to, about Decred media coverage. Apart from the above we have exchanged contact information with several people who run meetups or student research societies, at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, for example, open to future speaking opportunities.
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