"Cold?!" the badger exclaims. Setting down the pen and the pad, the badger stands from the chair, scratching at the back of its head.
"I suppose," the badger whispers at last, "that even in the light of day, the Fundamental Truth can elude me."
This badger is really pissing you off. Why is he saying such stupid enlightend crap like this? You are furious that he could be so pretentious. What a piece of work.
The badger notices your frustration, and starts to assume a defensive pose. Honey badger's kick ass, you remember.
You suddenly notice the .38 magnum lying on the ground in front of you. It looks like there is one bullet left. locked and loaded.
Unfortunately the badger noticed the gun as well. The gun is closer to you, but not by much. You might be able to grab it, But you are not sure how quick the badgers reflexes are.
What do you do?