Wireless Music Sync for BlackBerry® keeps the music on your BlackBerry® devices in sync with your Desktop music library wirelessly. It presently works with iTunes on Windows.
Wireless Music Sync for BlackBerry® has three components:
- Server: Runs in the background. Fulfills requests from clients.
- Desktop Client: For initial loading or large periodic transfers.
- Client: BlackBerry® app. Lets you select Playlists, Albums or Artists to sync and Performs sync.
If you are a new user, see Getting Started for detailed installation instructions.
- Sync a Playlist, an Album or an Artist.
- Fast, On-Demand sync.
- Supports both OS 5 and 6.
- Server uses minimal amount of memory while idle.
- Two-Way syncing of playlists (for iTunes).
- Open protocol and code, modify it to your heart's content.
###Planned Features
- File based backend support.
- Support for other popular music players.
- Linux server.
There are several ways to get started with Wireless Music Sync for BlackBerry®. The recommended way is to initially load music on to your BlackBerry® device using the Desktop Client. You can then start the Wifi Sync application on your phone and the synced playlists will be kept updated. see Getting Started for detailed installation instructions.
###Runtime Dependencies To run the server application you need:
- Windows XP or higher.
- .NET FX 4.0
- iTunes (Optional)
###Build Dependencies To build Wireless Music Sync for BlackBerry® you need:
- .NET Framework + Tools (>= 4.0)
- Kayak Server Framework (source included)
- Afterthought (source included)
- Log4net (>= (unmodified binary included)
- iTunes (>= 9.0)
- And Visual Studio.NET 2010+ (Optional) It is the easiest way to build.
- The BlackBerry app cannot sync playlists with special characters in the name, characters that cannot be represented in the BlackBerry file system (FAT32) file names. Playlists with Unicode characters in the name will usually fail to sync.
- Download the Latest Release
- Fork it on GitHub or Get Source Code
- Install the BlackBerry Client OTA OS 6 or OS 5
Steven M. Cohn for USBManager. Also check out iTuner.
Eric Daugherty for iTunesExport (the old C# version).
George Joseph for code used from KeePass for BlackBerry.
Icons based on Faenza, Elementary or Ultimate-Gnome icon themes.
Thanks to Brian Gold for testing the use of iTunes libraries stored on network shares.
Copyright (C) 2011 Nithin Philips <[email protected]>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Visit the Project Page at SourceForge
BlackBerry® is a registered trademark of Research in Motion.