diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8cedc63..97856c1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,122 +1 @@ -![](https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-parser-yambo/actions/workflows/actions.yml/badge.svg) -![](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/nomad-coe/nomad-parser-yambo/badge.svg?branch=main) -[![NOMAD](https://img.shields.io/badge/Open%20NOMAD-lightgray?logo=)](https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/gui/) - -# NOMAD's parser for YAMBO - -This is a parser plugin for the [YAMBO](https://www.yambo-code.eu/) input/output files. - -## Getting started - -### Install the dependencies - -Clone the project and, in the workspace folder, create a virtual environment (note this project uses Python 3.9): -```sh -git clone https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-parser-yambo.git -cd nomad-parser-yambo -python3.9 -m venv .pyenv -source .pyenv/bin/activate -``` - -Install the `nomad-lab` package: -```sh -pip install --upgrade pip -pip install '.[dev]' --index-url https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/api/v4/projects/2187/packages/pypi/simple -``` - -> **Note**: Until we have an official PyPI NOMAD release with the plugin functionality, make -sure to include NOMAD's internal package registry (via `--index-url` in the above command). - - -### Run the tests - -You can run the unit testing using the `pytest` package: - -```sh -python -m pytest -sv -``` - -We recommend to install the `coverage` and `coveralls` packages for a more comprehensive output of the testing: -```sh -pip install coverage coveralls -python -m coverage run -m pytest -sv -``` - -## Development - -The plugin is still under development. If you would like to contribute, install the package in editable mode (with the added `-e` flag) with the development dependencies: - -```sh -pip install -e .[dev] --index-url https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/api/v4/projects/2187/packages/pypi/simple -``` - - -### Setting up the plugin on your local installation -Read the [NOMAD plugin documentation](https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/staging/docs/howto/oasis/plugins_install.html) for all details on how to deploy the plugin on your local NOMAD installation. - -To deploy the plugin in your local NOMAD installation, follow the next steps: - -1. Add the configurations related to NOMAD. This is already implemented through the plugin definition file ```src/nomad_parser_yambo/nomad_plugin.yaml```: - - ```yaml - plugin_type: parser - name: parsers/yambo - description: | - This plugin is used to parsed YAMBO files into the NOMAD schema. - ``` - and the ```nomad.yaml``` configuration file: - - ```yaml - plugins: - include: - - 'parsers/yambo' - - 'runschema' - - 'simulationworkflowschema' - - 'nomad_simulations' - options: - parsers/yambo: - python_package: nomad_parser_yambo - runschema: - python_package: runschema - nomad_simulations: - python_package: nomad_simulations - ``` -3. Add to your local NOMAD installation the same lines of your plugin ```nomad.yaml``` file. -4. Add to your local NOMAD installation environment the `PYTHONPATH` to your plugin. This can be done either by running the following command every time you start a new terminal for running the appworker, or by adding it to your virtual environment in the `/.pyenv/bin/activate` file: - - ```sh - export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/src" - ``` - -If you are working in this repository, you just need to activate the environment to start working using the ```nomad-parser-yambo``` package locally in your own Python scripts. - -### Run linting and auto-formatting -Ruff auto-formatting is also a part of the GitHub workflow actions. Make sure that before you make a Pull Request to add your contributions to this repo, the following commands run in your local without any errors otherwise the workflow action will fail. -```sh -ruff check . -``` -```sh -ruff format . --check -``` - -Alternatively, if you are using VSCode as your IDE, we added the settings configuration file, `.vscode/settings.json`, such that it performs `ruff format` whenever you save progress in a file. - - - +The new parser (2024) for YAMBO input/output files can be found in [FAIRmat-NFDI/nomad-parser-yambo](https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/nomad-parser-yambo).