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🛤️ 3-Month Logic-Building & Problem-Solving Roadmap

Week Focus Area Daily Breakdown Checkpoints
Week 1 Foundation: Basics of Programming Day 1-2: Learn variables, data types, loops (for, while).
Day 3-4: Conditionals, functions.
Day 5-6: Arrays & Strings basics.
Day 7: Solve 10 simple pattern-building questions (stars, triangles).
✅ Understand basic syntax and concepts.
✅ Solve 10 pattern-building problems.
Week 2 Introduction to Problem Solving Day 1-2: Learn dry-run and pseudocode.
Day 3-5: Solve 10 simple DSA problems (easy level, e.g., reverse array, Fibonacci).
Day 6-7: Build Mini Project 1: Calculator App.
✅ Solve 10 DSA problems.
✅ Complete Mini Project 1: Calculator App.
Week 3 Level Up: Arrays & Logic Thinking Day 1-2: Advanced array techniques (sliding window, prefix sum).
Day 3-6: Solve 15 array-based problems (medium level).
Day 7: Build Mini Project 2: Tic-Tac-Toe Game.
✅ Solve 25 total DSA problems (15 new).
✅ Complete Mini Project 2: Tic-Tac-Toe Game.
Week 4 Strings & Problem-Solving Practice Day 1-2: String manipulation (reversal, palindromes, substrings).
Day 3-5: Solve 15 string-based problems (easy-medium).
Day 6-7: Build Mini Project 3: Text Manipulation Tool (e.g., Uppercase, Reverse).
✅ Solve 40 total DSA problems (15 new).
✅ Complete Mini Project 3: Text Tool.
Week 5 Recursion & Logic Expansion Day 1-2: Learn recursion basics (factorial, Fibonacci).
Day 3-5: Solve 10 recursion-based problems (medium level).
Day 6-7: Build Mini Project 4: Recursive Maze Solver.
✅ Solve 50 total DSA problems (10 new).
✅ Complete Mini Project 4: Recursive Maze Solver.
Week 6 Data Structures: Stacks & Queues Day 1-2: Learn stacks and queues basics.
Day 3-6: Solve 15 problems (balanced parentheses, queue reversal).
Day 7: Work on Mini Project 5: Browser History Tracker (using stack).
✅ Solve 65 total DSA problems (15 new).
✅ Complete Mini Project 5: Browser History Tracker.
Week 7 Dynamic Programming Introduction Day 1-3: Learn DP basics (knapsack, Fibonacci with memoization).
Day 4-6: Solve 10 DP problems (easy-medium).
Day 7: Revise all past concepts/projects.
✅ Solve 75 total DSA problems (10 new).
✅ Master basic DP problems.
Week 8 Advanced Problem Solving (Graph) Day 1-2: Learn graph representation (adjacency list/matrix).
Day 3-5: Solve 10 graph-based problems (BFS/DFS).
Day 6-7: Build a Mini Project: Path Finder Visualizer.
✅ Solve 85 total DSA problems (10 new).
✅ Complete Graph-Based Mini Project.
Week 9 Advanced DSA (Sorting/Greedy) Day 1-2: Learn sorting algorithms (merge sort, quicksort).
Day 3-5: Solve 15 problems on sorting/greedy (e.g., activity selection, job scheduling).
✅ Solve 100 DSA problems (15 new).
Week 10-11 Integration: Complex Projects Day 1-7: Brainstorm and build Project 1: Expense Tracker with Charts.
Next 7 days: Build Project 2: Multiplayer Rock-Paper-Scissors Game (WebSockets, if possible).
✅ Integrate past knowledge into real-world projects.
✅ Master real-world application-building.
Week 12 Final Touches and Mock Practice Day 1-3: Revise all concepts learned.
Day 4-6: Solve 10 problems from past mistakes or blindspots.
Day 7: Build a final project of your choice integrating at least one complex DSA concept.
✅ Complete final project.
✅ Feel confident in solving beginner-intermediate DSA problems.

💡 How to Think of Logic

  1. Break Down the Problem: Read the question twice. Identify inputs, outputs, and constraints.
  2. Start with Examples: Create test cases manually and simulate the solution step-by-step.
  3. Write Pseudocode: Draft a high-level plan before coding.
  4. Ask “Why?” at Every Step: Understand each operation; don’t memorize solutions.
  5. Visualize: Use diagrams or dry-run tables to debug.
  6. Optimize Gradually: Start with brute force; iterate to optimize for efficiency.

📚 100 DSA Questions for Logic Building

Category Question Name Platform Link
Basics & Warm-Up Print a pattern of stars (triangle, pyramid) GeeksforGeeks Link
Reverse a number GeeksforGeeks Link
Check if a number is palindrome GeeksforGeeks Link
Count digits in a number GeeksforGeeks Link
Find factorial of a number HackerRank Link
Arrays Reverse an array LeetCode Link
Find the maximum and minimum of an array GeeksforGeeks Link
Rotate an array by K steps LeetCode Link
Move all zeroes to the end LeetCode Link
Kadane's Algorithm (Maximum Subarray Sum) LeetCode Link
Strings Reverse a string LeetCode Link
Check if two strings are anagrams LeetCode Link
Longest Common Prefix LeetCode Link
Check if a string is a palindrome LeetCode Link
Count and say LeetCode Link
Recursion Fibonacci series using recursion GeeksforGeeks Link
Tower of Hanoi GeeksforGeeks Link
Factorial using recursion LeetCode Link
Reverse a linked list using recursion LeetCode Link
Permutations of a string GeeksforGeeks Link
Sorting Bubble sort GeeksforGeeks Link
Selection sort GeeksforGeeks Link
Merge sort GeeksforGeeks Link
Quick sort GeeksforGeeks Link
Insertion sort GeeksforGeeks Link
Searching Binary search LeetCode Link
Linear search GeeksforGeeks Link
Search in a rotated sorted array LeetCode Link
First and last position in a sorted array LeetCode Link
Square root of a number (using binary search) LeetCode Link
Linked List Reverse a linked list LeetCode Link
Detect a cycle in a linked list LeetCode Link
Merge two sorted linked lists LeetCode Link
Remove Nth node from the end LeetCode Link
Find the middle of a linked list LeetCode Link
Stacks & Queues Implement a stack using arrays LeetCode Link
Evaluate postfix expression GeeksforGeeks Link
Balanced parentheses LeetCode Link
Next greater element LeetCode Link
Implement a queue using stacks LeetCode Link
Dynamic Programming 0/1 Knapsack problem GeeksforGeeks Link
Fibonacci using dynamic programming LeetCode Link
Longest common subsequence LeetCode Link
Longest increasing subsequence LeetCode Link
Minimum steps to reach the end LeetCode Link
Graphs BFS traversal GeeksforGeeks Link
DFS traversal GeeksforGeeks Link
Detect cycle in an undirected graph GeeksforGeeks Link
Shortest path in a graph (Dijkstra’s) GeeksforGeeks Link
Topological sort GeeksforGeeks Link